Chapter 776

“Holy Demon Sword!? How could it be possible!!”

Balpa’s glasses slipped off the bridge of his nose, but the surprise at the moment made him have no time to take care of it.

“Holy and Demon, how can two completely opposite powers merge together!? This kind of thing is simply impossible!!”

However, the breath from the knight’s sword in Kiba’s hand did not cheat! this…..

“Fred, kill this guy!”

“Okay, old man Balpa!”

Fred hopped in front of Balpa and spit out his tongue: “Although I don’t understand what the mess is, do you think you can defeat this uncle by recreating a broken sword?”

“Then, you can give it a try.” Kiba raised the Holy Demon Sword in his hand and pointed to the lost priest in front of him: “Look at my sword that condenses everyone’s hearts and wishes. Can I take you with your hand? The holy sword is cut together!”

“Try it, just try it!!!”

As soon as the voice fell, the holy sword in Fred’s hand once again exploded with an astonishing sacred aura, and his body turned into a black line along with it, and it rushed towards Kiba.

“too slow!”

At this time, Kiba had completely caught up with Fried. Regardless of power or speed, the sacred sword of the sky flash in Fred’s hand could not be the opponent of the sacred demon sword in Kiba’s hand.

“Let you have a good experience!”

Constantly confronting Fried at high speeds, Kiba said coldly: “Our desire has surpassed the holy sword!”


With the first cut, Kiba cut through Fried’s face.

With the second cut, the body of the Holy Sword of Skylight shattered.

With the third sword, the tip of the sword penetrated the enemy’s body, nailing it to the ground from mid-air.


Fred spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at Kiba madly, grabbed the sword of the Holy Demon Sword with both hands, and muttered: “Damn…the devil!”

“Damn it, it’s you.”

Without a trace of pity in Kiba’s eyes, the hilt of the sword was twisted and pulled out. Fred’s heart was shattered to pieces and died completely.

“Hahahaha, it really showed me a good show, Holy Demon Sword.”

Kirkbol stood up from the throne and slowly landed on the ground: “Red-haired killer Ji’s family members, is this your forbidden hand?”

That’s right, after getting the holy sword factor transformed by the souls of his companions, Kiba got a new artifact: holy sword creation. Moreover, he has been using the Master’s magic sword creation and successfully hit the forbidden state.

The sacred demon sword of the double tyrants, this is the brand new power that Kiba gained when his thoughts and desires were enough to turn the world around. Kiba now has the strength of the early stage of the third stage.

And Balpa on the side was still knelt on the ground and entangled: “Impossible, impossible! Holy and demons are completely opposite, how can the repulsive powers merge together!? Unless…unless!”

Thinking of a possibility, Balpa’s eyes flashed with sorrow and ecstasy: “That’s it! Could it be that in that battle, not only the devil, but even the gods…”


A huge light gun was shot from Kirkbol’s hand, and Balpa’s location sent a shocking explosion.

“Hey hey, isn’t it not too good to make a sudden move like this?”

The smoke was cut away, Xie Ming’s hand, a dark Tang knife with a black blade was already out of its sheath, he said with a faint smile, “How about let people finish talking.”


Kirkball’s face became extremely gloomy: “I wanted to ask from just now, how did you enter the virtual space under my nose.”

“I don’t know?” Xie Ming smiled, “I don’t know that it only explains one thing, that is, you are weaker than me.”

“Humph, are even human beings so arrogant now?”

“Just take it as it is.”

Xie Ming shrugged and looked back at Balpa: “Hey, old man. Go ahead, tell me the possibility you just thought of.”

“…” Balpa sat paralyzed on the ground, glanced at Kokboer, gritted his teeth and said: “The power of the holy and the devil can not be merged! Unless there is a situation. That is the holy and the The balance of the devil was severely broken! In other words, in that battle, not only the demon king, but also the gods died together!!”


Ping pong. This is the sound of weapons falling.

Boom. This is the sound of two girls kneeling on the ground after losing their strength and support.


Xenovia’s expression was changing like never before.

“God… is dead?” Irina’s eyes were filled with disbelief: “Impossible, you are lying to me! It is absolutely impossible!!”

“Huh, really?”

Xie Ming snorted and kicked Balpa to the dull wooden scene: “Kichang, he will leave it to you.”

“Ah…um.” Kiba mechanically swung down his sword and cut Balpa in half. Because at this time Balpa’s life and death were irrelevant, compared with the news that he had learned before his eyes.


Kirkbol glanced at Xie Ming: “So, you human being already knows about this?”

“It’s just a guess.”

Xie Ming shrugged and said faintly: “After all, I know a very pious nun, but she was judged to be a witch and exiled by the church. As far as faith is concerned, she is the most pious believer, and she is also The Master has a magical weapon that can heal injuries. If God is still there, it is impossible to give up this kind of believer.”

“That’s it?” Kirkball asked with interest: “With this, you dare to make such a bold guess?”

“That’s enough.”

“Enough…hahahahaha, indeed, indeed, this is indeed enough!”

Kirkball laughed loudly: “Unexpectedly, the truth that was concealed by the upper layers of the three forces was actually guessed by two humans here! What a irony, what a comic!”

“Yes, in the previous three-way war, God, together with the four demon kings, died!!!”

“……” Irina cast her eyes and passed out directly. Xenovia gritted her teeth and stood up with her sword: “Impossible, God, how can God…”

“Why is it impossible?” Kokboer asked back: “In the Thousand-Year War, the demon side lost all the demon kings and most of the higher-level demons. The fallen angels and the angels have almost no survivors except for the cadres. ”

“Fallen angels can still increase their numbers by falling from the heavens. What about angels? Why are there fewer angels now? Why are more and more devout believers being driven and abandoned?”

“You should know this sentence, the three powers are inseparable from humans. However, demons have demon pieces that can reincarnate humans into demons. Fallen angels fall to the sky by angels, but angels can only multiply by combining with humans. what!”

Kirkbor laughed loudly: “You may ask why God is dead, but your church can continue to receive blessings and exorcism. This, even I have to praise Michael.”

“That capable guy, using the system left by the gods, maintains the faith of angels and humans to some extent. However, he is not a god after all, so naturally there will be gaps. Like the holy demon sword of the lower-level demon, and that The mankind said that the devout believers were abandoned because of this omission.”

“God is dead. This is a confirmed fact. No matter how you deny it or reject it, this is the fact.”

“Hahahahaha, hahahahahahahaha!!!!”

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