Chapter 805


The two swords slashed at the holy sword of dominance that Arthur raised at the same time, but as Arthur used his force, Kiba was bounced away, and the two swords were also released.

“that’s all?”

Arthur frowned, but then his pupils shrank. Because there are two sharp auras behind him, they are quickly attacking his back. But the three enemies are all in his field of vision! ?


Without looking behind him, Arthur waved his arm, and the holy sword in his hand opened the breath coming from behind. But at this time, Kiba used his swift speed to come to Arthur again.

“Three Crane Wings!!”

There was a crisis on the left and right, on both sides and in front of him at the same time, and a faint smile appeared on Arthur’s face.

“Very good sword skills, but…”

Arthur’s speed suddenly increased, and the holy sword in his hand cut all the four swords circling in the air, and then slashed towards Kiba: “I am a knight just like you.”

“No, we have succeeded.”

The two holy demon swords in his hand crossed and blocked Arthur’s slashing, and the corners of Kiba’s mouth curled up: “The purpose of my use of this trick is not to hit you.”

“The Holy Sword of Mimicry…”

Seeing that I don’t know when to tie the long whip in my left hand, and the holy sword in my right hand is also firmly held back by the double swords in Kiba’s hands, the intuition from the Pendragon family reminds him very strongly at this time, The crisis is approaching.


Zenovia, who was also a knight, exploded with the speed that a knight should have, the Holy Sword of Destruction and Durandall, and at the same time slashed at Arthur’s arms.

“Doesn’t you mean to kill me…”

Arthur said to himself, then smiled: “Then, let me show some mercy.”

“Holy King Sword, out of its sheath.”


The Sacred King Sword that was originally inserted in the scabbard was ejected automatically. In just a moment of effort, he cut off the two swords in Kiba’s hand, Irina’s long whip, and flew Xenovia.

“Guys of Gremory, I have to say that you are very strong.”

Reaching out, grabbing the Sacred King Sword floating in the air, Arthur pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said calmly: “It’s just a lower-level demon, so I have to work together to make me use the Sacred King Sword. In the future, you will change. Be stronger.”

“But now, you have not reached the level that can make me serious. Therefore, you at this moment cannot protect your partners.”

“What a joke!”



Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina rushed to Arthur at the same time again. But Arthur just gently swung the sword in his hand.


The powerful sword aura and spatial fluctuations instantly hit the three of them. Even if the three of them used their weapons in time to block them, they were also forced back by the powerful impact, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

“The other two sides are almost over.”

Without looking at the three of them again, Arthur looked at the other two battlefields.


“Hahahaha, big sister, I have to say that your magic is still out of order!”

In the barrage of countless magic attacks, a figure slowly walked out. While digging his ears, the monkey looked at the pale Rose Weiser with a hippy smile.

“How could it be…. It was indeed hit!”

Rose Weisser looked at the unscathed monkey in disbelief, a little disbelief.

“Ah, it was indeed hit. But didn’t I say it? It’s almost time to fire.”

The monkey stretched his waist and smiled: “I am the descendant of the Monkey King Fighting and defeating the Buddha, this generation of Monkey King. Whether it is a golden hoop or a somersault cloud, it is the same style as First Generation. In other words, I and First Generation The old guys are of the same blood. And what does this blood represent, big sister, should you understand?”

“…Indestructible body.” Rose Weisser murmured.


The monkey shrugged: “The old guy was born from a fairy stone since the beginning of the world, so our offspring are also very strong. It is not impossible to break our defense, but at least it is at the level of the Dragon King and the highest-level demon. Character.”

“Big sister, you are still far from that level.”


Rose Weisser slowly fell to the ground, and the energy in her body was almost consumed.

“Ah, I can’t fight anymore.” The monkey sighed regretfully: “Although your attack power is insufficient, big sister, but the amount is still sufficient. It’s just that you met us.”

“From the beginning, you have no chance of winning.”


“Oh?” The monkey looked in the direction of the explosion in surprise: “It seems that Heige is a little surprised.”


After Heige got serious, I have to say that the battle was completely one-sided.

Facing the endless fairy magic bullets, even if Lias and Zhu Nai tried their best to defend, they couldn’t stop them for too long, and the kitten couldn’t get close. In the absence of any alternative, Zhu Nai and Lias decided to drag Hei Ge into the guerrilla warfare.

Compared with them after Xie Ming’s training, Heige’s flying skills are definitely not comparable to them. Playing while running, constantly consuming Hei Ge’s physical strength and entering a protracted battle, this is the only way for them to win.

And just when they decided to do this, they found that… I don’t know when, this area was actually surrounded by an immortal enchantment that was sealed off by space. With the space restricted, the plan of guerrilla warfare simply cannot be implemented.

What made the battle even worse was that Hei Ge was able to move in space like Xie Ming. No, to be precise, the spatial movement of Hei Ge is more powerful than Xie Ming. Because Xie Ming is unable to move in space in a field where space is sealed off, or in a field where space is fluctuating and chaotic.

But for black songs, these are not a problem at all.

So this time, the three of Rias were no longer facing unidirectional fairy magic bullets, but attacking from all directions. As the only person who can perform defensive magic, Rias does her part to support the defensive magic of all-round defense.

Because of this, Rias’s magic power is being consumed at an extremely fast speed. After persisting for about ten seconds, the defensive magic was broken, and the three of them were instantly hit by countless fairy magic bullets.

“Meow~ It seems a bit too much…”

Hei Ge licked the back of his hand as he looked at the three people with broken clothes and wounded all over, feeling a little helpless. I have to say that these three people have exceeded her expectations. An upper-level demon and two lower-level demons could actually make her serious.

Fortunately, there was treatment from Asia, so Rias and the others quickly recovered from their injuries. But Asia can only recover her injuries, physical strength and magic, and she can do nothing.

Looking at Lias, who was kneeling on the ground with a pale face. Zhu Nai and Kitten, who still had physical strength and magical power, lowered their heads. In my mind, I recalled what Xie Ming said.

“Reality usually makes you face the past that you don’t want to face in a dramatic way. At that time, you will know that there is nothing more important than protecting your friends.

. There is nothing more terrifying than losing one’s own friends. ”

“Meow~ Baiyin, let’s go with sister.”

Hei Ge chuckled and said, “Your friends, they are all down.”

“…No, I haven’t fallen yet.”

Zhu Nai chuckled lightly, and slowly stood in front of the kitten. On the body, the wave of the power of light began to appear.

“Indeed, compared to losing friends, what are the hatred and hatred in my heart?”

“Senior Zhu Nai…”

“Kitten, I won’t let you go.”

Behind, a black wing like a sickle spreads out. On the other side, wings that were as pitch black as Yoruichi Kuroichi spread out slowly. Zhu Nai looked at the black song, and said seriously and seriously.

“My name is Himeshima Juna, the daughter of the witch Himeshima Juli and the fallen angel Baiqiu!”

“If you want to take away the kitten, then, beat me first!”

Thunder and light, unimpededly combined together. The bright yellow thunder dots wrapped around Zhu Nai’s body turned into dark blue. This is…

“Thunder light!!”

The dark blue thunder light pierced through the space and hit the black song.

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