Chapter 815: Disgusting Diodora

In the previous tripartite talks at Juwang Academy, Asacher once mentioned that the Devil faction also has rebels who oppose peace. And these insurgents, the demons all call them that.

The old devil pie.

As the name suggests, these insurgents are all demons with the blood of the old demon king. When the millennium war was about to cease, these old demon kings still wanted to continue the war even if they knew that the four great demon kings were dead.

However, under the powerful power of the Four Great Demon Kings of the Second Generation, all the people of the old Demon King faction were expelled after being suppressed. The reason why it was expelled rather than annihilated was entirely because the underworld at that time could no longer withstand the big storms.

Moreover, the people of the Old Demon King faction are among the few pure-blood demons today. Under various considerations, Suzex and others have made such a decision. Those who surrender accepted, those who resolutely resist expelled.

At the time, this decision could be said to be the best choice. Due to the powerful power of Suzex and others, the old Demon King faction members who were expelled did not resist too much. Because among the demons, the strong is respected.

But what would happen to the scene if these old demon factions gained power that they thought could be comparable to that of Suzex and others?

Just like now…

On the huge open-air altar that is very devilish, eight dark crosses are arranged in a row. Lias, Zhu Nai, Kitten…All of Gremory’s dependents were tied up.

The sacred nature of the cross always gives Rias and the others a tingling sensation. But compared to the shock and anger in my heart, this tingling sensation is nothing at all.

Because in front of them, the four figures are quietly waiting for someone’s arrival with mocking smiles.

One was met by Lias’s family members some time ago, and the next Patriarch of Astati, Diodora Astati. The other three are characters that Rias has only seen in the underworld textbooks.

Two men and one woman, one man looks cold and ruthless, and the other man is tied up with a pony tail like a samurai. The only woman is wearing revealing clothes and wearing dark pink glasses.

“Sherpa Bessib, Kruzere Asmod, Katreya Leviathan…”

Rias looked extremely serious and ugly: “The leader of the Old Demon Sect, why did he come out at this time!?”

Beelzeb, Asmod, and Leviathan, except for the Demon King’s surname, the other people’s surname only represents one. The three of them, like Wali, are the blood of the First Generation Demon King. The blood of the devil was flowing in the bodies of the three of them.

“Why are you here? Do you need to ask?”

Cattleya smiled seductively: “Of course it’s for revenge. In order to pull down those fake demon kings!”

“Sister Suzex, you are very unfortunate.” Sherpa looked at Lias indifferently: “Your lives will become our sacrifices for us to re-enter the Demon King’s Seat. And the Red Dragon Emperor. His death will be the prelude to this war.”

“Xie Ming!?”

Rias’s pupils shrank, and then she gave a mocking smile: “Just by relying on the three of you, do you want to kill the Sekiryuutei? It’s a little overwhelming.”

“Is it overthinking? It’s not something you can comment on.”

Kruzelei, who closed his eyes, opened his eyes and looked at Rias coldly: “You only need to watch the scene of Emperor Chiryu dying tragically in order to save you. Then in endless regret and powerlessness. Just die.”

“This is our revenge against these false demon kings like Szex. The throne of the devil belongs to the descendants of us demon kings!”

“You are crazy!” Rias looked at Diodora angrily: “You are obviously a blood relative of Lord Ajka, but are you going to help these people from the old Demon King faction!?”

“Lias, I should have said it before.”

Diodora smiled slightly and looked at Aisia with a sad face: “I only want Aisia. Three adults, I don’t know, can you give Aisia to me.”

“Hehehe, you man is really too much, Diodora.” Cattleya laughed: “I have already forced others to this level, so I still refuse to let her go?”

“For this reason?” Lias was taken aback for a moment: “What’s the matter?”

“Ah, you haven’t told them yet.”

Cattleya looked at Diodora: “Why don’t you tell them now?”

“Yes, the completely desperate nun can arouse my interest even more.”

Diodora opened his squinted eyes and looked at everyone in Rias: “Actually, I was seriously injured that day.”


“Yes, pretend.” Diodora chuckled: “My favorite is to make the saints and nuns of the church fall, and then show up when they are desperate, and put them in my collection library. Then I watched. Their desperate and helpless eyes play with her well!”

“Originally, Asia had been forced to that point by me. As a result, the damn Red Dragon Emperor actually intervened halfway through and broke my plan!”

“why is it like this……”

Asia’s tears couldn’t help but slid down. In her mind, even if she was judged to be a witch, even if she was expelled, she thought that she was doing the right thing. But now…

“Asshole! You asshole!!!”

Xenovia was already flushed with anger, desperately pulling the chain on her hand, her fair skin was even strangled with blood: “I absolutely want to kill you! Kill you beast!!!”

“Hahahaha, yes, Asia, that’s it! What I want to see is your face now.”

Diodora laughed. With this expression, he is a veritable demon.

“It’s disgusting.”

Sherpa glanced at Diodora, a trace of disgust appeared on his face, but did not say much. This kind of little person who can be killed with a wave of hand, just kill it at will.

The one who had to concentrate on dealing with it now was Emperor Chilong.

At this moment, Kruzelei, who closed his eyes just after saying a few words, opened his eyes again and looked into the distance: “The Emperor Chilong, here comes.”

In the next second, a young man wearing a dark red windbreaker appeared above the four. Looking at the angry Lias and others, and Aisia with tears in her eyes, her face was completely cold.

A powerful and murderous coercion suddenly fell on the four of them.

“Oh, scum. Are you ready for death?”

“As expected to be Emperor Chilong, this coercion has already surpassed the Demon King.”

Cruzere, Sherpa, and Cattleya took off and looked at Xie Ming with indifferent expressions: “It’s just that the us you are facing now has surpassed the devil.”

After speaking, the three of them imprinted the imprint of the infinite symbol on their hands into their brother control. The next moment, the breath of the three people began to skyrocket. They originally had only pseudo-fourth-order strength, they suddenly crossed the fourth-order hurdle, and directly entered the low-level of fourth-order.

“Come on, Emperor Chilong. The pattern of the underworld will be completely changed by your death!”

“The real demon king will kill the false demon king and rule the world!”

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