Chapter 804 Three Battlefields

After landing lightly, the kitten leaped back flexibly and returned to Lias and Zhu Nai.

“Good job, kitten.”

“Hehehehe, the kitten is really amazing~”

“No, Minister, Deputy Minister, it did not succeed.”

The kitten shook his head, his expression still serious: “I just took it, and it didn’t feel like a hit.”

“Meow~ Baiyin, is it a bit too much for my sister~”

The black song that had flown upside down came to a sudden stop in the air, and then flew back slowly, patted the kimono on his body, and chuckled softly: “But it’s really an accident~ Baiyin, you have become so strong without relying on the strength in your body. NS.”

“Senior Xie Ming told me that there is not only one way to become stronger.” Cat said in a deep voice, “Improving my skills by training is also a way to become stronger.”

“Yes, skills do make people stronger, but it takes time.”

Hei Ge shrugged, and then showed a seductive smile: “However, it takes time to improve your skills. Just after training with the Emperor Chiryu for less than half a year, how much can you improve in your skills?”

“Okay, sister doesn’t want to play with you anymore. So, get serious, meow~”

In an instant, the space began to change, and one after another Xianshu curse balls with missile power floated around Heige’s body. Seeing Hei Ge this way, the expressions of Rias, Zhu Nai, and Cat became more serious.


“Yo yo yo, big sister is really amazing.”

Stepping on the clouds under her feet, she sent out magic bullets to dodge at Rose Weisser at a super extreme distance, and the monkey said frivolously: “If I attack more, I might not be able to avoid it~”

“Unexpectedly, there is such a strong reaction ability…”

Rose Weisser maintained the barrage, with a few drops of cold sweat on her face. You know, among the many Valkyrie, she is the only one who can maintain such a large number of attack magic at the same time.

But seeing that the monkey can avoid it so easily, she also suffered some blows in her heart.

“Sure enough, is Northern Europe still too small…”

With a sigh, Rose Weisser’s eyes became more serious. The magic circle that is attacking now is the limit she can control. As the monkey said, it is increasing a little, she can’t do it.

However, her current magic array is all attacking in one direction. So, what about a 360-degree attack with no dead ends on this monkey?


With a clear drink, the magic circle behind Rose Weisser disappeared instantly. Appeared again, surrounded by the monkeys.


The monkey looked at the magic circle around him and let out a strange cry: “This way, I can’t hide.”

In the next moment, light arrows, water bombs, flames, lightning… all kinds of magical attacks poured on the monkey.




The two girls who are partners in the church, whether it is tacit understanding or cooperation, can be described as perfect this time. Just hearing Xenovia yelled, Irina understood what to do.

The mimicry holy sword in his hand turned into a long whip and quickly swung at Arthur.

“The holy sword of mimicry…”

Arthur sighed and waved the knight sword in his hand. And just with such a light wave, Irina’s long whip was directly cut open with Space. This caused Xenovia’s pupils on the other side to shrink instantly.

“But even so!”

The holy sword of destruction in the left hand slashed to the ground, causing huge damage and dust. Using the dust as a cover, Xenovia quickly approached Arthur, and Durandall in the other hand swung down fiercely.



Seeing Arthur who was steadily catching his slash, Genovia murmured: “Actually accepted Durandall’s attack…”

“The Holy Sword Durandall is indeed a very good sword. But compared to this one in my hand, it is still a bit inferior.”

Arthur shook his arm and bounced Xenovia directly, then swiped forward without even looking at it, severing the holy demon sword in Kiba’s hand, and because of the space crack, Kiba could no longer continue. attack.

“Just waving it can cut off the space…” Xenovia looked at the weapon in Arthur’s hand with a serious expression: “I only know one such sword with a sacred breath.”

“I introduced it earlier? I am the last descendant of King Arthur, so it’s not surprising that I have this sword in my hand, am I?”

Arthur said calmly: “The strongest holy sword on the ground, the holy king’s sword. Or, you can call it the sword in the stone.”

In the world of High School DXD, the sword in the stone is not broken, but has been passed down in the Pendragon family, and it is mastered by each generation of Patriarch. Among all the holy swords, the sword in the stone is also the strongest existence. Therefore, people call it the Sacred King Sword.

“However, it seems a bit wrong to use this sword against you.”

Looking at the Holy King Sword in his hand, Arthur placed it in its sheath again and drew out another long sword: “It should be just right to use this sword against you. This is the Holy Sword of Domination, and it has always been , The one whose whereabouts are unknown. I also got it by chance.”

“The Holy Sword of Domination, the strongest weapon among the seven secondary holy swords…”

Irina gritted her teeth, and shouted in a self-deprecating manner: “How can I fight this!”

“No, you can fight.”

Kiba slowly moved forward, and once again created a holy demon sword in his hand: “We do not have the power to resist the holy king sword. However, he chooses to use the holy sword of dominance against us, and we still have a chance. .”

“Because Durandall has a higher level than the Holy Sword of Domination! So if you find the right opportunity, Zenovia can sever the Holy Sword of Domination and let him expose his flaws. With this flaw, we will You can win!”

“Ah, just like Kiba said, Irina.” Xenovia also took a few steps forward, saying warly: “The innate holy swordsman is fighting against the last descendants of King Arthur, Irina, don’t you think this? Is it a trial God gave us!?”


Irina’s eyes were filled with fighting spirit for an instant: “Yes! All this is a trial given by the Lord to become a demon. As long as we cross the past, even the Lord will definitely forgive us! Although, he is dead. ….”

“Then, Irina, you are responsible for using the holy sword of mimicry to contain you, and Zenovia is waiting for the opportunity.”

The holy demon sword in his hand was separated and turned into two long swords, one black and one white. Kiba calmly said: “I will create the opportunity for you to cut off the opponent’s weapon!”

“Ah, I understand.”


“Then, let’s go!”

Suddenly throwing out the two weapons in his hands, Kiba rushed towards Arthur.

“Throwing out the weapon, the family members of Gremory really have a strange way of fighting.”

Randomly picking up the black and white swords thrown by Kiba, a bit of interest appeared in Arthur’s eyes: “So, what should you do next?”

“It should be done!”

Two black and white swords appeared in his hands again, and Kiba severely cut them down.

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