Chapter 766

“This is…. It’s…”

The red-haired man sitting in the VIP seat was also somewhat speechless. Although they are all very simple strategies, different meanings can be seen from different angles. At least, in the eyes of men, Xie Ming at this time has become a little unfathomable.

His family knew what was going on, and as Rias’s brother, what abilities Rias and her dependants had, he knew in his heart. But in this ranking game, they showed too many different places.

First of all, Lias and Zhu Nai, the two quickly and concealed the trapping magic circle in the forest, and they can blow up the entire new school building under the eyelids of the enemy king and queen. This technique was completely impossible for Rias and Zhu Nai before.

Then there is the knight Yuto Kiba, who demonstrated his unimaginable sword skills in the football field duel, making full use of his magical ability and the speed of the knight. Power, strength, speed, and skill are completely integrated. Although immature, it is also terrifying.

The remaining chariot, Tacheng kitten. Although the Master had a considerable degree of fighting skills before, the penetrating power and combat literacy that included superb skills were nothing like before.


“Yes, Lord Cifer.”

“Lias, did they do anything before the ranking game started?”

“Yes.” Gurefiya said calmly: “Five days before the start of the ranking game, they had followed Master Xie Ming to the mansion of Shen Yamanaka for a stay.”

“Five days… can people make such a big change in five days?”

Cifer looked at his sister on the big screen and gave a wry smile.

Yes, it does. But to have such a big change, we must suffer correspondingly. It seems that my baby sister and family members have really lived in dire straits during these five days.

But to make this group of people willing to accept such hard training, the meaning of this is even more worthy of attention.

“Inhuman hunter…” Szekes narrowed his eyes: “Interesting.”


Compared with the ease of Xie Ming and the others, and the silence of the spectator stand, Rissel was quite furious.

“The woman of Damn it! The human of Damn it!!!”

Rissel’s body continued to emit orange flames, healing the wounds of his body. The queen beside him also took out a small crystal bottle from her arms and drank the liquid inside. Subsequently, the wound on the body began to heal quickly.

“Master Rissel!!”

“elder brother!”

Not far away, the three girls ran in front of the two of them: “Master Rissel, there is nothing wrong, right?”

“…No.” Rissel gritted his teeth and uttered two words, and then looked in the direction of the old school building angrily: “Very well, I admit that I underestimated you. But don’t be too smug! ”


“Yes, Master Ressel.” The woman with big wavy hair beside her stood up with a staff.

“The two humans must be in the old school building! Blast that old school building to pieces!!”


Queen Yubeluna floated into the air and slowly approached the old school building. And floating in the air means that she will be seen by Rias.

“Sure enough, that turkey would want to kill us to vent its anger.”

Xie Ming looked at Ubeluna in the air with a mocking smile on her face: “It can be seen from the degree of damage to the clothes that this woman should have been injured to a considerable extent, but now she is intact, which means… ..”

“Ressel has used up a bottle of Phoenix (Phoenix) Tears.”

Lias and Zhu Nai were standing on the branch, and the magic circle in front of them was constantly condensing the magic power in the body.

“Ahhhhhh, Xiao Mingming really guessed everything~”

“It’s just a basic speculation.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Seniors have to keep their breath, and attack at the moment when the magic is missing after she blows up the old school building. This way, even if she can’t be eliminated, she can be second. Use the bottle of Phoenix Tears.”

“Yes…” Lias looked at Xie Ming helplessly: “I finally understand how you got the name of’Inhumane Hunter’. The guy you are staring at, really That’s so pathetic.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Xie Ming shrugged and looked at the enemy queen again: “Then, get ready.”


“Although we have no grievances or grudges, this is the order of Lord Ressel.”

Looking at the old school building on the soles of her feet, Ubeluna said with a smile: “If you are to blame, blame yourself as a human being and have to get involved in things between demons.”

The condensed magic power was completed, and a huge purple magic circle appeared on the ground of the old school building.


Just like a dud bomb buried in the old school building exploded, the entire old school building was instantly torn apart. And at this moment, a condensed thunder light and black magic beam, shot out from the forest, and hit her at an extremely fast speed.



With flame wings spread out behind him, Ressel quickly rushed to Ubeluna from the new school building. Obviously, he also noticed something wrong. However, it was too late.


The clothes shattered again, and the wounded Ubeluna fell from the air and was embraced by Rissel.


Silently took out the last bottle of Phoenix Tears and fed it to Ubeluna. Rissel looked at the forest with murderous eyes.

Unfortunately, he once again looked in the wrong direction.

“Master Ressel, a knight, a castle, eliminated.”


The pupils of Rissel and Ubeluna, who had recovered, shrank and looked at the ruins of the new school building. I don’t know when, Xie Ming and others have already stood there, looking at him quietly.

“elder brother!”

Levi, who was deliberately let off by Xie Ming and others, saw the arrival of Ressel and Ubeluna, and hurriedly leaned over. But Rissel had no room for anyone in his eyes at this time.


“Yes, I am human.”

Xie Ming yawned and said faintly: “On our side, there are two humans without the power of a chicken, a king and a queen who consumes half of their magic power, and a castle and knights that have been restored. You, only A bishop who doesn’t fight, and you, the turkey and the turkey queen.”

“Do you want to continue?”


“Of course you want to continue, right?” Interrupting Ressel, Xie Ming smiled: “Great, if you say abstaining, I really don’t know what to do.”

“After all, I put forward so many conditions, just want you to taste it, desperate, taste!”

The next moment, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared and appeared above Ressel. One foot stomped fiercely.


With the sound of the crash of the mountain, Ressel’s body has become the center of the crater, and his head has disappeared. What replaces the head is a flame.

Xie Ming landed gently and stepped on Rissel’s neck with one foot, still with a dog’s tail in his mouth.

“Master Rissel!!”

“elder brother!!”


“Please be there honestly.”

Rias and Zhu Nai stood in front of Ubeluna, while Kiba and Kitten looked at Levi calmly.

“When Rissel made that additional request, you should stop him. But, you didn’t.”

Rias looked at Ubeluna calmly: “So, from now on, it’s time to resolve private grievances.”

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