Chapter 755

It was incredible. After seeing the girl quietly praying from the back, Xie Ming’s original idea of ​​going home quickly disappeared. Because this young girl seemed to have driven the surrounding atmosphere, so that people could calm down slowly.

Xie Ming randomly found a seat to sit down, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the tranquil and serene environment.

I don’t know how long it took, the girl seemed to have finished praying, she lightly patted the nun’s gown on her body and stood up. Later, she found Xie Ming sitting on the seat.


Seeing Xie Ming, the little nun seemed to be taken aback, and she whispered in exclamation, and then quickly covered her mouth, as if she was afraid of disturbing others.

“It’s okay, I’m not praying.”

Xie Ming opened his eyes and looked at the nun.

With a veil on his head, shimmering golden waist-long hair shining in the moonlight, his height is about half a head higher than a kitten. What attracted Xie Ming’s attention most was her pure emerald green eyes.

Another good old person like Emilia.

This is the judgment Xie Ming made of this girl when he saw these emerald green pupils. Because although the colors are different, the eyes of this nun are very similar to those of Emilia.

Emilia’s eyes were pure and firm. And she is pure with tenderness like water.

Eyes are the windows of the soul, especially for people like Xie Ming with a sharp heart. From a person’s eyes, he can see a lot of things. So even if the little nun in front of him is in the nest of the fallen angel, even if the nun may be an accomplice of the fallen angel and the lost priest, Xie Ming dared to make such a assertion.

This little nun is definitely not the same passer-by as those guys.

“My name is Xie Ming.”

Xie Ming said to the nun, “What’s your name?”

“Ah, yes. My name is Acia Aquito.” Acia tilted his head: “Mr. Xie Ming, why did you come here at such a late time?”

“Yes… because I found out that the fallen angels were planning something in this small town, so I went to the door first and killed them.”

“…Yes…. That’s it…”

Aixia lowered her head when she heard Xie Ming’s words, a trace of sadness appeared in her pupils. But more is relief and confusion.

“Asia, you and those fallen angels should be accomplices, right?” Xie Ming asked lightly: “Can you tell me why you want to do things with them?”

“…Mr. Xie Ming knows about Miss Fallen Angel, so he also knows human beings with special abilities, the owners of artifacts, right?”

“Well, that’s right.”

Xie Ming frowned: “Are you also the owner of the artifact?”

“Yes…” Assia said softly, “My ability is to heal. It can heal the wounds of angels and humans. It can also heal the wounds of fallen angels… and demons.”

I don’t know if this little girl is too defenseless or too ignorant of the world, she actually confessed everything about her to Xie Ming, the first time she met.

Asia is an orphan. When she was a baby, she was abandoned at the door of an orphanage church. Therefore, because of the surrounding environment and the influence of people, Asia has a very pious belief.

I don’t know if it was accidental or inevitable. When Asia was eight years old, the artifact in her body awakened.

And this healing power was reported by people in the church. Soon, she became a saint in the church and healed the physical discomfort of the believers. Externally, it is natural to claim that this is a blessing given by God.

Young Asia, naturally believes in this statement. Because, if it were not for the protection and blessing of God, how could she, such an ordinary orphan, gain such power?

So she prayed more religiously and worked hard every day to help people.

Until one day, she healed a demon.

As we all know, gods and demons are opposites, and churches and demons are opposites. The devil will not be blessed by God. So what is Asia that can heal the devil’s injuries?

As a result, Asia was kicked from the position of a saint, became a heresy of the Catholic Church, and became a witch. The eyes of the people she helped looked at her were full of disgust and rejection. The priests and nuns who were kind to her in the past drove her out of the church mercilessly.

As an orphan, where can Asia go without the place of the church? Where is a place to hold her? Just when Asia was lost in confusion, the Fallen Angel sent out an invitation to her.

For the unaccompanied and bewildered Asia, what choice can she make? She was brought here with the idea that her own strength might be useful to others.

But after coming here, Asia found that the actions of the fallen angels and the lost priests here were too much. Thinking of not staying here, Asia began to escape again and again.

But every time, I was found back. The abandoned church has thus become a cage for imprisoning girls.

Without power, they can only be slaughtered. This is the truth of the world, and even more importantly the iron law of this world with ‘inhuman’ existence. Xie Ming, who knew the darkness of people’s hearts, had no surprises about what happened to Asia.

However, the only thing that made him more puzzled was that there were ‘gods’ in this world. For this fourth-stage high-level existence that turns faith into strength, listening to and satisfying the prayers of believers is a way for it to increase its strength.

Devout believers like Asia are even more important to the ‘God’. But why didn’t Asia’s prayers pass through?

With a hint of guesswork, Xie Ming took a deep look at the confused Asia and decided to bury this guess in his heart.

Because if it is true, it is definitely a thing that can break the balance for this world.

“Then Asia, now the fallen angel and the lost priest are killed by me, what are you going to do?”

“I… I don’t know…” Aixia shook her head lightly, looking at Xie Ming’s eyes very confused: “Mr. Xie Ming, don’t you plan to kill me?”


Xie Ming was stunned for a moment: “Why should I kill you?”

“Because I am an accomplice of Mr. Father and Miss Fallen Angel…”

“But you haven’t done anything bad?” Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “If I kill you indiscriminately, then what is the difference between me and the lost priest?”

“That’s it…. I’m very sorry…”

“You didn’t do anything sorry for me, why did you apologize to me…”

Xie Ming sighed and looked at the girl in front of him helplessly: “Forget it, it’s okay to add a mouth at home. Maybe you can still help me.”

“Yes?” Aixia tilted her head, somewhat puzzled.

“I mean…” Xie Ming walked over and rubbed Asia’s head: “You will be my diners from now on!”

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