Chapter 754

Looking at the lightsaber that was slashed in front of him, Xie Ming couldn’t help feeling a little speechless. This should be one of the most trash enemies I have ever seen.

Sora has power and speed, but without any skills and thinking. It’s like a hungry wild dog, only knowing to go forward and bite the food in front of him. But it has never considered whether it can contend if it is regarded as ‘food’.

For Xie Ming, dealing with this type of enemy really couldn’t be easier.

Lift your foot lightly and give a slight push. With the empty door wide open, Fred flew out directly, and his whole person was set on the fence beside the street.


Fred squirted out a bit of blood, but the nervous expression on his face has not changed: “Damn, shit, brute! How can you be such a disgusting thing related to the devil!?”

“It’s just that you are too rubbish.” Xie Ming moved forward slowly, took out the broken rod from the portable space, and said faintly: “Then, send you to hell to meet those fallen angels.”

“However, even a fallen angel would not accept your trash…Huh?”

Xie Ming flicked his cane and smashed the light gun that was shooting at him. Lifting his head, he found that the master he had just discussed, a good-looking female fallen angel with long black hair, was floating in the air with a coquettish smile on her face.

“I heard someone discussing me, so I came and took a look. I didn’t expect to meet such a big fish~”

The female fallen angel licked her fingers, and said to Xie Ming extremely charmingly: “You are the owner of the artifact, right?”

“Inferior fallen angel?” Looking at the two black wings behind the woman, Xie Ming was taken aback for a moment: “Just you?”

“Yes, I’m the only one.” The female fallen angel smiled: “Doesn’t you feel desperate?”

“…Who is it that gave you the courage to face me alone by this group of miscellaneous fish?”

Xie Ming sighed and was speechless: “Some time ago, the devil, the fallen angel, and the exorcist of the church cooperated to encircle and suppress, and then all of them were killed. Don’t you know the news?”

“Fallen angels, demons, and church exorcists? Puff…Puff hahahahahahaha~~”

When the female fallen angel heard Xie Ming’s words, she was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn’t help laughing: “Lovely human beings, are you dreaming? How could this kind of thing happen?”

“I don’t know? Or is she not qualified to reach it at her level?”

Seeing that the female fallen angel did not know it, Xie Ming’s brows couldn’t help but frowned, lost in thought.

That kind of amount, or the three-party cooperation that has always been hostile, even if it’s just a lower-level fallen angel, it’s impossible that it won’t be heard at all. This is very intriguing.

Lias and the others thought that the encirclement and suppression against Xie Ming was just an unauthorized action by some forces. But at this moment, from the news of the fallen angel in front of him, this possibility was completely ruled out.

No, there is still too little information in the Master at the moment, and it is impossible to guess useful information at all. And the lower-level fallen angel in front of him, it is estimated that the Master will not have any useful information. So, there is no need to waste time here.

“Go to hell!!!”

Just when Xie Ming was about to solve it quickly, Fried, who sneaked out of the wall, gathered the lightsaber again and stab Xie Ming’s back fiercely. His eyes were full of pleasure and viciousness at this time. As if his own sneak attack had been successful.

However, Xie Ming was not in the mood to play with him at this time. Leaning sideways gently, avoiding Fried’s attack, his left hand turned into a claw, and he grabbed the head of the lost priest and threw it to the ground forcefully.


With the violent shaking, Fried’s head was completely inserted into the concrete floor. The limbs were limp, and the breath of life dissipated.

“Then it’s your turn.”

Turning his head to look at the fallen angel whose smile disappeared and his face was gloomy, Xie Ming said indifferently: “A low-level fallen angel actually dared to attack me actively. The courage is commendable, but…”

“Too overwhelming.”


I don’t know when, the broken rod has penetrated the chest of the fallen angel, knocking it down from the sky and firmly nailing it to the ground. Afterwards, the electric light bloomed, and the fallen angel didn’t even say his last words, so he turned into coke.


Xie Ming looked at the most remote place in Juwang Town, where an abandoned church was standing quietly under the cover of trees.


“Linari-sama, so slow…”

A blonde girl with two ponytails in Gothic Lolita-style clothing leaned against a tree in front of the church gate boredly, yawning: “Didn’t you say that you have found a new owner of the artifact? Elena Li Your lord’s strength should have been resolved long ago.”

“Don’t worry too much, Mitilt.” The middle-aged man wearing a gentleman hat said deeply to the blond girl: “What the three of us have to do now is to wait for Lina Li’s return, and then complete the ceremony. ”

“I know, you don’t need to say more.”

Mitilt waved his hand impatiently: “I’m just too bored and want to complain. But Lina Li-sama is indeed a bit too slow, right, Karavat.”

“Yes, this is indeed not like Lina Li’s style.”

Onee-san, known as Karavat, nodded: “Is it possible, what’s the accident?”

The middle-aged person, Onee-san and the girl, these three combinations look weird. However, as long as you see the pair of dark wings behind the three of them, you can understand that these three are all fallen angels. Moreover, it was the subordinate of the fallen angel named Lina Li.

But it is a pity that they are not waiting here, not their boss, but the one who brought them death, Shinigami.


An indifferent voice shocked the three fallen angels. They looked in the direction of the sound, and they were even more terrified for an instant.

Because they didn’t find out when this man came to their vicinity.

“Sure enough, what little tricks you fallen angels are doing.”

Xie Ming sat on the branch and said lightly: “Tell me what the ceremony is, maybe I can let you go.”


“How could human beings be here!!”

“A mere human can actually hide the perception of the three of us!!?”

“Ah…really, I’m almost annoyed to listen to a human being when I speak, and a human being shut up.” Xie Ming pinched his eyebrows and said indifferently, “Forget it, I’m not interested anymore. Go and die. ”

“Bang bang bang!!!”

Three bullets filled with hot air pierced the heads of three fallen angels, and the bursting flames burned the three of them into one place, Kurozumi.

Xie Ming jumped onto the ground, then walked towards the abandoned church without hurriedly, and pushed open the dilapidated door. Because in his perception, there is still a person in the church.

Then he saw a girl, a girl who was kneeling before the broken cross, praying devoutly.

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