Chapter 800

“how come……”

I stared blankly at the two wolves of Skoul and Hati falling to the ground, completely losing their breath of life. He looked at Xie Ming, whose hands were covered with blood and his expression was calm, wrapped in black and red flames. A sense of unspeakable fear has filled Loki’s brain at this time.

escape! Run away! ! Otherwise you will die! Really will die! ! !

Even in the face of Thor’s Hammer that judged the Nordic gods, Loki would not be so scared. Because Thor’s Hammer brings judgment, a seal, not death. As a god, it can be said to be the most vital creature in the world.

As long as the divinity is still there, the deity will not die easily.

But Xie Ming at this time gave him such a feeling. If he died in his hands, then he would really die, and he would never be able to resurrect! !

“Want to escape?”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Do you think you can escape in my hands?”



Following Loki’s order, the replica Mitgaum roared and opened his bloody mouth to bite at Xie Ming.

“The copied Dragon King shouldn’t be running around to join in the fun.”

In the state of five times the Wrath of Sparta, Xie Ming’s strength has already entered the low level of Tier 4. An enemy who is at the same stage of strength as Xie Ming will only have one result in Xie Ming’s hands.


“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The flames of hell entwined with black and red, the blade of the demon sword flashed past. Hanmang slashed across the head of the replica, making Mitga Ohm’s body froze in place. After that, Xie Ming didn’t even look at it, and directly attacked Loki. Behind the scenes, the body of the replica Mitgaum slowly separated, turning into a little bit of brilliance and dissipating.



Loki called again, and Fenrir, who was injured by Xie Ming, had already slowed down. And because of the injury, this wolf that would devour Odin in the future completely aroused the fierceness in the body. Regardless of the split head, the huge body turned into a black glow.

“Want to die? Then it will fulfill you.”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Xie Ming quietly looked at the blood that was biting his own mouth, and instead of retreating, he rushed directly into Fenrir’s mouth. Both feet were on its lower lip, and both hands firmly grasped the two protruding sharp teeth.

“These two are the most powerful teeth of killing gods, right? Now, no more.”


With his body down, his hands smashed, Fenrir’s two sharp teeth broke directly. Because of the interaction force, Xie Ming’s body also lost balance and fell backward. At the same time, because the sharp tooth was broken, Fenrir’s blood mouth had no support and quickly closed.

Even if he lost the two sharpest teeth and was bitten by such a bite, Xie Ming would be seriously injured. But if Xiang Xie Ming’s swordsmanship has been trained to the level of a great master, would he lose his balance so easily?

It is impossible to think and know.

The body twisted, and both hands grasped Fenrir’s sharp teeth in its lower cavity for a little bit. The right leg turned into a black shadow, and it kicked hard at the upper cavity of the gum.

“Your mouth smells so bad, let me out.”



A few teeth were kicked directly by Xie Ming’s kick, and Fenrir let out an extremely painful roar. And Xie Ming ran out from the gap in this tooth. Follow Fenrir’s huge body and come to its head.

“Speaking of which, these two teeth are useless if I want to come.”

After weighing the God Killing Tooth in his hand, Xie Ming lowered his head and looked at Fenrir on the soles of his feet, and shrugged: “Forget it, give it back to you.”

After all, he pierced the sharp teeth of his left hand on Fenrir’s head where he had just kicked the crack.


“I didn’t get in completely.”

Turning his left hand into a fist, Xie Ming looked at the sharp teeth still half exposed, and yelled: “Beng attack!”


The fist blasted out and hit the fractured surface of the sharp tooth. The next moment, the entire broken tooth plunged into Fenrir’s head. And Fenrir’s amber vertical pupils gradually diminished.


The huge body fell weakly to the ground. Xie Ming glanced at Fenrir, whose pupils were still fierce after death, shrugged, looked at Loki who was sluggish in the sky, and then looked at himself. The sharp teeth of the right hand.

“As the saying goes, the body is skinned, and the parents are affected. So, I will give you the ‘skin’ on Fenrir’s behalf.”


Loki’s pupils shrank, without saying a word, he burst out with the strength to suckle, and fled into the distance.

“It really ran, how can this work.”

With a wave of his hand, three groups of light floated from Fenrir, Skuer and Hati, and merged into Xie Ming’s body. This is the divinity in the three-headed wolf, which will become the raw material for Xie Ming’s slaying armor. It’s just that Xie Ming has no time to forge these three divinities into a god-killing outfit.

After all, the tail has not been taken away yet.

“BalanceBreaker (banned hand).”

The rebellious dragon state turned on again, and the hideous dragon wings flapped behind him. Xie Ming turned into a streamer and chased Loki.


“It’s so scared…”

Suddenly, a dark purple magic circle appeared, and three figures walked out of the magic circle. One person carries bright yellow at both ends, and the stick is a bright red iron rod. One person, wearing a gorgeous deacon uniform, wearing glasses, and two knight swords hanging from his waist, looked handsome.

The last person was a girl who looked like seventeen or eighteen. She wore a jet black kimono, revealing a lot of white skin, very sexy and glamorous. The most eye-catching thing is the black cat ears on her head and the two tails wagging back behind her back.

And the sentence just now was exactly what the young girl said.

“Hahahaha, it’s scary.”

The wild young man carrying the iron rod and the golden hoop laughed and said, “That’s a madman who dares to draw a sword with our boss, now our plan has also been ruined.”

This person is the monkey who had a close relationship with Xie Ming before.

“Meow~, I have no choice but to go back.” The girl licked the back of her hand like a wild cat, somewhat helpless: “I want to see my stupid sister, but I didn’t see it.”

“This is not necessarily true.”

The handsome man in suit and glasses pushed his glasses and looked at a clearing. At this time, the dark green magic circle also appeared. Lias and others appeared on this battlefield.

“Already, is it over…” Lias looked at the messy wasteland, somewhat startled.

“Fenrir! And Skool and Haty!!”

Rose Weisser looked at the three wolf corpses lying on the ground in surprise, and his pupils were filled with disbelief: “The legendary beast with the ability to kill gods and devour the sun and the moon, unexpectedly…”

“Ahhhhhh, everyone, I think we should pay attention now, it is not these~”

Zhu Nai’s gentle voice rang in everyone’s ears, but this tone was full of seriousness.

The kitten who had the same reaction as Zhu Nai.

She looked at the girl in the kimono not far away, her face was full of vigilance, and even put on a fighting pose.

“Why are you here…”

“elder sister.”

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