Chapter 783 Three Experiments

The world became silent. Lias, Zhu Nai, and everyone in the Supernatural Research Department are in a frozen state.

“Huh? Huh? Huh!!!”

Gasper looked left and right in a panic: “What’s going on!? My ability hasn’t been activated?!”

“It’s my ability to activate.”

Xie Ming stood up and looked at Gasper with interest. At this time, his eyes were shining with extremely bright purple-red light. Obviously, Gasper was able to continue his activities in this stopped world because of his artifact.

“The ability of Mr. Xie Ming to activate?” After Gasper was stunned for a moment, he immediately became excited: “Mr. Xie Ming also has the ability to stop time!?”

“That’s it.”

Shaking the pocket watch that was counting down in his hand, Xie Ming explained: “I can do this by stopping the stopwatch at this time. The time to stop is only 10 seconds, and I can only use it once a day.”

“Ha… this way…”

Hearing this, Gasper lowered his head, obviously disappointed.


“It hurts!” Gasper covered his head and looked at Xie Ming with teary eyes: “What are you doing, Mr. Xie Ming!”

“Um… my time hasn’t stopped.”

Xie Ming touched his chin: “It seems that in this static time, your ability cannot be activated, or that the ability is not enough… Then, do you feel that you can get rid of this state?”


“Well, let the time when this area is stationary start to flow again.”

“It feels… it looks like it can be done…” Gasper lowered his head and whispered, “But, with a person like me, how could it be…”


“it hurts!”

“The pain is right, let you take a lesson.”

Xie Ming retracted his hand knife and looked at Gasper seriously: “If you don’t do it, how do you know you can’t do it? If you are saying such unconfident words in the future, I will hit you once when I hear it.”

“Okay, we can start the second experiment.”

Press the button on the pocket watch again, and time continues to flow.


Asia, who was sitting next to Xie Ming, blinked: “Mr. Xie Ming, when did you get there?”

“It’s just a test of Gasper’s ability.”

Xie Ming explained and raised his hand knife again: “If you don’t want to be beaten again, stop my time.”

With that, the hand knife hit Gaspar’s head again.

“do not want!!!”

Time, once again entered a static state. This time, even Xie Ming was still there, unable to move.

“I don’t want to be beaten…”

Gasper glanced at Xie Ming angrily, then his eyes began to look around. Immediately afterwards, he found a cardboard box in the corner of the department.

“That’s the one!”

“Which one is it?”

“That cardboard box!” Gasper said happily: “If you hide there, no one should notice me…I…”

Halfway through the conversation, there is no voice. As if he had become a robot, Gasper’s head deflected little by little, and then he saw the devil’s smile.



“it hurts!”

Xie Ming’s body was burning with pitch-black flames, and the Spartan’s wrath was unleashed. However, this is also the reason why the judgment of the abnormal state of the equipment of “Venus Star’s Guidance” failed.

“Really, let you stop my time, how can you stop everyone’s time.”

With a sigh, Xie Ming helplessly rubbed Gaspar’s head: “Well, since you have stopped everyone’s time, let’s do the last experiment by the way.”

“Oh!! There’s more!!!”

“Why, you don’t want to?” Xie Ming showed a kind smile and raised his hand knife again.

“Yes! I would love it!!”

Gasper was trembling with fright in an instant, stood up straight and said loudly.

“Then, keep the release of the ability.”

Xie Ming’s pupils gradually turned into emerald green, and the rainbow circle inside began to rotate. A pair of bright purple pupils and a pair of emerald green rainbow pupils looked at each other, and then everyone heard a clear sound of glass breaking.

“OK, the experiment is over.”

The light in their pupils dimmed, and Xie Ming looked at Lias: “I probably understand Gaspar’s situation. From now on, he will follow me in training. Among us, only I can restrain this. The abilities of the little guy.”

“Well, trouble you.”

Rias gave a wry smile: “I have been receiving your help since Ressel.”

“What’s the matter?” Xie Ming waved his hand, jokingly said: “If you feel uncomfortable, just accept it with your own body.”


In an instant, the room became extremely silent.

“Ahhhhhh, Xiao Mingming is really…”

“Senior ergonomics hate it the most…”

“Mr. Xie Ming!! It turns out that you like Sister Lias!”

“That’s it, but I won’t give up. Irina, Asia, even if the first wife is the minister, we are not without a chance!”

“Huh? Is that true?”

Zhu Nai had a slightly horrible smile, the kitten stared at the dead fish’s eyes, Asia was in tears, Xenovia’s eyes were full of fighting spirit, and Irina was a little confused. As for Lias, her pretty face is also a little ruddy: “That, Xie Ming…I think it will take some time for us to learn more about it…”


Xie Ming’s face was full of black lines: “Just kidding! Just kidding! You guys can’t even tell the joke now!?”

As soon as the words came out, the depressive aura of the others subsided, but Lias’s face cooled down again.

“Ah, is it? It’s a joke.” Lias said calmly, “Well, I didn’t take it seriously anyway.”

You should stabilize the magical aura on your body first!

What to do, I thought that if Rias and Zhu Nai were there, my brain would not hurt so much. But now it seems that there is no difference!

With a sigh, Xie Ming looked at Zhu Nai who was smiling softly beside him, and he couldn’t help thinking of what he said before separating from Asachel.


“Speaking of which, your deputy minister, the queen of Rias Gremory, also has a very deep relationship with our fallen angel.”

“Zhu Nai?”

Xie Ming looked at Asacher suspiciously: “Zunai has fate with the fallen angel?”

“What, you don’t know.”

Asachel was taken aback for a moment, and then sighed: “But it is, after all, if the knot can be untied because of time, there won’t be so many tragedies.”

“What do you mean, don’t play dumb riddles with me here.”

“Well, people don’t take the initiative to tell you. I’m not good at talking to you here.” Asacher said as he packed his fishing rod, “My subordinate has a cadre named Baiqiu. He is me. He’s confidant, his fighting power is even comparable to mine.”

“And what he is best at is manipulating thunder and lightning. Then, do you understand?”

“Manipulate the Thunder….. The Miko of Thunder…”

Xie Ming muttered thoughtfully, and then looked at Asacher: “What do you mean by telling me this?”

“I just want to ask you to take care of her.”

Asacher shrugged and opened the 12 wings behind him: “After all, if our guess is correct, the next three-party meeting will be very dangerous.”

“Then, that’s it, see you at the meeting of the three parties, Emperor Chiryu.”

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