Chapter 770

One day, after training at Kiba, Xie Ming returned to the Supernatural Research Department. After Zhu Nai poured a cup of tea for Xie Ming, he naturally sat next to Xie Ming.


Xie Ming looked helplessly at Zhu Nai who was smiling, and then picked up the teacup.

“Thank you, Xie Ming.”

Rias gave Zhu Nai a dissatisfied look, then smiled and said to Xie Ming: “How is your progress?”

“Reluctantly.” Xie Ming shrugged: “The’Crane Wing Third Company’ taught to him is almost as good as the Master. But if he wants to continue to improve, it depends on whether he can be in the’Crane Wing Third Company. On the basis of’, I have expanded my own moves.”

“Really…” Lias sighed: “You, don’t ask anything…”

“Because it is not necessary.”

Xie Ming drank a sip of tea: “Everyone has a past that is unforgettable or doesn’t want to face. But one day, that past will appear bloody in front of the person involved, allowing the person involved to face it directly.”

“And when the people involved can’t overcome this obstacle, it’s the time for our friends to lend a hand. But before that, all we can do is wait.”

“There is only waiting…” Lias smiled bitterly: “Perhaps there is really only this we can do.”

“Huh?” Feeling the two breaths approaching the department, Xie Ming said: “Senior Sister Lias, Sister Cangna and Sister Chunji are here.”


Lias was stunned for a moment, and then the door of the department was knocked, and then two figures pushed in.

“It’s impolite.” Cangna kept a serious face and said calmly: “Lias, I have something urgent to tell you. Can I trouble you and Zhu Nai to come to my house right now?”

“…It seems to be a very urgent matter.” Lias’ expression also became serious.

“Then it’s over for today.”

Xie Ming stood up and smiled: “Then I will go back first. If you need help, please feel free to contact me.”


“Urgent thing…”

Walking on the street, Xie Ming thought thoughtfully: “If you can make Cang Na say the word’urgent’, then it is a very sensitive and serious matter. For the devil, it can be called Sensitive and severe things, then there are only the “fallen angels” and the “church”.”

“Scan it again and see.”

Mental power spread out of his mind, and began to test the entire Juwang Town. Soon, Xie Ming found the abnormality.

“How can there be two existences with a sacred atmosphere near Asia and the kitten?”

Xie Ming frowned, and with a wave of spatial fluctuations, he teleported directly to where the two of them were.

“Mr. Xie Ming!”


Seeing Xie Ming who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Asia and Kitty were also taken aback, and then they smiled.

“What’s wrong?” Xie Ming asked softly: “What happened?”

“No, this…”

“Senior, please be careful.”

Seeing Asia’s hesitation, the kitten frowned and said directly: “People from the church are here.”


Hearing these two words, Xie Ming turned his eyes to the two exuding sacred aura.

Both of them are wearing white robes, but the caps of the robes have been removed, revealing their faces. One person is carrying a huge weapon, has shoulder-to-shoulder blue hair, and Liu Hai has a strand of green hair with highlights, and his eyes are sharp.

The other person has long chestnut-colored double ponytail hair and a cute and playful face. His eyes are full of curiosity when he looks at Xie Ming.

“Two little girls?”

“Hey! What a rude!” The girl with a ponytail puffed up her face and said in dissatisfaction: “I am not a little girl, my name is Irina Wisteria! Also, this is my partner, Zenovia, Not a little girl!”

Xie Ming said faintly: “Your names are meaningless to me. What I want to know is, what do you want to do if you are looking for my Aisia and Kitten.”

“No, nothing happened.” The girl named Xenovia said indifferently: “It’s just that a witch who can heal the devil is mixed with the devil on the street. It’s just a little curious.”

“Yeah, yeah, we only heard that there was a saint named Aisia Aquido who could heal the wounds of the devil, so she was exiled by the church. It was only because of curiosity that we wanted to say hello to her. ”

Speaking of this, Irina covered her mouth: “I’m sorry, I was wrong, it was the former saint.”


Asia did not speak, but tears couldn’t help but slid down her face.

“Hey, because it can heal demons, you completely rejected the achievements of Asia in treating so many people before, and you are called witches. It turns out that the people in the church are so ‘remarkable’.”

Xie Ming slowly exuded murderous intent, and looked at the two coldly: “But as far as I know, there is no word in the Bible that states that the person who can cure the devil is the witch.”

“Do you still know the Bible?” Xenovia stunned for a moment, and then sneered: “Yes, indeed, the Bible does not clearly point out this. But the thing that can heal God’s enemies and heal demons is already Sins cannot be forgiven.”

“Sin is unforgivable? Who made it? Is it you, or you, the church, or God?”

Xie Ming ridiculed: “It is your god who told you personally that Asia is a witch? Is Asia’s sins unforgivable? Or are you a group of foolish believers who classify Asia as a witch without authorization?”


“Why, I’m speechless? You might as well pray and ask.” Xie Ming continued to persecute: “Pray, isn’t it the way you believers communicate with your God? Then you pray, if God is true Tell you, if Asia is a witch, then I have nothing to say. But did God tell you that?”

“No. Then why do you pretend that Asia is a witch? Unauthorized promote Asia to the position of the so-called “saint,” and recognize Asia as a “witch” without authorization.”

“What’s the difference between your behavior and the church trial group that recognized Joan of Arc as a witch, and the bishop Pierre Cochon!?”

“You…you heretics!!!”

Genovia violently drew out the huge sword behind her back, and looked at Xie Ming angrily: “You actually compare me and Irina to those filthy people?”

“Why, but I’m going to use force?”

Xie Ming sneered: “Indeed, I don’t have faith. But what I just said should be something from the Bible. I can’t be refuted through the Bible, so I called me a heretic and used force against me. This way. You, how different is it from that Pierre back then!”

“Come on, give it a try, and see if you, the crusader knight of the Eastern Expedition, can use your force to kill me, an infidel?”

“But you have to think about it.” Xie Ming twisted his neck and smiled extremely coldly: “If you really do, you can’t bear the consequences.”

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