Chapter 775

“What happened before, I have heard how Fred said.”

Balpa walked forward slowly, with a smile on his face: “I heard that you are a survivor of the Holy Sword Project.”

“Ah… that’s right.” Kiba couldn’t help holding the hilt tightly: “You, why did you kill me and my companions! We have always been relying on faith in the Lord before we clenched our teeth and persisted. Yes! But you, why do you want it!!!”

“Useless laboratory animals are naturally to be disposed of. What’s so strange about this?”

“What did you say!!”

Kiba couldn’t help the anger in his heart anymore and rushed towards Balpa with his sword.



Fried slammed his sword and blocked Kiba’s attack. He smiled madly: “Boy, here, let’s listen to the explanation of Mr. Balpa~!”

“Really, young people nowadays, I don’t have any patience.” Balpa pushed his glasses and continued: “What I want to explain now is something that is closely related to your experimental products.”

As he said, he shook the blue crystal in his hand.

“This thing is the final product of the’Holy Sword Project’, called the’Holy Sword Factor Crystal’.”

“The crystallization of the holy sword factor…Could it be!!”

“Yes! These holy sword factors are all extracted from your experimental subjects!” Balpa covered his face and laughed: “You qualified guys have not reached the value that can use the holy sword, then, what can we do about it?”

“Just extract it!”


“Hahahahaha!” Fried laughed wildly, and swung his sword to repel Kiba: “Thanks to this thing, the fatal and serious injury suffered by this uncle who was defeated by that damn bastard has to be recovered, and the others got this stuff. All of the people died because of too many factors. Ahhh~If you think about it like this…”

“Isn’t this uncle super powerful, super special!!?”

“That thing…”

Xenovia’s pupils shrank: “The Holy Swordsman will put that thing into his body when he receives the blessing…”

“Irina has also accepted that…” Irina covered her mouth and said in disbelief, “Could it be…”

“Yes! The hypocrites treated the old man as heretics and expelled them, but in the end they still used what the old man had researched!”

Balpa said disdainfully: “That fellow Michael, I guess he extracted the factors and didn’t kill those people.”

“Then why!!” Kiba shouted wildly, “I don’t have to be killed with my friends!!!”

“I said, you are experimental materials.” Balpa shrugged, and said nonchalantly: “If you don’t dispose of the experimental materials of the confidential project, why don’t you let you go back and talk nonsense?”

“Hey, give it to you.”

Like throwing away rubbish, Balpa threw the crystal in his hand to Kiba: “It is already possible to mass-produce crystals with better quality. You experimental materials are completely worthless.”


The magic sword in his hand fell to the ground, and Kiba knelt on one knee, gently holding up the blue crystal with both hands.



“Even if you are the only one!!”

On that day, the companions desperately blocked the handler, making their escape appear to appear in front of them. The pain and despair in the pupils of his companions, as well as their hopes for themselves, are still like thorns, stinging his heart.

“What’s the matter, I’m desperate like this?”

I don’t know when, Xie Ming stood by Kichang’s side. The world is still, Balpa’s ugly and evil smile, Fred’s madness, Kirkboll’s ridicule, freeze at this moment.

In Xie Ming’s hand, the stopwatch was constantly counting down.

Without looking down at Kiba, Xie Ming said faintly: “The enemy is right in front of you, but you are so powerless. And the crystallization of the souls of your companions is just thrown in front of you. This pain, This kind of despair, this kind of unwillingness, this kind of sadness…Can you bear it?”

“…I’ve been thinking, struggling and suffering. Is it really okay to survive on my own?”

Kiba lowered his head and said softly, “There are children who are better than me, children who are more ambitious than me, and children who are more kind than me. Why, why is it me who survived in the end?”

“I am alone, enjoying such a happy, happy life…Am I really qualified?”

“This kind of thing, you should not ask me, but them.” Xie Ming said lightly while looking at Kiba’s back.


Kiba turned his head, and in an instant, tears couldn’t stop streaming down.

The light blue, dreamlike figure formed a semicircle, enclosing Kiba. Everyone looked at Kiba tenderly.

“You…” How could Kiba forget, how could he forget, how could he allow himself to forget. These people are his companions.

“Although I don’t know the reason, since you got this crystal, they have been standing behind you silently and watching you quietly.”

Xie Ming’s tone became stern: “Tell me, Kiba. Do you want to use your present ugly and horrible posture to repay your friends!?”


“Hmm! Don’t bully him.”

In the light blue figure, a petite girl puffed up her face and looked at Xie Ming angrily: “He is a very gentle child, not as hard-hearted as you!”

“Uh…” Xie Ming shrugged and took a step back, leaving room for them.

“Don’t be afraid.”

After the little girl nodded in satisfaction, she took Kiba’s arm and said with a sweet smile: “Although we are not watched by the Lord, we are always together.”

“Accept us and move on.”

“No matter when and where, our hearts are connected.”

“It’s really a crying bag, but after crying, you have to stand up.”

“Use our strength to protect your current partner. Don’t let what happened to us happen again.”

Starting with the little girl’s words, the pale blue figures all stretched out their hands and pulled up Kiba who was kneeling on the ground, then placed their hands behind Kiba and said in unison.

“Go ahead.”

I don’t know when, the crystal in Kiba’s hands has completely disappeared. The pocket watch in Xie Ming’s hand has returned to its place.


Seeing Xie Ming who did not know when he appeared in the venue, everyone was suddenly shocked. But immediately, he looked at Kiba.

Because at this time, Kiba’s aura was completely different from before. Vigorous, but gentle.

“Balpa Galileo.” In Kiba’s hands, one black and one white, two rays of light began to entangle and shape, and finally turned into a gorgeous long sword mixed with sacred and magical powers.

“My companions let me move on. My companions don’t want me to be bound by hatred. Therefore, I will no longer kill you because of hatred. The reason I want to kill you is to stop the tragedy from happening again.”

“Use this one in my hand, the Shuangba’s Holy Demon Sword!”

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