Chapter 812

Hearing this voice, Xie Ming’s pupils suddenly shrank. Subconsciously glanced at Michael next to him, only to find that he was just looking at the figure appearing on the space debris with a complex expression.

“What’s the matter? Michael can’t hear it? Only I can? But why? Because of the Kabbalah tree of life catalog behind me? But how does this god know that I have this catalog?”

One question after another gradually filled Xie Ming’s brain.

“I believe you must be very confused now, but please be patient and listen.” God kept a gentle voice, and said unhurriedly: “This voice has been set by me to come to someone who has a map of creation. It will be triggered, and only those who bear the picture of creation can hear it.”

“At the beginning of this war, the main god space had contact with this world. It explained to us the sprite tribe, the sprite god king. It’s just that I didn’t care about it at the time.”

“Seeing that I didn’t take advice seriously, the main god space also gave up on persuading me, and made a deal with me. Through this transaction, my strength became stronger and reached the main god space. The standard middle stage of the fourth stage also created a system for managing the human world, as well as an artifact.”

“And the main god space requires me to do only one thing. When I am going to fall in the future, the contract will automatically extract 10% of my spiritual power and turn it into a projection, waiting for the arrival of the substitute who bears the map of creation, and inform His information on the map of creation.”


Xie Ming’s brows were locked together tightly. According to the meaning of this god, after choosing the “Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue”, was it already destined to obtain the Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor and come to the DXD world?

Thinking of this, an uncomfortable feeling appeared in his heart inexplicably. This feeling of being manipulated made him feel extremely annoyed. What is you, is it a combat weapon specially cultivated by the Lord God Space to fight against the Sprites?

Well, in a strict sense, it seems to be true. It is better to say that the reason why the main god space cultivates substitutes is to fight against the sprites. Therefore, the substitutes who perform well in the task world will be arranged according to their choices to the corresponding intensity of the world and tasks.

High risk, high reporting. And not everyone has the opportunity to choose the ‘Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue’, plus the catalogue that he chose with the idea of ​​taking a chance.

If you chose other options, such as Origin Awakening without side effects, or chose the Servants to Summon Scrolls, then you may be heading for another path now. After all, the main god space just arranged a corresponding plan to become stronger for the surrogate according to the choice. Whether he is willing to follow the plan of the main god space, the decision is still on the substitute.

Like Xie Ming, isn’t it another way of swordsmanship? So his discomfort is just a kind of boring self-esteem and conceit.

After solving this little problem in his heart, Xie Ming settled down and waited quietly for God’s explanation.

“I believe you have collected a lot of information about the creation map after you got it. But here, I will explain it to you again.”

The voice of the god became serious: “The map of creation is the template used when creating the world. But the map of creation possessed by the main god space is the most root template used by the gods of all planes. From In terms of rank, the catalogue you carry on your back is enough to destroy and recreate these thousands of planes.”

“And the creation map I have can be said to be a castrated version. From the castrated version I have, it can also pave the way for you to control the creation map in the future.”

“First of all, the most basic condition to control the creation map is to have the vitality beyond the plane. Only with this vitality can you activate the catalog and use it initially.”

“Secondly, it is the completion of the catalog of creation. The ten primitive qualities are the foundation of the catalog. With ten primitives, the map of creation can be called the map of creation. But you have to use your own body To carry the ten primordial qualities, it must have a strong vitality as the foundation. Otherwise, the body and soul will only be crushed by these ten primordial qualities.”

“And when the collection of the ten original materials is completed, the map of creation will feed back to the holder. According to the words of the main god space, it is the sublimation of the life level. Your biological level will be detached, and the map of creation will be Will become the source of your life. At that time, you will have the ability to create planes.”

“After that, the map of creation will continue to feed back to you, and you can become stronger without even having to do anything from you. Your lifespan is the amount of your life origin. If your life origin is not exhausted, you are immortal. The existence of. If there is no battle or accident, there is no problem at all to reach the fifth rank of the Sprite King.”

“It’s just that it takes time.”


Hearing the last words of God, Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing: “Time, time, where does the enemy give me so much time.”

Although that was the case, this trip to the heavens was beyond imagination to Xie Ming. The sublimation of the life level, he really couldn’t figure it out. But according to his understanding, it is to improve a level of strength.

And he was qualified to raise the level, only Spartan’s Fury, Killing Intent Fluctuation, or Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor.

But according to these three powers to sublimate the level of life, Spartan’s Fury may elevate him to a god who controls emotions, the fluctuation of killing intent will make him a god of death, and the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor will make him a dragon. God.

To be honest, he doesn’t really like the three options. Because he is a human being, he is proud and proud of himself as a human being. So according to Xie Ming’s original idea, he used his talent skill Rewrite, or Kabbalah’s tree of life catalogue for sublimation.

But if you want to use the catalog, you must have enough vitality. If he is not injured, and then upgrade the talent skill Rewrite several times, then there is no problem at all. I believe that before this, the plan that the main god space arranged for him was like this.

Now his injury has become the reason that restricts him from becoming stronger. So if you want to use the catalog and collect ten mass points, he must find something that can give him enough vitality.

“…… I probably, maybe a little sure.”

A bright light flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming murmured to himself.

It can give him vitality beyond the plane level, and it is closely related to him, there is nothing to reject. In fact, he had already obtained it. But if you want to get this thing, you need a little preparation.

But no matter what, what God told him had completely cleared the fog in front of him, gave him a clear goal, and saved him a lot of detours in the following time.

“Although it is a deal between you and the main god space, I still want to thank you, the god in the Bible.”

Xie Ming bowed deeply to the throne on the stairs: “In return for your guidance, I will avenge you and protect the world from the sprites.”

“This is my promise made by Xie Ming to you.”

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