Chapter 769

“Emperor Chilong!!?”

Hearing these three words, Li Yasi and the others contracted their pupils, and at the same time looked at Xie Ming with a calm face. It can be seen how famous the name of Emperor Chilong is.

“It deserves to be one of the four demon kings of the underworld.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “I think my breath has been reduced quite well, but you didn’t expect it to be discovered by you.”

“Hahaha, if you change to someone else, you might not be able to find out.” Szekes smiled: “But because I usually have a lot of contact with dragons, I am very sensitive to the breath of dragons.”

“And I only found out after I came here, so there is no problem with your breath convergence.”

“That’s really thank you.” Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “Master Devil came here this time, surely it wasn’t for such boring things, right?”

“Boring things…”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Szekes couldn’t help but laughed bitterly: “For you, is the identity of the Emperor Chilong just a boring thing?”


Xie Ming said calmly: “Limited to the identity of Emperor Chilong, then my upper limit will also be limited to the level of Emperor Chilong. But the level of the mere “two heaven dragon” can’t satisfy me.”

“A mere ‘Two Heaven’s Dragon’…?”

Szecks took a deep look at Xie Ming, and said meaningfully: “I have slowly begun to understand what kind of person you are. But as you said, this is not the reason for my coming this time. It’s something else. But of course, it’s for you.”

“Please say.”

“Well, then I’ll just say it straight.” Suzex said solemnly: “Xie Ming, you…”

“Interested in becoming Rias’s engagement party?”


Xie Ming blinked, and said suspiciously, “Suzex, what did you just say?”

“I mean, would you like to be Rias’s engagement party?”

“Brother….. Brother!!!” Xie Ming hadn’t spoken yet, and Lias broke out first: “What are you talking about abruptly!?”

“Suzex…” Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows: “I remember the bet in this ranking game, it’s the marriage autonomy of Senior Sister Lias?”


Suzex nodded: “That’s why I’m asking if you want to?”

“No, you shouldn’t ask me about this kind of thing.”

Xie Ming was a little bit dumbfounded: “Senior Sister Rias’s marriage should be decided by Rias herself. Neither you nor me have the right to interfere.”

“Xie Ming…”

Rias was a little moved when she heard this.

“Really?” Szekes nodded and looked at Lias: “So, Lias, do you hate Xie Ming?”

“Hey? How is it possible!?” Lias subconsciously said: “I like Xie Ming very much!”

“Look, Xie Ming. Lias has said so. Could it be that Xie Ming, do you hate Lias?” Szekes looked at Xie Ming again.

“…Senior Sister Lias is my friend.” Xie Ming won’t fall into the pit dug by Szekes like Lias, and said calmly: “Maybe I will later The relationship with Lias-senpai will go deeper, but it also depends on the choice between me and Lias.”

“Marriage is something you can’t force.”

“That’s it…” Suzex nodded, and then smiled: “I understand, it is up to the young man to choose his own affairs. With you by Lias’s side, at least she Your safety can be guaranteed.”

“You don’t have to worry about this.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “If you want to hurt her(s), you can only step over my bones.”

“Xie Ming…”



“Mr. Xie Ming…”


Xie Ming looked at the four girls with pretty red faces: “Did I say anything strange?”

“Hahahahaha.” Suzex couldn’t help laughing: “Xie Ming, you are such an interesting person. But I feel relieved when I hear your words.”

“Then Gulefiya and I are ready to return to the underworld. You have to go to school tomorrow, so please rest early.”

“Ah, that’s right. Although there is some suspicion of being nosy, let me remind you.”

Suzex said softly, “Xie Ming, although you don’t want to be affected by the identity of the Chilong Emperor, the other party may not think so.”

“I will not fight meaningless fights.” Xie Ming said indifferently: “But if the other party is really uninterested, then I will naturally teach the other party a profound lesson.”

“Haha, the battle between the Chilong Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor…It seems that I can look forward to it.”

“Then Lias, everyone, goodbye.”

The red magic circle appeared, and the figures of Suzex and Gurefiya disappeared in the room.

“Hey, hey, where is the devil? It’s like an old father who is worried about his daughter all the time.” Xie Ming shrugged and looked at everyone, so let’s go back. ”



“I said, what’s the matter with you?” Xie Ming looked at Lias and others speechlessly: “It was very strange from the beginning.”

“…Xie Ming.”

Kiba reluctantly patted Xie Ming on the shoulder: “There are some things that can’t be said casually.”

“Speak up casually?”

Xie Ming said puzzledly, “I will do what I say.”

“Ha…” Kiba sighed deeply, shook his head, and walked out of the room.


After thinking about what I just said, Xie Ming finally noticed something was wrong, and then looked at the girls dumbfoundingly: “I said, don’t get me wrong. I was the one who would do my best to help my friends. So. If you want to hurt my friend, knock me down first. That’s what I mean.”


It’s okay if this is not explained. Once explained, the atmosphere in the department instantly changed again.

“Ah, isn’t it?” Lias’s face instantly cooled down, and she left the office on her own.


Zhu Nai laughed softly, but there was no smile at all in her voice. Following Lias, she walked out of the room.

“Senior Xie Ming, you are a fool.”

“Um…Mr. Xie Ming is a wood!! Dead brain!!!”


Seeing the kitten and Aixia leave, Xie Ming was a little dumbfounded: “Did I say something wrong again?”


Since that night, the members of the Supernatural Research Department have returned to their normal lives. The kitten is still busy every night, and Asia is still slowly healing Xie Ming’s injuries every night.

But after the battle of Ressel, Rias and others also had some changes. Before, Xie Ming, Lias, Zhu Nai and the others were also chatting happily, but there were still some gaps between them.

And now, this gap has disappeared. As for Lias and Zhu Nai, they would always act intimacy towards Xie Ming. For example, he would hug Xie Ming’s arm when he acted like a baby to Xie Ming, or he would hug Xie Ming’s neck when he was happy.

Whenever this time, the kitten will spit out Xie Ming fiercely. And Asia would also look at her with tears in her eyes and pouting her mouth.

But if it is the biggest change, it is Kiba.

When nothing happened, he would take the initiative to find Xie Ming and ask Xie Ming to continue training and teach him fighting methods and sword skills. At this time, Rias would always look at Kiba very worried.

Each of Lias’s family members has their own past. Xie Ming can see this in everyone’s eyes.

Junai and the kitten have not shown how yet, but Kiba’s obsession seems to be completely remembered by Xie Ming’s words.

“With this strength, how do you protect Lias? How, complete the obsession in your heart?”

Xie Ming didn’t know what Kiba’s obsession was. However, he has a hunch.

The opportunity to resolve this obsession seems to be coming soon.

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