Chapter 784

Each of Lias’s dependents has a very heavy past. Kiba has it, Kitty has it, Gaspar has it, and Zhu Nai has it. Because of their heavy past, the strength of several people is limited to this stage.

But once they are unlocked or relieved, then each of them will have a leap forward in their strength. For example, Kiba directly developed his own forbidden state in the battle with Fried, and became the strongest among Rias’s family.

During that short five-day training, Xie Ming had already discovered that Lias and others each had a very high potential. Rias’s magic power is powerful and possesses the characteristics of ‘destruction’, Zhu Nai only uses his own demon’s magic power, and does not use another power in the body.

As for the kitten, she also has a very powerful force in her body.

Once the two of them use the strength in their bodies, their strength will directly approach Tier 3. But Xie Ming could see that the two of them had been rejecting the power in their bodies. The power of the kitten is currently unknown, but Zhu Nai’s body…should be the power of light on the side of the fallen angel.

And the Baiqiu mentioned by Asacher, if not surprisingly, should be Zhu Nai’s father. And there must be considerable contradictions between the father and daughter, which caused deep hatred in Zhu Nai’s eyes every time the fallen angel was mentioned.

But just like Kiba’s matter, Juno’s and kitten’s matter would need an opportunity to resolve. Only when an opportunity arises can the knot in the hearts of these two people be resolved. What Xie Ming can do for the two of them now is just waiting, and only waiting.

Besides, the matter before everyone is not to solve the two people’s knots. The tripartite meeting is the most important thing at present.


Tonight’s Juwang Academy is extremely solemn and guarded. The thick diamond-shaped enchantment, like crystals, surrounded the entire academy. In the sky, soldiers of angels, fallen angels, and demons guarded one corner of the barrier, and stood ready.

Yes, the tripartite talks have finally come.

In the office of the old school building, Xie Ming put on his dark red windbreaker, hung the demon knife around his waist, holding a cane in his hand.

“It looks like it’s ready.”

Rias folded her arms and said softly, “This meeting, like the previous negotiations, was held in the meeting room of Komao Academy.”

“On the devil’s side, Cifer, the devil, Leviathan, and Gurefiya, us, Sona and Tsubaki are in attendance. The angel’s side is attended by Michael. And the last fallen angel… …”

“Governor Asacher of the Fallen Angel attended, and the White Dragon Emperor Vali was in the audience.”

Hearing that Vali was also present, there was no surprise on Xie Ming’s face. He nodded lightly, looked at everyone in the Supernatural Research Department, and chuckled lightly.

“Then, let’s go too.”

“Xie Ming…. One final confirmation, are you sure you want to take Gasper there?”

Lias looked at Gaspar and said with some concern: “If for any reason, Gaspar’s ability is activated…”


Xie Ming interrupted Lias, stretched out his hand and rubbed the hair of Gaspar, who was standing next to him, a little disturbed: “Please trust your family, and please trust me.”

“…Well, I was wrong.” Lias froze for a moment, and then said apologetically to Gaspar: “I’m sorry, Gaspar. As your master, I didn’t trust you.”

“No, it’s okay, Minister.”

Gasper shook his head lightly and said softly: “I am also very upset, afraid that I will have problems. But… the master said, I can do it. Then I will try to do it! ”

“That’s the momentum.”

Xie Ming smiled, then looked at everyone: “Let’s go! Don’t let the bosses of the three parties wait for a long time.”

From the old school building to the meeting room, it only takes 10 minutes. So soon, everyone came to the door of the conference room.

“excuse me.”

The door was pushed open, and Xie Ming entered into a very luxurious and spacious conference room. In the center of the room, there is a round table and four chairs. Someone is already sitting on the chair.

On the two chairs on the left, there are handsome red-haired youths and cute girls with black pony tails. They are the representatives of the devil side: the big devil Szekes Lu Cifer, the devil Seraphu Leviathan.

On the right, it is the Governor of the Fallen Angel, Asachel, who has been talking to Xie Ming for a long time. This handsome uncle still has a cynical smile on his face, but his kimono has been replaced with a low-key luxurious coat.

On the last side by the window, there was a young man with long pale blonde hair sitting with a gentle and elegant smile. And the pure halo hovering over his head had already revealed his identity.

God’s side leader, archangel, Michael.

Behind Suzex and Seraphim, the silver-haired maid Gurefiya was standing silently. At the corner of the wall, Cang Na and Chun Ji were also waiting silently.

On the other side of the wall, a handsome young man with silver hair was standing against the wall with his arms folded, his pupils full of unruly and arrogance. No need to explain, the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor on the left had already told Xie Ming the identity of the silver-haired youth.

The White Dragon Emperor, Wali.

“Hello~Red Dragon Emperor Sauce~”

While Xie Ming was observing the crowd, Seraphim first said hello to Xie Ming: “I wanted to see you a long time ago, but I finally saw it today.”

“Nice to meet you, Seraphim.”

Xie Ming responded calmly, and then looked at the figure in the middle: “And Michael, I’m glad to see you.”

“Well, Mr. Xie Ming.” Michael lowered his head to Xie Ming and said softly, “Thank you very much for helping us regain the six holy swords and preventing the situation from getting worse.”

“You are welcome.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “The people who returned the six holy swords are Zenovia and Irina, not me. If the six holy swords are really in my hands, how can I destroy the holy sword of destruction? He stayed with the Holy Sword of Mimicry. After all, they were all sent back. These two girls are going to fight empty-handed.”

“Xie Ming…”

“Brother Xie Ming…”

Seeing Xie Ming bring the topic to himself, Xenovia and Irina looked a little embarrassed. And Asia, who was beside them, kept his head down and his expression was heavy.

In any case, the three of them are people with strong beliefs. Seeing Michael as a demon now, it’s hard not to be embarrassed.

Michael was also aware of this, and did not care, but showed a kind smile to the three of them. Then he followed Xie Ming’s words and said: “Indeed, Mr. Xie Ming, you have helped us a lot this time, and it’s not good to say nothing. In the next day, I will send someone to pay for the mimicry and destruction of the two holy swords. Come to school.”


Xie Ming blinked, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He just said casually. He didn’t expect the other party to actually send this strategic weapon over. This is…what a bad guy.

“Then I am here to thank you for Xenovia and Irina.”

Michael smiled and waved his hand.

Seeing that Xie Ming and Michael had finished talking about it, Suzex raised his head when the atmosphere was not embarrassing.

“Now, the participants of the meeting have gathered. Then, let’s get started.”

“For the first time in a thousand years, the tripartite talks.”

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