Chapter 765


Seeing the cheongsam girl, the strongest of the four, was defeated so easily, the remaining three girls were obviously panicked.

“Su Wei’s has a strength comparable to that of a queen! And she is still a chariot!! How can she be defeated in one blow!!”


Indeed, the tank has extremely high defensive power and offensive power. However, this is not the case internally. This is the reason why Xie Ming wants to let the kitten Master infiltrate.

The cat strengthens the body with its magical power, strengthens its penetration force, penetrates it into the enemy’s body in one fell swoop, and explodes. If such an injury were replaced by a human, the body might be shattered directly. Even if it is a demon whose job is a chariot, it is impossible to continue to fight.

The strongest barrier is always breached from within.

“No?” The kitten tilted his head and looked at the three enemies: “Then, I am.”

The ending, naturally, needless to say more.


“Master Rissel, a chariot, eliminated.”

“Oh, the kitten works very hard.”

Holding the magic sword and walking slowly to the wide playground, Kiba looked at the four enemies gracefully: “Then, I have to work hard.”

His eyes did not look at the knight and the bishop, but at the two soldiers of the enemy. He knew his mission very well, which was to take the lead in killing these two soldiers. Under the siege of knights and bishops, under the gaze of enemy kings and queens.

So at this time, there is no need to hide anymore, you must attack with all your strength from the beginning.

And the enemy bishop does not necessarily attack him…

According to information, this girl with golden double diamond hair is Ressel’s younger sister: Levi Phoenix. She was only invited by her brother to join her third brother’s family, and was not responsible for the fight.

At present, the intelligence seems to be correct, because the opponent’s knights and soldiers are ready for battle, and she is the only one who stands in the back, her face is indifferent. Well, in fact, he is facing three enemies.

“It seems that you can use the trick Xie Ming taught me.”

Taking a deep breath, Kiba yelled in a low voice, “Magic Sword Creation!”

“Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

A row of magic swords emerged from the ground instantly, but this kind of attack could not hurt the enemy. The knight and the two soldiers on Rissel’s side jumped away instantly, but at the same time they were also separated by the fence made up of sword blades.

“not good!”

The enemy knight seemed to have reacted. He hurriedly swung his sword, preparing to slash the blade and join the soldiers. But in her eyes, black and white, two daggers suddenly appeared.

“Mind, as solid as a rock…”

“Damn it!!”

The knight girl had no choice but to block her with a horizontal knife. However, at this time, Kiba had once again produced two identical daggers, one black and one white, and threw them at the two soldiers.

“Strength, shake the mountain.”

The pair of daggers that were picked up was attracted by the same pair of daggers, and attacked the two soldiers at the same time one after the other.

“Sword-fighting, breaking the water river.”


The two soldiers and girls of Risselfang did not have the skills to withstand the flanking attack from the front and back. They were instantly cut into bodies by two pairs of daggers, turning into light spots and disappearing.

“Master Rissel, two soldiers, weed out.”

However, Kiba’s attack is not over yet.

“Name, Megatron Skyrim.”

For the third time, two short swords were created, and Kiba rushed toward the enemy knight. The two pairs of daggers that killed the soldiers were also attracted to each other, and at the same time attacked the enemy knight.

“We, don’t share the same sky!”

The sword blade slashed her body, and the knight girl had no room for resistance at all with a skill that was far beyond her own.

“Master Rissel, a knight, eliminated.”


After releasing this sword skill one after another, Kiba knelt on one knee, his clothes soaked in sweat. Whether it is magic or physical strength, he has already consumed more than half. At this time, there was a good news from the kitten.

“Master Rissel, three soldiers, weed out.”

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

With the explosion from the forest, Gurefiya’s announcement appeared again.

“Master Rissel, three soldiers, weed out.”

At this point, all the soldiers on the enemy’s side have been eliminated. Xie Ming’s voice also reached the ears of Kitty and Kiba through communication.

“Now teleporting you back, good job.”

In the next moment, Kiba and the cat disappeared in the football field and stadium. The enemy Bishop Levi could only watch all this happen blankly, and his brain fell into a state of downtime.


As the space fluctuates, Kitten and Kiba came to a forest outside the old schoolhouse. Seeing the cat with torn clothes, Xie Ming casually threw a coat over her.

“Asia, trouble you.”


Asia nodded, and ran to the two of them: “Mr. Kiba, Kitty, is there any injury?”

“No… I’m fine.” Kiba shook his head: “It’s just that physical and magical power is consumed too much.”

“Thank you, Asia.”

The kitten was not polite, put on the coat, revealed the wound, and began to receive treatment from Asia.

“Xie Ming…” Kiba sat on the ground and said puzzledly: “Why are you here? Minister and Deputy Minister?”

“The reason for being here is because the enemy soldiers have been eliminated, so we don’t need to guard the stronghold anymore.” Xie Ming threw a bottle of mineral water at Kichang: “And the two senior sisters Lias and Zhu Nai, then I went to the new school building.”

“Go to the new school building?”

“Yes, in order to give Ressel a surprise.”

Xie Ming showed a malicious smile, and then connected the two.

“Sister Zhu Nai, Senior Sister Rias, how are you preparing?”

“My side is finished, where is Zhu Nai?”

“Hmm~, there is no problem on my side.”

“Then start. I will teleport you back in two seconds.”

“1, 2.”

The figures of Lias and Zhu Nai appeared among the crowd. Afterwards, a huge red magic circle directly enveloped the entire new school building. Above the school building, dark clouds were also condensed.


From the ground, a black magic light cannon erupted. From the sky, thunderbolts of yellow-green lightning fell. Under the attack of the two, the entire new school building was instantly wiped out.

“Master Rissel, a bishop, weed out.”

“Oh huh, unexpected joy.”

With a dog’s tail grass in his mouth, Xie Ming turned the king’s chess piece in his hand: “Then, on the turkey side, only the turkey, the queen, a knight and a bishop are left. And our side needs to recover. The king, queen, chariot, knight of magic and stamina.”

“Now, Rias. Would you say that the other party would be an idiot to come into the forest to come to us?”

“Probably not.” Rias smiled helplessly: “No matter how bad the character is, Rissel is an aristocrat who has risen rapidly through ranking games. By now, he should be serious too.”


Xie Ming shrugged: “Then let’s rest for a while.”

On the big screen, looking at Xie Ming’s easy-going expression, the entire viewing stand was silent.

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