Chapter 806

“Baiqiu’s daughter?”

Looking at Zhu Nai with half the jet black wings and half the devil wings, Hei Ge was surprised, and said with a light smile: “But compared with Baiqiu, your lightning is still far worse. At this level, there is no way to beat me. ~”


Zhu Nai was silent and did not reply. But the thunder light in his hand strengthened by another point. But even so, the gap between her and Hei Ge is still too big.

“…Senior Zhu Nai.”

Seeing Zhu Nai’s appearance, the kitten’s expression was very complicated. She knew how difficult it was for Zhu Nai to take this step. She can accept the blood of the fallen angel in her body, so she mustered up much courage.

What about yourself? Is that what you are doing? I just watched my companions fall one by one in order to protect myself, but couldn’t I do anything?

“do not want…..”

Yes, I definitely don’t want it. I am Rias Gremory’s castle, but now it is protected by the king and by everyone. Obviously protecting everyone should be the responsibility of this castle.

But I am also very scared. This makes people misfortune in my own body, and it will hurt people’s power…

“Even if you go the wrong way, I will bring you back to put you on the right path. So Kitty, you don’t need to be afraid. Because the strongest Chiryu Emperor is escorting you!”

For some reason, the kitten remembered it again, touching her head tenderly at that time, Xie Ming’s smile. Then, she woke up, she felt that she was really like a fool before, with so much worry and fear.

With such a strong and gentle predecessor as Xie Ming, what do I need to be afraid of? Just accept your own strength and follow the path you choose.

“Senior Xie Ming, please give me courage…”

The immortal power that had been blocked in the body began to flow in the body, two snow-white lovely ears appeared on his head, and the two slender plush tails on the tailbone also stretched out. Afterwards, the kitten began to run.


Seeing a white shadow passing by, Zhu Nai was stunned for a moment, and then smiled softly: “Really? You took this step too, kitten.”

“Then as a deputy minister, I can’t admit defeat!”

The magic in the body and the power of light merged again, and the sky was affected and dark clouds began to appear. Then following an instruction from Zhu Nai, the dark blue thunder light crashed down.

“Thunder light!!”



Hei Ge waved his hand, and another fairy magic barrier blocked the thunder that crashed down. She shrugged helplessly: “I have said, even if your thunder light is increasing a bit, you are doing useless work.”

“The ending of this battle has been doomed from the beginning.”

“Ahhhhhh, this is not necessarily true.”

Zhu Nai covered her mouth and chuckled, then chuckled: “Little cat, let her see and see, the power of our Supernatural Research Department!”

“Yes, Deputy Minister!”


“Sister.” The kitten has come to Hei Ge’s body at this time, with her right fist tucked at her waist, and the fairy power in her body has been condensed in her fist. She looked at Heige calmly and said softly: “Sister, what you did this time is too much.”

“Bad boy, need a lesson.”

Stepping forward with his left foot, his right fist formed a circle of sonic boom in the air and hit it mercilessly.

“Spartan fighting skills, Xianshu·Buncan!”


Containing penetration and the power of the castle, the condensed Xianshu bullets are shot out in a collapsed manner. This is how the kitten came up during the rush to use his own body’s magical power!

The Xianshu bullet, which had condensed half of the cat’s body, slammed into the third Xianshu barrier that Hei Ge hurriedly made. But this barrier, which only blocked it for less than half a second, turned into nothingness.

But for only half a second, Hei Ge had time to lay down a defensive barrier.

“Xianshu, Eight Trigrams!”

The dark purple Eight Trigrams formation blocked the white light bomb. But what was surprising was that the white fairy light bullets actually pushed the defense barrier to keep advancing. At the same time, a little bit of energy penetrated the barrier and attacked the black song inside.

“Really, it’s so amazing~”

Hei Ge casually threw out a few fairy magic bullets to disperse the energy that had penetrated into the enchantment. In the amber pupils, there was a horror that was hard to disappear: “Bai Yin, you and your friends, today I really surprised my sister too much.”

Just a little bit, Hei Ge will really be hit directly by this blow. According to the power of this blow, she would definitely lose combat effectiveness directly. With a cat’s mandrill and half-devil and half-fallen angel who have just accepted their power, can they actually defeat her who is able to fight against the devil’s level?

Really, it’s amazing.

But this point determines the outcome of this victory or defeat.

“Just a little bit…”

“It’s a pity…”

After Xianshu Beng Artillery forcibly pushed the defensive barrier and walked a few meters, its energy was exhausted and disappeared. The kitten and Zhu Nai also knelt down on the ground, no longer able to fight. There was a trace of unwillingness on the faces of the two of them.

“Yeah, it’s really dangerous~”

The purple defensive barrier disappeared. Hei Ge looked at the scorched earth a few meters away and gently patted his chest: “Bai Yin, you actually put such a heavy hand on your sister.”

“It’s my sister, I hurt my friend first.”

The kitten gritted his teeth and stood up forcibly: “The bad boy who is disobedient needs to learn a lesson.”

“Meow~ But in the end, Baiyin will take you away by us.” Hei Ge smiled triumphantly: “Although it is undeniable, you surprised me, but the gap in strength is something you can’t make up for. ”

“So, if you don’t want your friends to continue to be hurt, just go with us obediently.”

“Oh~~, I really want to see how you plan to continue hurting them.”



The space barrier that enveloped the battlefield disappeared with the crisp sound of cracking. And Hei Ge, Arthur and Meihou had gathered together at this time, their expressions solemn.

“It’s finally here…” Lias looked at the figure in the sky and complained with a wry smile.

“Ahhhhh, don’t you think Xiao Mingming is here at the right time? Lias.”

Zhu Nai covered her mouth and chuckled, looking at Xie Ming with fluctuating eyes and said.

“Xie Ming…Senior…”

Seeing that figure, the kitten’s strength was relieved, and his body slowly fell. After that, he was hugged by the familiar and warm figure.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

Without asking much, Xie Ming glanced at everyone and said softly, “Everyone has worked hard. And…”

“Congratulations, kitten, Zhu Nai. You finally crossed that hurdle.”

He held the kitten and came to Zhu Nai’s side, and gently touched their heads, Xie Ming smiled: “Next, leave it to me.”

“Then leave it to you, Xiao Mingming.”

“Senior Xie Ming…”

The kitten grabbed the corner of Xie Ming’s clothes, with a trace of pleading in his pupils: “Please, don’t kill them.”

“…Ah, of course.”

After Xie Ming was silent for a moment, he squeezed the kitten’s face: “It’s just a lesson for them.”

Then he stood up and waved his hand, and the members of different places gathered behind him.

“Everyone, wait a while, I’ll come as soon as I go.”

But facing his black song three people can clearly see that Xie Ming’s expression is gradually getting colder.

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