Chapter 801

“Meow, this is really a surprise.”

Looking at the kitten, the girl in kimono stretched her waist in a charming manner, with a seductive smile on her face: “Long time no see, Baiyin~”

“Sister, what is going on?”

The kitten asked seriously: “Why are you in this place? Where did Senior Xie Ming go? What is the purpose of your coming?”

“The purpose of coming here~ Of course it is here to take you back, Baiyin~”

The girl in kimono licked the corner of her mouth and said relaxedly: “I was a little anxious when I was running away, so I didn’t take you away with me. So now, I’m here to pick you up~”

“Black song, I can’t assume that I didn’t hear this.”

Lias walked forward slowly, blocking the kitten’s face, with a serious expression: “The kitten is now my dependent, my lovely servant. Don’t even want to touch her with a finger.”

“Meow, you really can be kidding me, the sister of Demon King Suzex.” The kimono girl Hei Ge sat on a rock and shook her white thighs: “Bai Yin is my sister, so she won’t let it go to the superior demon. Yours.”

“elder sister…..”

The kitten looked at the black song earnestly: “If it’s really just for this, please go back. I won’t go with your sister. I’m the family member of Lord Lias, and belong to Senior Xie Ming. Junior.”

“Emperor Chilong…” Hei Ge’s movements froze when he heard Xie Ming’s name, and then one stood up: “Yes, it will be troublesome if Emperor Chilong comes back. So, we too. You can’t waste time here.”

“Bai Yin, even if I use power today, I will bring you back.”

“Well, although it is very likely that the horrible guy will hit the door later, but that will be the next thing.”

Waving the golden hoop in his hand, the monkey body slowly appeared wary: “Do you want to resist a little bit? In this case, it might be interesting.”

“There is no way.” The last man in the suit and glasses also drew a long sword full of sacred breath from his waist: “Introduce yourself, I am the last descendant of King Arthur, Arthur Pandoragon. For your safety, I still hope you can give us the mandrill.”

“After all, if it hurts you, that terrifying Emperor Chilong might really hit the door.”

“Really underestimated…”

Hearing the words of the three of them not paying attention to themselves and others at all, Rias had a huge and profound magic power: “If you really think that you can easily defeat me and my family members, then you can try try.”

With Rias’ declaration, everyone also entered a state of battle. Junai’s body was changed into the costume of a shrine maiden, and she began to be entangled with thunder and lightning. The Holy Demon Sword appeared in Kiba’s hand, and Xenovia also took out a deep blue sword from her sealed space.

The ribbon tied to Irina’s arm turned into a small sword, while Asia and Gaspar retreated some distance. Asia’s expression was serious, and although Gaspar still had a hint of weakness on his face, there was also a wave of magical power on his body.

“Then, I’ll help you too, Rias and the dependents.”

With the white light, Rose Weisser’s women’s suit turned into a sexy and heroic Valkyrie battle suit. The rigid and serious Valkyrie looked at the trio of Heige calmly, and said solemnly: “It is Valkyrie’s unshirkable responsibility to fight against the darkness that disturbs the world.”

“Thank you, Ms. Rose Weisser.”

Rias smiled: “It’s so reassuring to be able to get your help as Master Odin’s guard.”

“Minister… Everyone…” The kitten turned his head and looked at the friends who were in the fighting state, and couldn’t help being a little speechless.

“Kitten, you are my chariot, and a very important dependent of me.”

Gently hugging the kitten into her arms, Lias whispered: “So please trust everyone, believe in yourself.”

“…Yes, Minister Rias.”

After lowering his head, after a moment of silence, the kitten raised his head with tears in his eyes, but his eyes were firm: “Sister, I am Tacheng Kitten, I want to live with Minister Lias and everyone. So, I won’t follow you!”


Hei Ge single-handed on hips, chuckled softly: “It’s obviously not our opponent, but he still has to resist. Isn’t he stupid?”

“This is not necessarily true.”

Lias walked forward and said coldly: “We have made a lot of progress and growth after spending a semester with Xie Ming. But the most important thing is that we have learned one thing.”

“Companion, friend, we need to spare our lives to protect! And, if we haven’t beaten it before, who knows the result!?”

“Zenovia, Youdou, Irina, the three of you are going to fight against King Arthur’s last descendants. With the Holy Sword and the Holy Demon Sword, you are the most suitable existence among us to fight him.”


“Ms. Rose Weisser, I wonder if you can hold the monkey?”

“I will try my best.”

“Gasper, your task is to protect Asia, not let anyone approach you. Asia, please treat everyone’s injuries!”

“”Yes, Minister! ! “”


Rias looked at the black song: “Zhu Nai, the black song will be dealt with by the two of us.”

“Yes~, Minister.” Zhu Nai replied with a light smile: “It’s a long-lost joint fight~”

“Well, I hope you are not unfamiliar.”

“Ahhhhhh, of course not.”

“Minister Lias, I also want to participate in the battle!” Kitty said seriously: “Please believe that Senior Xie Ming has personally trained me for 20 days.”

“…… Kitty, that’s your sister.”

“I see.”

Wearing a handguard on his hand, the kitten assumed a fighting pose: “I, won’t hesitate anymore.”


After being silent for a while, Rias showed a warlike smile: “Then, please protect me and Zhu Nai from the kitten!”


“It seems that your assignment is over~”

Hei Ge, Arthur and Meihou also showed warlike smiles: “Speaking of which, we are also Valli’s family members. So this time, it can be regarded as a ranking game for Lu Cifer’s family and Gremory’s family.”

“Bet, it’s my sister, Baiyin. Arthur, monkey, shouldn’t you have any problems?”

“Hahaha, play against Valkyrie in Northern Europe.”

The monkey laughed and said: “This is really pleasant! And I can let go of my hand to fight, even if I accidentally beat her seriously, the Emperor Red Dragon probably won’t kill me.”

“It’s better to say, Black Song Arthur, you have to be careful. If you really miss one or two, we may be buried together with the members of the Valli team.”

“Really, you said this before the war, monkey, you are too scared of Chiryu Emperor.”

Arthur pushed his glasses, and said flatly: “However, we really don’t have the need to grudge against the Emperor Chilong. It should be enough to prevent them from fighting.”

“Meow~ Hurry up.” A light ball containing runes appeared in the black singer: “If you don’t hurry up, people will come back~”

“Then go to war.”

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