Chapter 813 Exchange of dependents?

“What’s wrong, Your Excellency Xie Ming?”

Seeing Xie Ming’s abrupt movements, Michael looked stunned: “Could it be that you believe in my lord?”

“no no.”

Xie Ming stood up straight and waved his hand: “I just received some guidance from him just now to express my gratitude.”

“That’s it…”

Michael expressed regret, and then reappeared with a gentle smile: “But looking at your expression, the harvest should be very big.”

“Well, that’s it.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Next, let me feel the breath of the black hand behind the scenes.”


The so-called one day in the sky, one year on the earth. While Xie Ming was still looking at the other four pieces of space debris, the Underworld had already spent more than ten days. But these ten days have been very difficult for Rias and others.

First of all, it was Rose Weisser, who was deliberately “forgotten” by Odin in the underworld and was crying and complaining every day.

“Master Odin… Master Odin is too much!! Anyway, I can’t find the Valkyrie of my boyfriend anyway, no one wants it! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”

With her hands around her knees, tears kept running down her face. The beautiful silver-haired girl with dim tears made everyone really dumbfounded.

But Rias felt that this was an opportunity. After all, Rose Weisser’s superb magic skills when fighting with the monkeys were seen by everyone. And among her family members, there is also a lack of such a long-range turret-type attacker.

If you take this opportunity to develop Rose Weisser into your own ‘chariot’, then Rias’ family members can already be said to have completed the initial configuration. So Rias is now trying hard to persuade Rose Weisser.

Secondly, it is the matter of the father and daughter of Zhu Nai and Baiqiu.

Although at an urgent juncture, Zhu Nai let go of her stubbornness and anger, and accepted the blood of the fallen angel in her body. But it does not mean that she forgave Baiqiu.

The source of the contradiction between the father and daughter can only be blamed on Asacher.

Once, Baiqiu was conspired by his enemies and fell seriously injured in front of a shrine. But a kind-hearted maiden couldn’t leave Baiqiu alone, so she accepted Baiqiu into the house for healing.

Quite conventionally, the two fell in love during the treatment, became husband and wife, and gave birth to a daughter. Although the witch was expelled from the shrine for marrying the fallen angel, she was expelled from the family. But overall, the life of the family is still very happy.

But the family of witches is not that simple. Himejima is one of the five great demon masters in R country. Even if the Miko Hime Island Zhu Li was removed from her name and drove out, she still felt that this family was a filthy existence.

Especially, Juno Himejima, who has both the blood of Himeshima and the blood of the fallen angel, wants to be quick after killing. But because of Baiqiu’s powerful strength, the Jijima family can only swallow their anger.

But Baiqiu is a cadre of the fallen angel after all, and it is impossible to stay with Zhu Li and Zhu Nai forever. So one day, after Baiqiu was instructed to leave home by Asacher, the Jishima family sent an assassin to kill Junai.

In order to protect Zhu Nai, Zhu Li was killed by the assassins of the Jidao family in front of Zhu Nai. Even if Baiqiu rushed to kill all the assassins after learning the news, he would not be able to save the life of his wife and the estrangement between him and his daughter.

Junai refused the protection of Baiqiu and Asachel and wandered alone. Make a living through the skills of eliminating demons and warding off evil spirits learned from Zhu Li. But the Himeshima family still didn’t plan to let Zhu Nai go, and kept sending out assassins.

Even if Asacher, Baiqiu and others helped several times, Zhu Nai couldn’t be so lucky every time. Finally, when Zhu Nai helped a person who signed a contract with the devil to ward off evil, the devil noticed her presence. At the same time, the Patriarch of the Jishima family also personally led the team to eradicate Zhu Nai.

The Patriarch of the Himeshima family personally led the team to kill him, and Zhu Nai was rescued by the Gremory family at the time of his nine deaths. Since then, she has become Rias’s entourage, partner, and best friend. It can be said that Zhu Nai was the first to follow Rias and know the existence of Rias best.

Similarly, it is Rias who knows Zhu Nai best.

Therefore, Rias wouldn’t say much about Zhu Nai’s choice. Because she understood that for Zhu Nai, who had accepted the blood of the Fallen Angel, there was no such great hatred and resentment in her heart.

The reason why he is still so hostile to Baiqiu and Asacher is that the stubbornness is only because the girl can’t show his face. Really, don’t you allow other girls to have a little temper?

Asacher and Baiqiu didn’t seem to understand this, and they dangled in front of Zhu Nai all day long, with expressions and expressions. This expression aroused Zhu Nai’s temper even more and didn’t want to pay attention to them.

There is a sentence about how to sing the lyrics, don’t guess the girl’s mind, anyway, you can’t understand it. Uh… It seems a bit wrong, but it probably means that. Even Asachel, who knows women very well, can’t completely guess the little girl’s mind, let alone a sullen Baiqiu at first glance.

Finally, the one thing that bothered Rias and the others the most was from Asia.

No, it is not from Asia to be precise, but from Asia’s past.

Everyone knows that the reason why Asia was condemned to be a witch and a heresy by the church was because Asia’s magical instrument “Mother’s Smile” healed a severely wounded demon. But now, this badly wounded demon actually came to the door.

More importantly, the identity of this demon is almost the same as that of Rias. It is also an outstanding demon of the younger generation, who has the strength of a superior demon at a young age, and also comes from the family that owns the demon king.

Diodora Astati, this is the name of the demon that Asia was treating at the time. The family name Astati is the home of the demon lord Ajka Besib. Diodora is a blood relative of Ajka.

Szex and Ajka are close friends, and Szex’s sister’s family members are the life-saving benefactors of Ajka’s blood relatives. What made others feel even more romantic was that Diodora came to Gremory’s house specially and proposed to Asia.

Normally speaking, this should be an extremely beautiful marriage. Rias originally planned to let Asia choose her own choice. But after Asia clearly rejected Diodora, Diodora’s speech completely angered Lias and the others.

Because, he actually directly ignored Asia’s wishes and handed over the decision to Rias.

“Lias, Asia is your dependent, right. In this case, I will use four soldiers and a bishop on my side to exchange with you.”

“…Diodora, what did you just say?”

“I know it’s a bit abrupt, but I really want to get Asia. So I want to exchange relatives with you, using our four soldiers and a bishop to exchange Asia.”

Theodora smiled and said: “Four soldiers and a bishop are coming to exchange for one of your bishops. I think the value is enough.”

In an instant, the temperature in the living room dropped directly to freezing point.

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