Chapter 814

“Value, enough?”

Rias repeated these five words, and when she raised her head again, her gaze at Diodora was already full of coldness: “If I heard you correctly, you are using the word value, and you are commenting on what you just did. The girl who proposed?”

“Yes, is there any problem?” Diodora asked puzzledly: “If you are worried about my bargaining chips, then you can rest assured. Because I will definitely prepare the best soldiers and bishops here. Exchange. As I said before, I only want Asia.”


“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I haven’t heard such annoying speech.”

“Minister Lias, this person, can you kill him?”

Zenovia and Irina, who have a good relationship with Asia, have already pulled out the holy sword and looked at Diodora coldly: “Asia has suffered so many grievances to save this kind of scum. .”

“Genovia, Irina, put away the sword.”

Lias calmly said, “Although I understand your feelings well, the location is not right now. There are also Kitten and Yuto, you also stop.”


“Yes, Minister.”

Kitten and Kiba, who had blocked the exit, returned behind Lias, their expressions calm.

“Hahaha, Rias, your family members are really energetic.”

Even after receiving the hostility of so many people, Diodora still looked still and kept smiling: “So, what is your answer?”

“I have only one answer.”

Rias stood up from the sofa: “Don’t think about it! Gurefiya, see off the guests.”

Hearing Lias’ instructions, Gurefia, who was on the side of the living room, silently walked to Diodora’s side and said flatly: “Master Diodora, please here.”

“…… Lias, are you sure you want to destroy our relationship for the sake of a bishop?”

Diodora frowned and confirmed again.

“Relationship?” Lias smiled directly: “Diodora, may I know you very well? Perhaps your opinion of your family is a tradeable item, but my family is my family. My friend. So, I don’t have any topics in common with you. Gurefiya!”

“Master Diodora, please.”

“…I understand.” Diodora opened his squinted eyes and took a deep look at Lias: “But, I won’t give up Asia.”

After that, Gurefiya left the living room together.

“…Asia, sorry.”

After seeing Diodora leaving the living room, Rias looked at Asia and said softly: “I didn’t know that Diodora was such a person. I just heard him say that you saved his life, so I thought Let you see each other.”

“It doesn’t matter, Sister Rias.”

Asia shook her head slightly and smiled: “Even if I know that Mr. Diodora is such a person, I will still heal him that day. Because the Lord has given me such power, absolutely for me to save More injured people.”

“Asia is really a good boy.”

Rias sat next to Asia and gently touched her head.

“Fortunately, Xie Ming is not there.”

Xenovia smiled bitterly: “If Xie Ming is here, I believe that Diodora is definitely dead here.”


“If Senior Xie Ming comes back to find out about this…”

“Maybe run to the Astati’s house to capture Diodora and kill…”

“very possible…..”

Everyone glanced at each other, and then reached a consensus by coincidence.

“Absolutely, I can’t let him know about it.”

Everyone didn’t take Diodora to heart. Instead, they began to discuss when Xie Ming would return and what he did when he went to Heaven. Even Rias, who has always been very cautious, didn’t pay too much attention to Diodora after discovering some abnormalities.

But just such a little negligence caused the whole family to fall into crisis.


As the light of the teleportation array gradually extinguished, Xie Ming returned to the teleportation hall of the underworld. And this time, no one came to pick him up.

“The time now…. There are still two days before school starts.”

Glancing at the timetable in the teleportation hall, Xie Ming walked out of the teleportation formation and teleported to the door of Gremory’s home again when he moved his mind.

“Master Xie Ming, you are back.”

The door was pushed open, and Gu Lefiya walked out and greeted softly.

“Hello, Gurefiya.” Xie Ming nodded, and then asked: “Where are Rias and the others? I didn’t feel their breath in the mansion.”

“Master Lias and the others have already set off to return to the human world this morning.” Gu Leifiya said softly, “Master Xie Ming had eaten at his home before leaving, or…”

“I’ll go straight away.”

The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “Let me have dinner with Lias’ parents, it is better to let me go to fight Orpheus.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s speech, Gu Lefiya laughed ‘pouch’, and then immediately returned to normal: “It’s rude. The Jimongli family welcomes Master Xie Ming’s arrival at any time, please walk slowly.”


Xie Ming waved his hand, activated his spatial ability again, and returned to his home in the human world. It’s just that Asia and the kitten are not there at home.

“In the department?”

The brows were furrowed, and the mental power came out, and found that the entire Juwang Town did not have the breath of Rias and the others. But he found a familiar figure underneath his home.


Teleported to Wali’s body, Xie Ming looked at him coldly: “Lias and the others are not there, are you the ghost?”

“I haven’t seen you for a while, you are still the same, Chilong Emperor Xie Ming.”

Valli leaned against the fence, still with an unruly smile on his face: “Last time I just wanted you to fight with me, so I made a provocation. But this time, I came here to send you a message. ”


“Ah, yes.” Valli said lightly: “The reason why Rias Gremory and her dependants disappeared is because someone interfered with their teleportation circle in the middle, causing them to transfer to the underworld. A remote place. And there, the demon members of the group of disasters have already laid an ambush.”

“Here are the coordinates of that place.”

Taking the paper with the coordinates recorded from Vali’s hands, Xie Ming glanced quickly, then raised his head: “Why do you suddenly want to be a good person?”

“It’s just that you let go of the favor that my dependents gave you back.”

Valli shrugged, and then a teleportation magic circle appeared behind him: “I won’t say much more. After all, I am also a member of the group of disasters. But the reason why the group chose Lias Gremory and others The reason, I think you should be clear.”

“Goodbye, Xie Ming. Sooner or later, I will catch up with you and surpass you. Hopefully, you won’t let me down too much.”

Looking at the figure disappearing in the teleportation array, Xie Ming silently excluded Vali from his list of enemies, and then looked at the paper in his hand again.

“In order to encircle me, they used Lias to set me traps…I have to say, you are really brave enough.”

An icy arc crossed the corner of his mouth, the paper in his hand was shattered by the breath erupting from his body, and Xie Ming’s pupils had turned into emerald green.

“Then I will look forward to it, what kind of feast you guys brought me.”

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