Chapter 753 Lost Exorcist

“In other words, the movement last night was because you and the kitten killed a lost demon together?”

In the department of the Supernatural Research Room, Lias sighed helplessly, holding her forehead.

“Anyway, the lost devil will be solved sooner or later. Wouldn’t it be better to deal with it before it causes harm and tragedy?”

Xie Ming smiled: “Moreover, I also have the power to kill more than a dozen intermediate-level demons. The kind of monsters that only have a size and no brain are not threatening.”

“Really…” Li Yasi glanced at Xie Ming unhappily, “Forget it, anyway, you are the holder of the artifact, there shouldn’t be any problems. It’s just, how did you discover that? Who only loses the devil? Is it your magical ability?”

The so-called divine weapon, as the name suggests, is a weapon with special abilities created by the gods. The Cage Hand of the Chilong Emperor possessed by Xie Ming also belonged to the scope of the artifact. However, it is an artifact of the highest level, which is the so-called Divine Extinguisher.

I also said before that the peers in this world are very well hidden, which has also led to no one knowing that Xie Ming’s divine tool is the cage hand of the Goddess Crimson Dragon Emperor. The people of the three major forces only know that the ‘non-human hunter’ is the owner of the artifact.

Lias and others, of course, were also very curious about the artifact Xie Ming possessed. So she couldn’t help asking this question at this time.

“No, it’s just a feeling.” Xie Ming said with a mysterious smile: “After all, if you fight a lot, you can naturally feel the enemy’s killing intent and maliciousness. It’s just that my perception range is a little larger. That’s it.”

“Slightly bigger…”

Rias glanced at Xie Ming meaningfully: “So, can you tell me how much this ‘slight’ is?”

“Well, it’s okay to tell Lias-senpai.” Xie Ming shrugged: “At least in Juwang Town, if such crazy guys appear, they won’t escape my range of perception.”

“The whole Juwang Town!?”

Upon hearing Xie Ming’s words, Rias’ first reaction was not to believe it, and the second was to believe it.

According to the kitten report, in order to hunt down the lost demon last night, Xie Ming took her across most of Juwang Town. For this alone, no one present can do it.

Xie Ming practiced swords, and at the same time, he practiced heart. With the advancement of swordsmanship, his will and spirit are constantly improving. Will and spirit, along with one’s own swordsmanship and sword skills, improve together, this is the way to step into the great master of swordsmanship.

One day, when Xie Ming completely unites his will, spirit, and heart into a real spiritual blade, and integrates with the knife in his hand, he can truly become a great swordsman. Grandmaster.

And now, four-fifths of his road has been completed. It’s not far from the great master of swordsmanship. In fact, Xie Ming’s mental power and sensitivity increased along with swordsmanship, being able to explore the entire town, is not an exaggeration at all for Xie Ming.

“Xie Ming, how many are you hiding?” Lias quietly looked at Xie Ming and asked softly.

“Secret, Minister.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Aren’t men who are a little mysterious are more attractive to women?”

“Senior ergonomics, hate it.”

At this moment, the kitten on the side glanced at Xie Ming silently, and said something embarrassing for him.

I was joking just now! Can you not be so serious! ? And where is what I just said? Speaking must be reasonable and well-founded! ?

Seeing Xie Ming, whose face stiffened because of the kitten’s words, Lias and Zhu Nai couldn’t help but chuckle.

Hidden strength? mystery? In their eyes, there is only one younger generation who will feel tired by the entanglement of the girls and embarrassed by the cat’s complaint.


The following days are very ordinary. Every day at school, after school, chat with Lias and others in the Supernatural Research Society, and then go back to dinner with the kitten.

But Xie Ming is quite free, but the kitten is busy again. After all, the devil’s business must continue to be done.

So every night, when the kitten is called to fulfill his wish, Xie Ming goes out and wanders around. After all, this one might stay in this small town for a long time, so it’s better to know more about it.

However, when shopping today, I met a big fish. No, it was Big Fish who ran into Xie Ming on his own initiative.


The strange sound of yin and yang, coupled with the undisguised strong smell of blood, came from directly opposite Xie Ming. A white-haired man who behaved like crazy, but dressed in a priest’s costume walked over staggeringly.

“Um~ this smell, this stench, this disgusting smell~ ah~~ guess what the smell is?”

“Sa, what’s the smell?”

Xie Ming faintly looked at the man in front of him: “Why don’t you tell me?”

“Okay, okay, let me, a compassionate and kind priest, tell you this ignorant lamb~”

The man’s mouth grinned slowly, and he suddenly took out a pistol from his costume and shot at Xie Ming: “It’s the smell of that damn devil!!!”

“Bang bang bang bang!!!”

“Oh, is it so?”

Turning his right hand into a phantom, he pinched bullets into his hand, and then threw them on the ground. Xie Ming calmly looked at the man: “Unexpectedly, I didn’t look for you, but you took the initiative to look for me. ”

“Lost Exorcist.”

A regular church exorcist is a person who uses the light of angels to fight in accordance with the church’s regulations. The Lost Exorcist also uses the power of light to fight. However, the power of light they used was no longer the power of light of angels.

Their light comes from fallen angels.

And the lost exorcist in front of him, based on the strong smell of blood that made people vomit, knew that he had already killed the lives of innocent people who didn’t know him.

“Yes! Unexpected identity exposure!! This kind of plot always makes people’s heart beat!!!”

The man twisted his body and laughed wildly: “Yes, I am the lost exorcist. You can also call me the lost priest, Lord Fred~~”

“Then, knowing the name of the uncle, you, a scum human who has something to do with the devil, can you go to die? Would you please die? Please, please~”

A cylindrical object was taken out of his pocket, and Fried with his right hand, the cylindrical object suddenly extended a laser blade made of light. The appearance is no different from the lightsaber in Star Wars.

And Xie Ming couldn’t help but blurt out a word when he saw the lightsaber that resembled Star Wars.

“I am your father.”

“Go to hell!!”

The lightsaber hit Xie Ming’s head and slashed fiercely.

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