Chapter 752

It was getting dark, and in a single apartment, a petite silver-haired girl was sitting on the sofa in the living room drinking tea quietly. And Xie Ming is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

However, although the kitten was sitting on the sofa blankly, her gaze was occasionally cast into the kitchen, which contained a trace of dissatisfaction. To ask why, there is a big bag of snacks in the corner of the kitchen.

“OK, these are the last two dishes.”

Xie Ming walked out with two plates and put them on the dining table in the living room: “Okay, you can eat, kitten.”


No answer, the kitten stood up silently and came to the dinner table. However, looking at a table of delicious home-cooked dishes, there was obviously a hint of surprise in her eyes.

“What’s the matter? I’m still angry.” Xie Ming reluctantly sat down opposite the kitten: “I told you that if you eat snacks before meals, you won’t be able to eat. If you don’t listen, then I have to temporarily confiscate your snacks. NS.”

“I just didn’t expect that Senior Xie Ming’s cooking would be so good.”

The kitten said calmly: “If I knew that seniors could cook, I wouldn’t bring so many snacks.”

Oh, it turns out that you came here with the idea of ​​living a hard life, so you still bring some food reserves?

Xie Ming was a little bit dumbfounded: “Then you are not angry now?”

“I wasn’t angry at all.” The kitten picked up the chopsticks and looked at Xie Ming quietly.

“Alright alright.”

The two put their hands together, and Xie Ming started: “I’m moving.”

“I’m gonna start now.”

“……good to eat.”

When the first bite of the dish was eaten, the kitten couldn’t help but sighed. She kept her expressionless, as if she could only show a little expression when she ate delicious food.

Just like now, eating food and rice in small bites, just like a real kitten. The corners of his mouth were slightly bent, drawing a hint of happiness.

Seeing the kitten’s expression, Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing: “That’s really great.”

I didn’t see it, the little girl in front of me was also a snack.


After eating, the kitten sat back on the sofa again, but his eyes never left Xie Ming. Seeing this man neatly tidying up the dining table, kitchen, and room, he couldn’t help being curious about him.

“Now, senior.”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“Why did seniors become’non-human hunters’?” Kitty asked calmly: “Seniors are not the kind of people who like to kill, right?”

“Well… It was a psychological burden to kill at first, but I gradually got used to it.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “As for the reason for becoming an’inhuman hunter’, it is also very simple. At first, I was involved in the battle of the devil, fallen angel and angel and had to protect myself. Then, I just wanted to. Revenge against non-humans. After so many years, I have seen a lot. Now, I just can’t understand that non-humans use their own power to bully humans.”

“My power will only be used for protection.”

Although it was spoken in small talk, the kitten was able to hear this sentence, and it was really the reason why the man in front of him was fighting.

“What about you kitten?” Xie Ming asked casually: “Why did you reincarnate into a demon?”


Kitty fell silent. The atmosphere began to become heavy.

“Ah, sorry.”

Realizing that he had asked the wrong question, Xie Ming immediately apologized: “If you don’t want to say something, you don’t need to say it. I just asked casually.”

“No, equivalent exchange is the devil’s principle.”

The kitten shook his head slightly, and then said calmly, “If the Minister did not save me, then I would not be in this world.”


Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite.

Such a sentence flashed in his mind, Xie Ming walked out of the bedroom: “The bed inside has been made up. At night you sleep in the room and I sleep on the sofa outside. I am going out now. Do you want to be together or stay here? ?”

“Go out?” The kitten raised his head and looked at Xie Ming, with a trace of alert in his eyes: “What is senior going out for?”

“What are you doing? You have to ask.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Hunt and kill the ‘inhuman’.”


Juwang Town is just a small town, so at night, the streets are basically empty. And this kind of environment is also the best time for some monsters to come out to make trouble.

For example, on a remote street, a monster full of Cthulhu style is slowly wandering.

“Delicious food…Where is it~Where is it~~”

The upper body is a normal human female body, but the lower body is like a spider. On the abdomen, there is a huge and hideous mouth closed tightly. This monster is exactly what Lias said in the afternoon, a lost demon.

“Ah…this is also delicious…the taste from that family is also very delicious…but sure enough…sure enough…”

The upper body of the lost demon woman twisted her body enchantingly, and cast her gaze to a house where children’s silver bells of laughter were heard from time to time. Listening to the laughter, it couldn’t help licking its lips.

“Sure enough, it’s best for children~~~”

“I’m really sorry to interrupt your meal.”

At this time, two figures came from a distance without hurries. The voice attracted the eyes of the lost demon.

“This smell… demons… and humans!?”

“Yes, I am human.”

Xie Ming slowly approached, holding the broken rod in his hand, and slowly touched the ground: “A man who specializes in hunting scum like you, human.”

“Hunt me? Hahahahahahahaha!!!!”

Hearing this, the lost demon gave a piercing smile: “Rely on you as a human? Or on the basis of the young demon who is breastless and has no buttocks next to you?”


After blinking, Xie Ming looked at the kitten next to him with his head lowered and his bangs covering his face. The corners of his mouth twitched: “This guy, let you?”


The kitten did not answer, but as the red magic circle rose up, her hands wore light blue gauntlets.

“Lost demon, I want to fly.”

After muttering a word, the kitten slammed on the ground, her petite body moved quickly, and came under the huge body of the lost demon.

“The lost demon of ergonomics needs to be beaten without mercy.”


Without Xie Ming’s half-sized fist, he displayed an unimaginable power and punched the huge body of the lost demon directly into the air. Then the bat wings behind the kitten spread out and flew quickly above the lost demon.

Two small hands, fingers interlaced, turned into hammers.


Accompanied by a light drink that was not uplifting and frustrated, the heavy hammer relentlessly hit the lost demon’s head, blasting it into the ground, turning it into a pool of fleshy mud.

“have to…..”

Looking at the silver-haired kitten under the moonlight, Xie Ming shrugged and said something that only an otaku would know.

“It’s a very common setting for a petite girl with strange powers, isn’t it?”

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