Chapter 809

“By the way, I want to ask you one thing.”

Playing with the exquisitely crafted tea cup in his hand, Xie Ming asked abruptly: “Who were there when the gods died during the war?”


Silence, silence that cannot be described in words. All the people present stopped for a while, and then looked at Xie Ming.

“Xie Ming boy, why do you ask this?”

Asacher’s expression was unusually serious: “Is it possible, what did you find?”

“It’s just some speculation.” Xie Ming waved his hand and said with a chuckle: “These speculations have no basis, so I won’t tell you any jokes. Asachel, could it be that you were on the scene when God died? ?”

“…I’m not here.” Asacher leaned back in his chair and said faintly: “To be precise, no one has witnessed the death of God and the Four First Generation Demon Kings. Including me. , Including Suzex and others, including Michael.”

“what happened?”

Xie Ming couldn’t help frowning: “No one saw it with your own eyes? In other words, did you see the corpses of the gods and the demon king?”

“Ah, it is true.”

Asacher sighed and looked at Xie Ming: “Boy, although your strength is very strong, but in this matter, I still want to persuade you to give up tracing. Because the death of the gods and the four great demon kings is really too great. What a weird place.”

“It’s so weird that even Michael gave up on the investigation.”


Fingers gently tapped the handle of the seat, and Xie Ming’s head began to move quickly.

Weird? The death of the gods and the four great demon kings, Asachel actually used the word “weird” to describe it? There is no absolute loyalty on the devil’s side. Coupled with the death of the four major demon kings that led the war, the first task of Suzex and others is to stabilize the demon and stabilize their own forces.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the devil to not pursue the deaths of the four demon kings. After all, the devil listens to whoever has the big fist.

But the angels are different. If there is a command from God, I believe the angels will definitely not mind all of them die in battle. It can be said that the angels are absolutely loyal to God.

But the owner of his own is dead, but the angel side did not go to find out, but recuperated and swallowed his breath?

No, it’s not right, it’s not that he didn’t check it, but because Michael found something, he gave up.

In other words, if the truth about the death of the gods and the four great demon kings is really continued, then Michael and the angels are likely to have a huge crisis. Michael considered the various consequences after the angel’s annihilation, so he gave up the investigation.

“Really, it’s getting more and more interesting.”

A gleam of light flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes, and finally, he finally found the clue to the main mission.

Since he entered the world with special props, there was only one main task arranged by the main god space for him. However, this main mission made Xie Ming, who had lost the memory of the plot, puzzled at all.

The main task: find and destroy, who is behind the chaos of the DXD world in the dark.

At first, Xie Ming felt that the man behind the scenes was a fallen angel. But after actually contacting Asachel, he denied this idea. After learning about the existence of the group of misfortune from Asacher, Xie Ming felt that the group of misfortune was very suspicious.

Until now, Xie Ming still feels that the black hand behind the scenes may be hidden in the group of disasters, using Orpheus’ infinite power to disrupt the world. But now, he finally caught the clues left by the black hand behind the scenes.

Xie Ming raised his head, looked at Asscher, Suzex and others, and said in a deep voice, “I want to see Michael.”


The next day, Rias and the others’ physical strength and magic power had already recovered. And seeing the kitten and Zhu Nai untie the knot, everyone was very happy.

And Xie Ming is between happiness and helplessness…


“Huh? What’s wrong, Senior Xie Ming.”

“Can you get off my lap?”

Xie Ming couldn’t help but look at the kitten crawling on his lap, rather helpless. At this time, the kitten seemed to have really become a coquettish kitten, curled up, lying on Xie Ming’s knees, with a happy and stable face.

At the same time, the ears on the kitten’s head were also moving, causing Xie Ming, the beast ear-controller, to stroke it gently.

“Meow~~Don’t~ Senior Xie Ming smells good and comfortable~”

The kitten made a comfortable sound, and the tail behind it was swaying from side to side, which was obviously very happy.

And Asia, who looked at the kitten like this, couldn’t help but become jealous, and complained with tears in her eyes: “Kitten, really cunning!”

“So there is still this hand…”

Xenovia knocked on the palm of her hand, and a light of excitement appeared in her eyes, and she pulled Irina next to him: “Irina, Aisia, after returning to the human world, we will also buy cat ears and cat tails. This way. Xie Ming will accept us too!”

“Hey? Cat ears?” Irina was stunned: “Cat ears are really cute, but dog ears and rabbit ears are also good?”

“Oh! It’s you, Irina! That’s it! The cat ear attribute has been occupied by the kitten, then we only need to occupy the other attributes!”

“Please don’t make the mess…”

Listening to the loud discussion of the trio of idiots in the church, Xie Ming felt that his head was beginning to hurt: “Lias, Zhu Nai, don’t you care?”

But who knows, Rias also seemed to be inspired, and she muttered to herself thoughtfully.

“It turns out that Xie Ming likes animal ears… But what is the animal that suits me? Lion? Tiger? But it is also a cat…”

“Lias, don’t be limited by your own thinking.”

Zhu Nai smiled and said: “The attributes of the beast ears are indeed occupied by kittens, but we can use other attributes to add them to the beast ears. For example, the beast ears maid…”


Xie Ming looked at the two senior sisters with black lines: “What should I do if you all go wrong! Put your brains away!!”


Seeing the crowds in a commotion, Xie Ming shook his head helplessly, but the smile on the corner of his mouth revealed that he was in a very good mood.

In the battle with the Valli team yesterday, Lias and the others, even knowing that they were not their opponents, stepped forward resolutely and fought to protect their friends.

And Zhu Nai and Kitten, when faced with the choice of their companions and themselves, they crossed their knots and let go of their hatred and fear. All of these are choices made by them themselves, without any interference.

How could Xie Ming be unhappy seeing his friends making such great progress.

In this way, if I leave for a while, there shouldn’t be any problems. Xie Ming, who was thinking so, spoke like this.

“Tomorrow, I have to go to heaven.”

In an instant, the scene fell silent. Everyone looked at Xie Ming in unison. Xie Ming can’t help being taken aback by this neatness.

“What…. what’s wrong?”

Lias stared at Xie Ming and asked softly: “Xie Ming, what did you just say?”

“I have to go to heaven tomorrow?”



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