Chapter 811 The Final Oracle

“Your Excellency Xie Ming, you are not surprised…”

Seeing Xie Ming whose face was still calm after hearing his own explanation, Michael and the other three archangels were stunned for a moment. Michael took a deep look at Xie Ming, adding a hint of strength to his tone.

“Well, after the power reaches a certain level, you will know about this, so naturally you won’t be surprised.”

Xie Ming smiled and said in an understatement (flicker): “Not only I, Orpheus must also know about the existence of other worlds. Moreover, with Orpheus’s power, it is enough to cross different worlds and positions. The barrier of the face.”

“What surprises me is that Michael, you can track down facts that only a few people know.”

“……..Is that so?”

Michael was a little stunned, knowing that when he tracked down the murderer of Shinigami from another world, he was shocked and speechless. As a result, Xie Ming told him now that he knew about it a long time ago.

And it’s not just him, the powerhouses of Orpheus’s level seem to understand this. Is it possible that you are so weak because you are so surprised?

“Of course, if you don’t believe me, when I meet Orpheus again the next day, I can bring a voice recorder and let her talk about it.” Xie Ming smiled: “Then according to your statement, the death of God, and this The creatures of Otherworld can’t get rid of the relationship?”


Michael hasn’t struggled with this matter for too long. Although there are still some doubts, what can he do? Everything is still a problem of insufficient strength.

“At that time, due to the fierce battle between the Lord and the Four Demon Kings, every time they started a battle, they would open up a new space to fight. In the last battle, the space where the Lord and the Four Demon Kings fought was completely shattered, and the five were nowhere to be seen. ”

“After learning about this, I immediately conducted an investigation. However, I did not see the bodies of the gods and the four great demon kings. It may have entered the turbulence of time and space as the space shattered, or… …”

There seemed to be some bad guesses, and Michael’s tone became heavy: “After that, I tracked down for a long time. Finally, I found a few pieces of space fragments where the space where the Lords fought and fell to all over the world. .”

“In some of the space fragments, there remains a breath of energy that we have never felt before. In the last one, the last one is the projection left to us by the Lord.”

“‘Let the whole world be at peace, unite, and face the coming enemies of Otherworld.’ This is the last oracle left by God.”

The atmosphere became very heavy and sad. The face of each of the four archangels was filled with sadness that they had never seen before. It is no wonder that for them, God is their father.

Now that his father is dead, they can’t be of any use. This kind of powerlessness is even enough to make them fall to heaven at the level of Seraph. But they did not. They still maintained themselves, clung to this pure land, and obeyed the last words left by God.

“…Can you, let me see these space fragments.”

Although knowing this is a bit out of date, Xie Ming said in a deep voice: “This matter really should not be known to too many people, especially now that there is an organization such as the group of disasters. Let them know about this matter, and it will only give it to them. The world brings more turmoil.”

“Moreover, no one can guarantee whether this enemy of Otherworld will stay in this world, stay in the group of misfortunes. We (you) don’t know the purpose, plan, and identity of the enemy at all. Your strength is not enough, and it’s not suitable. To track down this matter. So this task of tracking down Otherworld creatures, no one is more suitable than me.”

“Your Excellency Xie Ming, you…”

Michael looked calm, but Xie Ming with a firm tone couldn’t help sighing: “This generation of Chilong Emperor is your lord. It is really lucky for all of us.”

“you flatter me.”

Xie Ming waved his hand: “Having power is naturally to shoulder the responsibility of this power. I have obtained the power of the Cage Hand of the Chilong Emperor, and naturally I have to bear the responsibility corresponding to this power.”

Of course, these are pretty words. Xie Ming actually thinks like this: “The Fox God made you a turtle grandson. At that time, I was controlled by the evil god in the world of war, but I could see clearly. If I don’t retaliate, I will lose my name in the future. Write!”

Cough cough cough, don’t forget, Xie Ming is not a big belly person. Rather, in some matters, he is very stingy, even pretentious.

“Then what I raised…”


Michael said mildly: “These pieces of space fragments are not of much use in our hands. Logically speaking, we can give them to you. However, the oracle left by the Lord in the space fragments is ours. One of the motivations for persistence. So please let us keep it.”

“This is natural.” Xie Ming smiled: “It’s better to say that the silent effort of the four of you is more worthy of my admiration. Let me feel the breath of the Otherworld creature, and then look at the projection left by God. enough.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

The four archangels bowed slightly, and then Michael made an inviting gesture: “Then your Excellency Xie Ming, please here.”


After exiting the teleportation hall and entering Xie Ming’s eyes, there are five sacred and shiny palaces. Four palaces with different auras protected the palace that was obviously larger in the middle.

The three Gabriels still had work to do, so they said goodbye to Xie Ming after they left the teleportation hall. Michael, who led Xie Ming, went straight to the sacred palace in the middle.

Along the way, Xie Ming saw very few angels. It can be seen that angels are indeed endangered creatures.

“After the announcement of the Lord’s death, many angels could not accept this news. Although the four of us tried our best to persuade and stop, many angels still fell to heaven. So now, the number of angels is very scarce.”

Michael softly explained to Xie Ming: “But after the trilateral alliance, the good news also exists. During the period of the trilateral alliance, we also cooperated with His Excellency Bezeb who developed the’devil chess’ to develop A technique that can transform human beings into angels.”

“Really, that guy Ajka is really amazing.”

Xie Ming nodded, and entered the middle palace hall with Michael. The most conspicuous presence in the hall is the simple throne on the high stairs.

In front of the stairs, there is a table. There are five pieces of space fragments whose shapes have been completely fixed by surgery.

“Your Excellency Xie Ming, this is the space debris I found.”

Michael and Xie Ming came to the table together and said gently: “If you have any questions, please feel free to tell me.”

“Then I’m not welcome.”

Xie Ming nodded, not polite, and controlled his mind to touch the space debris in the middle. Immediately afterwards, a voice containing a sense of gentleness, love and sacredness sounded in Xie Ming’s mind.

“You are finally here, a traveler with a map of creation.”

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