Chapter 808-An Alliance With Divine Blood

After returning to Gremory’s home, Xie Ming asked the exhausted people to go back and rest quickly, and he came to a room under the leadership of Gurefiya.

Unsurprisingly, the four great demon kings and Asachel are all waiting for him here.

“The Chiryu Emperor Jiang~ you are finally back~”

Seraphim bounced to Xie Ming’s side and hugged Xie Ming’s arm: “So, what’s the result?”

“…In short, you let go first.”

Feeling the fragrance coming from around him and the soft touch on his arms, Xie Ming twitched his face and said with a wry smile.


Seemingly aware of something, Seraphus let go of Xie Ming’s arm and looked at Xie Ming unexpectedly: “Could it be that you, Chilong Dijiang… are you not good at getting in touch with girls?”

“…No, I think most men will be like me when an unfamiliar woman does such an intimate action.”

Xie Ming flipped Byakugan and sat in the seat closest to him: “As for the result, you should have guessed it.”

“……no surprise.”

Suzex smiled bitterly and said, “I guessed it when I saw Lord Odin leaving in a hurry. But after getting your answer, I still couldn’t help it…”

“Xie Ming, do you know that you killed, but a god.”

Such things as killing gods are actually not a good thing. Just like the death of God in the Thousand-Year War, how much impact it caused. There is no one to manage the belief system, the balance between the holy and the devil is broken, and the artifact system has loopholes…

Of course, it is not to say that Loki’s death, and the death of God in the Bible, will cause the same sequelae. Because the Nordic gods are different from the biblical gods, there are many gods in the Nordic gods, and Loki is only one of these gods. Although the status is more important, he is not indispensable.

But the gods in the Bible are different. This is the only god in a mythological system. The word ‘only’ is enough to reflect how powerful the God in the Bible is.

Looking at all mythological systems, only the god in the Bible is the only god in a mythological system. In all myths, only the gods in the Bible have done this. By relying solely on oneself, the biblical mythological system has not been invaded by other mythological systems in the millennia of war.

Therefore, Xie Ming conservatively estimates that the gods in the Bible are at least the strength of the middle stage of the fourth stage. It is even possible that it has reached the fourth-order high-end. Such a powerful existence will be killed by the four demon kings?

At least, Xie Ming would not believe it. The death of God is certainly not that simple. Perhaps Xie Ming was a little nervous, but he always felt that there was a master behind this incident controlling it.

“Perhaps, I have to go to Michael to find out about the situation…”

With such an idea in his mind, Xie Ming raised his head and looked at Suzex and others: “I know that killing a god will have any sequelae, and Loki is not dispensable in Norse mythology. Role. So his death will inevitably have a considerable impact on the Nordic gods.”

“But, I believe Odin has expected it. It’s better to say that Loki’s death is the opportunity for your three major forces to formally form an alliance with the Nordic Gods.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s amazing speech, everyone was stunned. Suzex and others hadn’t reacted much yet, but Falbiwin, who was good at strategy, had opened his lazy eyes and looked serious. And Asacher’s face was also thoughtful.

“In fact, this conclusion is not difficult to come to. It’s just that you are a fan of the authorities.”

Xie Ming smiled and said faintly: “I said to you earlier that Odin took the initiative to find the three major forces this time, just to lure the snake out of the cave and use my special individual to extinguish the flames in the mythical system under his control.”

“But things were a little bit beyond his expectations, because he didn’t expect that I could actually kill Loki. Perhaps according to Odin’s original idea, I was seriously injured and fled to Loki, and then he was finishing Luo. Ji seals. In this way, the turbulence of the matter will be minimized.”

“It’s a pity that I not only killed Loki, but also Loki’s son Fenrir, as well as his grandsons Skur and Hati. In this way, the impact on the Nordic gods must be absolutely It’s huge. But this shock is actually not a bad thing for Odin. Because the flames of the gods at dusk have been completely extinguished by me.”

“For Odin, or for the Nordic gods, it is estimated that there are only a few of the few who look forward to the dusk of the gods. In other words, the dusk of the gods is most likely to start with Loki. And a mythological system The demise of the gods must end with the death of their main god. How many people in the Nordic gods can pose a threat to Odin?”

“There is only one answer.”

“Wolf of Godslayer, Fenrir.” Asacher murmured.

“That’s right.” Xie Ming snapped his fingers: “Now, Loki, who is most likely to become a flame, is dead, and Fenrir, who is likely to kill Odin, is also dead. Then in the Nordic gods, no one can. It poses a threat to the main god Odin. The dusk of the gods is absolutely impossible to happen. In this way, the internal troubles of the Nordic gods have been resolved. Odin can concentrate on dealing with external worries.”

“The group of misfortune, and other gods…”

Falbiwin laughed: “It turns out that Loki’s death will indeed cause a considerable shock to the Nordic gods. The strength of the Nordic gods is reduced by at least three points after losing Fenrir and Loki. But this three-point strength is still quite worth it compared to the ending of All Annihilation.”

“The reduction of strength will inevitably be peeped and tested by all parties. But this state is the same for our tripartite alliance. In this way, whether it is us or the Nordic gods, there is only one best choice. ”


Xie Ming took a sip of the tea on the table, and said softly: “The alliance between the Nordic gods and the biblical mythology system will become a powerful organization that cannot be underestimated by other forces. The two sides form an offensive and defensive alliance, but they do not interfere with each other. . This does not do any harm to you or Odin.”

“But, there is one last question.”

Suzex looked at Xie Ming seriously: “How can you be sure that your guess is correct?”

Hearing this question, Xie Ming smiled, Asacher smiled, and Falbiwin smiled.

“Suzex, it seems that your strategic literacy still needs to be improved.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “How many people were there when Odin came?”

“Two people.”

“Then when he left, how many people were there?”

“A person…hahaha, it turned out to be like this.” Szekes reacted and couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile.

“So, next, you have to make all kinds of preparations to form an alliance with Odin.”

Xie Ming joked: “This is an alliance formed by the blood of a god, so you have to take it seriously.”

“Really…” Taking a deep glance at Xie Ming, Asachel said with a wry smile: “You kid, in every sense, is a monster.”

“I assume you are complimenting me.”

Xie Ming shrugged and drank the tea in his cup.

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