Chapter 782 The Sealed Bishop

“The room inside…”

Speaking of this, Lias and others became silent. Only Xenovia, Asia and Irina, the newly joined family members, didn’t even know.


Zhu Nai said softly: “Master Szekes has also said that it is time to liberate the child. So now, there is no need to hide it.”

“Yes, so…” Lias sighed and looked at Xie Ming and other unsuspecting people: “Everyone knows that the number of devil chess pieces is the same as chess. Xie Ming, you should think that I still have four soldiers’ pawns in my hand, a castle pawn and a bishop’s pawn.”

“But in fact, the other bishop’s chess piece was used up a long time ago. The innermost room of the old school building is the same room that the child stayed in.”

“Then why don’t you let him out, instead seal him in that room all the time?”

Xie Ming frowned, “Could it be that it is the type that is quite awkward and dangerous?”

“Well… it’s very dangerous to say dangerous things.” Lias smiled bitterly: “But it’s just because the child can’t control his artifact, the child itself has no problems.”

“It’s useless to say this here, it’s better for everyone to go and see for yourself.”

With that, Lias stood up and walked out of the room.


In the deepest part of the corridor of the old school building, there is a room that is sealed by a yellow ‘keepout’ seal and locked tightly by iron chains and iron locks. This is where the bishop who has never seen his face was sealed.

“A bishop like me…”

Asia looked at the door curiously: “What kind of person is it?”

“Has he been sealed in this room all the time?” Irina said softly, “It feels a bit pitiful.”

“It’s not always…” Lias’ expression was a little helpless: “At night, the seal will be automatically lifted, and it is still possible to move freely in the old school building. However, the child himself does not want to come out.”

“All in all, I will remove the seal now. You will understand when you see it.”

Rias took a step forward, and the magic power on her body began to surge. Echoing her magic power, a red magic circle appeared on the gate and then shattered. Everyone followed Rias and opened the door to enter.


A lovely mournful sound resounded throughout the old school building.

The decoration of the room is very cute, and there is a coffin in the center that looks very expensive. The cry just now came from the coffin.

“Sleeping in a coffin?” Xie Ming looked at Lias: “Could it be that it’s a vampire?”

“Strictly speaking, it is a mixture of vampires and humans.”

Lias looked at the coffin: “Gui’an, Gasper. I am also very happy to hear your spirited voice.”

“Look…What can I do?…” A weak voice came from the coffin.

“We are here to unlock your seal.”

Zhu Nai moved forward slowly, removed the coffin board, and said softly: “Come on, go out with us.”


In the coffin, a ‘girl’ with short blond hair in a girl’s uniform is holding his head. Feeling that the coffin board was removed, the ‘girl’ turned her head dimly with teary eyes, and said pitifully, “I think this place is very good, I like it very much!”

Looking at the “girl” in front of him, Xie Ming was silent. Because in his perception, no matter how cute the ‘girl’ is in front of him, but…he is the one with a hand.

“Another fake mother…”

Xie Ming rubbed his temples: “Does he…have a hobby of women’s clothing?”


Asia was stunned for a moment and looked at Xie Ming blankly: “Mr. Xie Ming, shouldn’t it be her?”

“No, I was right, it was him.” Xie Ming said silently: “This bishop named Gaspar is a boy.”


“Oh, it’s Xiao Mingming as expected.”

Zhu Nai covered her mouth and chuckled: “That’s right, his name is Gaspar Frady, he is a boy who likes women’s clothing.”

“Gasper…” Lias knelt down and said softly: “Please, go out with us.”

“I do not want!!!”

Gasper shook his head desperately: “It’s terrible outside!! I don’t want to go outside!!”

“Can’t listen anymore.”

Xie Ming scratched his head irritably, and walked to Gasper’s face: “If you have something to say to the department, don’t let a group of us stand here and waste our time.”

“Huh?” Gaspar stared at Xie Ming blankly, his nose twitched a few times: “Human?”

“Yes, it’s a human being.” Xie Ming looked at Gaspar calmly: “Since the seal has been unlocked, it is impossible for you to stay in this room. Can you recognize this fact?”

“But…but…for people like me, going out will only cause you trouble…”

“Whether you are causing you trouble, it is up to us to decide, not to you.”

Xie Ming stretched out his hand, grabbed Gasper’s slender arm, and pulled him up with clever force: “Okay, go out with us.”


Gaspar stared at Xie Ming blankly, and was obediently pulled out by him.



“As expected of senior…”

Junai, Kiba and Kitty looked at Gasper who was so obedient, and sighed.

“Really, I’m obviously the king of Gaspar.” Lias shook her head helplessly: “Well, let’s go out too.”


“Then, Rias.”

Looking at Gasper, Xie Ming asked faintly: “What is this guy’s artifact? Why can you seal him up specially?”

“Gasper’s artifact is the eye, called’Forbidden BalorView’. Once the artifact is activated, the time of all objects in the line of sight can be stopped within a certain time limit.”

Lias supported her chin and said softly, “Because he couldn’t control this artifact, my brother ordered him to be sealed in that room.”

“Stop time…”

Xie Ming turned his gaze to Gaspar: “Can you actively activate your abilities yourself? Or do you mean that every time you activate it, you are unconscious.”

“Um…it is difficult for me to do it myself…every time I start it, it is when I am particularly scared.”

Gasper said timidly, “So in order to prevent me from causing trouble to others, let me go back.”

“That’s not good.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Your own power must be firmly controlled. And your power will definitely help everyone later. Therefore, you must train and then learn. How to control it.”

“All in all, let me test it first.”

With that said, Xie Ming took out the silver pocket watch from the portable space and pressed the button on it.

“Time, stop.”

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