Chapter 768

The effect of holy water on the devil is truly outstanding. Not long after the second bottle of holy water was poured, Rissel’s voice gradually weakened, and the whole person became dying.

“So, being immortal is not necessarily a good thing sometimes.”

Xie Ming shook his head, and took out a huge double-barreled revolver from the portable space.

“Blue rose, filled with light thunder bullets.”

The blue rose, which had increased damage to dark creatures like demons, combined with the light thunder bomb that also had special attacks on dark creatures. With this shot, Ressel would inevitably be wiped out.

“Then, accumulate some morals in your next life, turkey.”

Looking at Ressel indifferently, the gun was aimed at his head, Xie Ming slowly pulled the trigger.

“Mr. Xie Ming!!”



The bullet rubbed Ressel’s head and shot into the ground next to it.

Xie Ming turned his head and looked helplessly at Asia: “Although I had expected this kind of thing to happen, I left you in the forest. But I didn’t expect you to come here.”

“This is also thanks to Mr. Xie Ming’s exercise of my physical strength during this period…” Aixia took a few breaths and said softly, “Mr. Xie Ming, please let him go.”

“…Why?” Xie Ming was silent for a while, then looked at Asia calmly: “This guy, but he wants to treat you as his slave girl.”

“Sure enough… Mr. Xie Ming is a gentle person.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Asia showed a beautiful smile: “The reason why Mr. Xie Ming is so angry is not because of Mr. Ressel’s additional self-discrimination, but because he imposed malice on me, right?”

Yes, it is true. If Rissel only added a loss, let Xie Ming decide this condition. Xie Ming would just throw him half-dead and throw him out, and would not absolutely kill him like he is now.

Since he has intervened in Rias’s affairs, he will naturally take on this responsibility. But Rissel actually wanted to pull in the innocent Asia, so he naturally had to pay the price of his life for this matter.

Those who want him to die, there are no five hundred and one thousand, Xie Ming would not care about such trivial things. But if someone wants to threaten the friends around him, then Xie Ming will definitely let him taste what it means to be true horror and despair.

Seeing Xie Ming’s acquiescence, the kitten’s eyes couldn’t help but fluctuate. She couldn’t help but recall what Xie Ming said during a small chat that night.

“My power will only be used for protection.”

“It’s really a…a headache senior…”

The corner of the kitten’s mouth was slightly hooked, and he thought silently. Then he turned his gaze to Asia, and wanted to see how his friend could persuade Xie Ming.

“Mr. Xie Ming, I believe you also know that Mr. Ressel’s ultimate goal is still to marry Minister Lias, no, it should be said that he wants to marry the family of Minister Lias.”

Asia said softly: “Although he is bad in character, he is not a bad person in essence. Everything he does is for his family.”

“So what?” Xie Ming asked back: “Whether his character is bad or not, what does his purpose do to me? Since he threatens you and wants Lias to do things he doesn’t want to do, then he Is my enemy.”

“When dealing with the enemy, I have only one way to deal with it, kill.”

“Then, as long as it is proved that Mr. Ressel is not the enemy of Mr. Xie Ming, Mr. Xie Ming will not kill him, right?”


Xie Ming was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Asia with some surprises. This little girl, has his brain been optimised?

“Hey~” Aixia stuck out her tongue cutely, and then looked at Levi’s: “Miss Levi, can you represent your family and swear that you won’t be looking for us in the future and trouble Minister Lias? ”

“Yeah! I do! I swear!!” Levi hurriedly said, “As long as I let my brother go, our Phoenix family will never trouble you anymore!”

“Mr. Xie Ming, look!”

Asia said softly, “So, would you spare Mr. Ressel’s life?”

“………Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Maybe this is the first time I was stopped when I was killing an enemy. Asia, now let Reese Er, maybe you will be retaliated against in the future.”

“No, I believe it won’t.”

Asia shook her head and showed a gentle smile: “Because the older brother who can make a younger sister worry so much is definitely not a bad person.”

“hope so.”

Xie Ming didn’t comment, put the blue rose in his hand back into the portable space, and looked at Ubeluna and Levi: “Then this farce should be over. You, surrender.”

Ubeluna and Levi were silent, then nodded.

“The ranking game is over, the winner, Juwang Academy, Supernatural Research Department.”

Gurefiya’s calm voice announced that the storm caused by Rias’s marriage contract was over.

“elder brother!”

“Master Rissel!!”

This time, Lias and others did not stop them, and let them return to Ressel.

Xie Ming looked at the two faintly, and said calmly: “If Phoenix wants revenge, then I will be with you at any time. But…”

“If you once again threaten the people I value, at that time, things like today won’t happen.”

The plain words and plain expression caused Levi’s long absence. The girl didn’t react until Xie Ming and others left.



With the emergence of the red magic circle, the personnel of the Supernatural Research Department returned to the ministries of the human world. Xie Ming glanced at the clock on the wall and stretched.

“Well, everyone worked hard today.”

Lias clapped her hands and chuckled, “Hurry up and go back to rest, tomorrow…”

The words were not finished yet, a new magic circle appeared in the department again. An extremely powerful breath came from the magic circle.

“Lower stage 4, no, middle stage 4…” Xie Ming’s body instantly tightened, and the whole person entered the combat mode completely.

Just after the ranking competition, he came to the department, and his strength was still so strong. Xie Ming only knows one qualified person. But even so, Xie Ming focused his attention and did not relax at all.

The magic circle slowly disappeared, and the silver-haired maid Gurefiya and the red-haired waist-length man appeared in front of everyone.

“elder brother!?”

“See Lord Cifer.”

Seeing the man in front of them, Zhu Nai, Cat and Kiba consciously knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

“Everyone, get up.”

Suzex said helplessly: “Every time I see me like this, it’s really too much trouble.”

“No way, brother, you are the four great demon kings of the underworld?” Lias said angrily: “The courtesy should be given.”

“I know, I know.” Szekes shrugged: “But to be honest, the surprise you brought to me this time, Lias, is really too big.”

“Thanks to Xie Ming.”

Lias laughed happily: “Brother, you came here this time because of Xie Ming, right?”

“Ah, of course.”

Szekes turned his gaze to Xie Ming: “I also heard a little about the name’Inhuman Hunter’, but after seeing it, it surprised me even more.”

“Should I call you Xie Ming, or should I call you that?”

“Emperor Chilong.”

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