Chapter 816 Demon Blade Nightmare

“that’s all?”

Xie Ming looked at the three indifferently: “Relying on the power that you got from Orpheus that doesn’t belong to you, do you still want to rule the underworld?”

“The waste should stay in the trash basket. Why come out to find a sense of existence?”

As he said, he took out the pitch-black scabbard with silver patterns from the portable space, and at the same time pulled out the Tianhuo Jingyan that had been hanging around his waist.

“Justiceza, Lias and the others will leave it to you.”

“Yes, Master Xie Ming.”

A little bit of starlight was released from the blade, condensed into the figure of a woman with silver hair and red eyes. Justissa looked at Diodora expressionlessly, and asked faintly: “What should the man below do?”

“Although the three in front of them are rubbish, they shouldn’t have the kind of bad taste that makes women cry. Therefore, it should be the rubbish that makes Asia cry out.”

Xie Ming’s emerald green pupils glanced at Diodora faintly, and by the way, he sabotaged the art of Lias and the others: “Break the limbs, abolish the magic power, and then take him and Lias to leave this place. They will make peace with Suzex.”


Justissa bowed slightly, and then slowly flew down.

“Then it’s our turn, scum.”

From the dark scabbard, Xie Ming drew the demon sword with a bright white blade, and Xie Ming looked at the three people in front of him lightly: “Let’s say, who ordered you, or suggested that you use Lias and the others to besiege me? Now If you confess him, I can make your death easier.”

“Heh, the person who proposed, isn’t it right below?”

Sherpa looked at Xie Ming mockingly: “Originally, our plan was to kill the sisters of the false demon kings and avenge those false demon kings. As for killing you, it is just a preparation for us to destroy the tripartite alliance. ”

“Traitors like Suzex and the angels and fallen angels are in the same stratagem, it is simply the shame of our demons! How can the future of the devil, the future of the underworld, be in the hands of such a traitor!?”

“Really? I don’t want to say it.”

Xie Ming didn’t listen to the nonsense of the man in front of him at all: “Then take off your limbs first and slowly extract a confession.”

“You dirty dragon!!!”

Sherpa, who was ignored by Xie Ming, was furious, and a huge magic circle rose from Xie Ming’s feet. A golden beam of light spewed from the magic array, and Xie Ming’s body was instantly hit by the beam of light and disappeared.

“Hahahaha! Emperor Chilong! Red Dragon! But so!!!”

“Where are you looking?”

When Sherpa was proud, an indifferent voice came from behind the three of them. Accompanied by the sound, there was an extremely cold knife light.


An arm fell along the force of gravity (don’t ask me why the underworld has gravity, ask is magic), Sherpa’s body retreated violently, but how could he keep up with Xie Ming’s speed?

“The only thing Orpheus can give you is the increase in magic power. In other words, apart from the magic power you reach the Demon Lord level, nothing else has changed.”

The bright white demon sword swung down again, and Sherpa’s other arm fell down.


“Damn it!!”

Finally, the other two reacted. The dark green lightning and the orange magic beam shot out from two directions at the same time, hitting Xie Ming.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”

I don’t know when the demon sword was pulled out again, and the bright white light of the sword formed a continuously spreading circle, cutting off the attacks of Cruzere and Cattleya directly, and attacked their bodies.

“Damn it!”

The two cursed at the same time, and quickly released a magic defensive formation in front of them.

“Defense has no effect in front of the demon sword.”

One hand grabbed Sherpa’s neck, Xie Ming gave the other two people a cold look, and said lightly.



When Daoguang touched the two defensive formations, it was not blocked at all, and the defensive formations instantly shattered. The bodies of the two were also cut horizontally by the sword light, and the upper body and the lower body were separated.

After fusing Fenrir’s two god-killing teeth and divinity, the original metal body of the demon sword turned into a bright white, and the original simple handle was also full of complicated lines. The carving of the knife is much more complicated than before. At first glance, it even feels like a knife is looking at you.

This is the Demon Sword, Demon Sword·Nightmare turned into a God-killing Soldier outfit.

Demon Blade · Nightmare

Category: Killing God Soldier-Tai Sword

Level: Tier 4

Effect: Strength +120, Intelligence +160, Attack Speed ​​+20%, Physical Magic Critical Strike Rate +32%.

Skill 1: Killing God (Passive): Damage to divine creatures is increased by 100%.

Skill 2: Blood Banquet (Passive): After causing damage, the enemy enters a severely injured state. (Serious injuries: the healing effect is reduced by 50%, and 5% stamina and vitality lapse every second)

Skill 3: Demon Blade (Passive): Ignore any defense of the enemy.

Skill 4: Backlash (passive): Anyone except the master who uses the demon sword will be backlashed by it. Lose 10% of the maximum life limit and maximum mana limit every minute, and will determine the will. The judgment is successful and continue to accept backlash. If the judgment fails, the mind will be destroyed and become a puppet.

Skill 5: Soul Swallowing (Passive): Swallow the soul of the beheaded enemy, after being purified and filtered by the Demon Sword, it will feed back the pure soul power to the user and enhance the soul strength of the user.

This is the new demon sword. Following Xie Ming’s journey, beheading and defeating so many powerful opponents, the Demon Saber got a complete transformation in this opportunity. Whether it is effects or skills, Fenrir’s characteristics are completely integrated.

So the Rocky family are good people.

After the Demon Sword transformed into Demon Sword Nightmare, Xie Ming’s strength could be said to have increased significantly again. Originally, he picked up the Demon Sword and could defeat the enemy of the pseudo fourth-order. But when he picked up the Demon Blade Nightmare, even if it was the real fourth-stage low-level, he was sure to cut off its head.

In Xie Ming’s eyes, the three descendants of the old demon king who had only the magic power level reached the low level of the fourth stage were three test stones. Regardless of the magic control technique or the method of using magic power, the three of them are not even as good as Rias and the others.

This is also a common problem for most demons. If you don’t exercise the power you have, you only know how to use it simply and rudely. Such an attack method is okay for opponents with huge differences in strength. But if the opponent’s strength is not much different, and the skills are superb, then it can only be ‘haha’.

Even if they got Orpheus’ infinite power, these three people estimated that they couldn’t even beat Vali in the forbidden state, let alone Xie Ming who had greatly improved his strength.

A few more blades flashed, and all the limbs of the three were severed by Xie Ming, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Xie Ming looked at them coldly, without any expression on his face: “Now, can you tell me who instigated you?”

“Believe me, speaking honestly, it will really save you a lot of suffering. You don’t want to experience my method of forcing a confession against the enemy.”

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