Chapter 807

“Ahahaha, this is over.”

The monkey touched his head and smiled: “Hey, Hei Ge, glasses, do you say that Emperor Chilong will spare our lives?”

“Don’t call me glasses, monkey.” Arthur pushed the glasses, his face still calm: “Black Song is with us, and we really didn’t have murderous intentions to deal with Gremory’s family members. So, about 40%. The probability that Chilong Emperor will not kill us.”

“Only 40%…”

“Meow~ more than 40%.”

Hei Ge gave a wry smile and glanced at the kitten: “Bai Yin should be pleading for us just now, so we won’t die. It’s just that we can’t avoid being taught a lesson.”

“Ah, I was taught a lesson…” The monkey also smiled bitterly: “Really, is it too late for me to escape now?”

“Do you think we can run past him?”

Arthur said lightly, “So, just stay here and take care of your mouth, Monkey.”

“Oh, I’m still in the mood to chat.”

When Xie Ming was about ten meters away from the three of them, he stopped and looked at the three of them coldly: “It looks like you seem to be very sure, and I don’t think I will kill you guys. ”

“Ah, Brother Chilongdi…” the monkey said with a smile on his face: “Look, we really have no malice, just thinking…”


A dark blade of light cut through the monkey’s face, and cut the huge rock behind the three in half.

“Don’t give me a hippie smile here.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Unless Orpheus appears here again, otherwise you have no room to bargain with me.”

“Ah ha ha……”

The monkey chuckled a few times and retreated. On the other hand, Hei Ge and Arthur didn’t have the slightest sympathy for the monkey. They only had the word ‘deserved’ in their eyes.

When is it all, I don’t even look at the other person’s face, but I still want to get close to the other person. This monkey really doesn’t know what AC number is.

Seeing Xie Ming with an indifferent expression, Hei Ge gritted his teeth and walked forward: “Emperor Chilong, Baiyin is my sister. I want to take her away. This is justified.”

“It’s just right….”

Xie Ming sneered: “Then when you ran away, why didn’t you bring the kitten with you? When you started killing people, why didn’t you expect you to leave, what should the kitten do?”

“……” After Hei Ge was silent for a moment, he looked at Xie Ming coldly: “That’s a matter between me and Bai Yin, and you don’t need an unrelated person to intervene.”

“Unrelated person?” Xie Ming looked at the black song mockingly: “In fact, the kitten chose me, an unrelated person, and not your sister. Your sister, only loneliness brought to the kitten. Pain and sorrow. Today, it hurts the friend who rescued the kitten from loneliness.”

“Do you think your sister has fulfilled her obligations?”


“Stop talking nonsense.” Xie Ming looked at the black song indifferently: “Although the kitten does not want to leave with you, she still has your sister in her heart. That’s why she will ask me to spare your lives. Look. In the face of the kitten, I will give you a chance.”

“Take me a trick, and the glasses over there leave the holy sword on the waist, and that’s it. Or, you can choose to fight with me here and fight to the end. Of course, if that’s the case… …”

A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming looked at the three indifferently: “It depends on your own abilities.”

“…I want to dominate the holy sword.”

Arthur glanced at Xie Ming and chuckled, “It seems that you really have no intention of killing us. Otherwise, if you ask me to keep this holy king sword, then I really can only fight You are fighting to death.”


Another jet of dark knife light cut through Arthur’s face. Xie Ming looked at him coldly: “I let you choose, not for you and me to play handsome and talk nonsense here.”


The monkey looked at Arthur, who looked stiff, and couldn’t help but snickered: “Glasses, go on.”

“…” After Arthur was silent for a moment, he took the Holy Sword of Domination from his waist and threw it aside.

“Sorry, Monkey, Arthur.”

Hei Ge said softly: “Let you and I bear the consequences together.”

“Hahaha, what kind of words? Black song.” The monkey smiled: “It is for excitement that I joined the group of misfortunes and became Wali’s family.”

“Hei Ge, I’m not talking about these things.”

Arthur held the Sacred King Sword in both hands and said seriously: “As a descendant of King Arthur, it is natural to go through fire and water for his companions.”

“…Thank you.” Hei Ge whispered, and then looked at Xie Ming: “Then let go, Emperor Chilong.”

“Obviously it is a group of people who unscrupulously provoked the disaster, and now they are acting like I am a bad person.”

Glancing at the three of them, Xie Ming put his hand on the pure flames of the sky at his waist, and said faintly: “Then, take the move.”

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”


The icy cold light flickered, and the extremely black light of the knife was thrown out of the knife. Just in the blink of an eye, they came to the front of the three.

“Xianshu, Eight Trigrams chaotic star array!”

The twelve-layer dark purple Eight Trigrams array appeared in front of the dark knife light, like countless large grinding discs, constantly consuming the power in the knife light. But just like this, it is naturally unstoppable.

The first layer was blocked for less than a second. The second layer, the third layer…In an instant, the knife light directly broke through the last layer. But it is undeniable that the power inside has been reduced a lot.


The second layer of defense is the monkey. It seemed that he had already realized his consciousness, the golden cudgel in his hand quickly grew bigger, and then he smashed Daoguang’s body severely.


Just like cutting with an electric saw, the jet-black light of the knife was quickly cutting through this pin of Dinghai. After a stalemate for a few seconds, the monkey’s golden cudgel was cut in half.

“Holy King Sword!”

Different from dealing with Kiba and them before, Arthur seriously swung down the knight sword in his hand this time. Then, a huge space crack appeared in front of the dark knife light. It seems that he wants to be like this, sending this extremely dangerous attack directly into the dimensional gap.

But Splitting Void is not a single attack, but a group attack. Although the speed and power are worse than the instantaneous draw, but the victory is sufficient. Spatial cracks are automatically repaired after being maintained for a while, and the blade of Splitting Void still has two to three percent power remaining.

At this time, the black song had already adjusted his breath. The Splitting Void, which is only two or three percent of its power, is naturally hard to beat this cat.

A defensive enchantment was launched again, and this terrible attack was finally blocked.

Looking at the pale black song and Arthur, as well as the crying monkey looking at his golden hoop, Xie Ming used his space ability to hold the Holy Sword of Domination in his hand, and glanced at the three of them faintly. .

“Next time, no one can save you.”

After speaking, he walked back to Rias and the others. As the space fluctuated, everyone disappeared in this area.

“Haha, I survived it.” The monkey lay on his back on the somersault cloud all of a sudden: “How do you feel, the strength of the Emperor Chilong has risen again.”

“…Well, we should go back too.”

Arthur took the Holy King Sword back into the scabbard, and said calmly: “Bring Fenrir’s corpse, too. You have to get something and send it to Valli for a mission.”

“Really, Valina brat, let us do such a dangerous job in the name of healing.”

The manipulating somersault cloud floated on Fenrir’s corpse and picked it up casually. The monkey shouted to the black song who was staying in place: “Hey, black song, gone!”

“…Meow, got it.”

Hei Ge took a deep look at the place where Xie Ming and others had left, and then unfolded the magical array that moved in space.

This wasteland finally gained peace.

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