Chapter 817

“how come…..”


“It turns us into this way so easily…”

The three of them still haven’t reacted, or that they haven’t accepted the facts. Obviously, the three of them had already gained power equal to the demon king, but when the three of them joined forces, they couldn’t even beat a single Red Dragon Emperor.

“Don’t plan to explain it honestly?”

Xie Ming frowned: “Then, don’t blame me.”

“…Want to meet the people behind us?”

Suddenly, Sherpa laughed and looked at Xie Ming mockingly: “Are you sure, really want to see?”

“Sherpa! Don’t you think!?”

“What’s the matter, Cattleya, Cruzere.” Sherpa looked at the two friends next to him who had been with each other for many years, and smiled happily: “Since we can’t rule this underworld, let the underworld…no Let the whole world be buried with us!”

“……. I always think you are abnormal, but I didn’t expect you to be crazier than we thought.”

Cruzere was silent for a moment, and then laughed: “Well, today we can’t escape death. After death, what about this world, and what does it matter to us?”

“Ah la la, then do it.” Cattleya spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but still had a seductive smile on her face: “Scaroon Emperor, why do you think there is an altar in this place?”

“Why?” Xie Ming asked lightly.

“Because, this altar is not something that creatures in this world can build, but a product of Otherworld!”

Sherpa laughed and said: “The Otherworld race called the Sprite Clan has entered this world silently as early as the Thousand-Year War! The death of the gods and the deaths of the Four Great Demon Kings are all caused by this Sprite Clan. of!”

“It’s just that the gods and the four demon kings also fought back when they were dying. They united at the last moment, burned their lives, opened the plane tunnel, and expelled them. Because they knew that if they did this If time does not unite and act, the future of the world will inevitably fall into this terrifying race.”

“But the guy from the Sprite tribe also has its own back-hands, and one of the back-hands is the altar here. The function of this altar is to reopen the closed plane tunnel by sacrificing a powerful existence, so that the Sprite tribe Coming again.”

“We, after being expelled by Suzex and the others, discovered this altar by chance and learned everything from the words left by the Sprites. At the same time, this altar also bound the lives of the three of us. ”

“If we sacrifice like this altar from time to time, then the altar will draw our lives. But if we sacrifice to other races, the altar can transform us into a sprite clan!” A frenzy flashed in Kruzelay’s eyes. : “So over the past hundred years, we have been arresting some demons and fallen angels to sacrifice. At the same time, our race is constantly changing to sprites.”

“And after such a long time of sacrifice, we are only a little bit close to becoming a sprite tribe. Originally, our plan was to rely on Szekes’ sister and your Emperor Chiryu to make up for this. The last point, let the three of us completely become the Sprite Clan. Relying on the powerful natural strength of the Sprite Clan, it is no problem to rule the underworld!”

“But as you said, we take ourselves a little too high.” Cattleya shook his head, with a trace of regret in his eyes: “One step wrong, one wrong step. Now, all efforts have been exhausted. Then, our choice is There is only one.”

The magic power and vitality in the three people’s body was continuously input into the altar as Xie Ming’s forbidden demon eye caught them. On the altar, the aura that Xie Ming is very familiar with gradually exudes.

A ferocious and violent atmosphere from the sprites.

“The sacrifice has already begun, and even if you kill us now, it won’t help.”

“The whole world is buried for us, and it is worthy of the identity of the descendants of our demon king!”

“Let the world feel pain!!!”


Hearing the last sentence, Xie Ming twitched the corners of his mouth, swung a knife to cut off the heads of the three people, and then looked at the altar. At this time, the bodies of the three people were completely drained, and the altar gradually lifted into the sky, twisting. Immediately afterwards, a huge spatial passage appeared in front of Xie Ming’s eyes.

“Yeah, this is really…”

Xie Ming sighed as he listened to the prompt sound of the main god space in his mind and the changing main tasks.

“Detected the exposure of the High School DXD world plane channel. The Sprite Lions and Bear Gods have led the army into the plane channel and headed to the High School DXD world. The main missions have been changed.”

Main task (emergency): Please substitute 23333 to prevent the sprites from entering the DXD world of the Devil’s High School before the plane channel is repaired. It takes 30 minutes to repair the blockade of the plane channel, and it takes 20 minutes for the fourth-order surrogate of the main god space to arrive.

“The High School DXD world is a very important high-level plane. Please be sure to stick to it.”

“Lion and bear… two god-tier generals, I can only fight for 10 minutes in normal combat conditions, and now you actually let me hold on for 20 minutes…”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “There must be a limit to what a strong man can’t do…”

However, there is actually a way to complete this main task. That is when Xie Ming killed the lion and bear in his fighting time. In this way, nothing is left.

“But the two fourth-order highs, it seems that they are really going to be desperate.”

Stretching his arms, Xie Ming smiled, and stepped forward unhurriedly into the plane channel.


The first time Xie Ming stepped into the plane channel, Xie Ming felt only one, a little dizzy.

Because the colors in the plane channel are too dazzling, and these colors are still slowly rotating. Imagine that there are colorful Uzumaki everywhere around you. Are you dizzy if it is you?

Whether you are dizzy or not, Xie Ming feels a little uncomfortable anyway. However, the discomfort was only a moment of effort, and his strong physical and mental power restored him all at once.

“Draig, it’s time for revenge, how do you feel?”

“Hahahaha, buddy! Do you still have to ask this kind of question? Of course it’s abnormal!” Crimson Dragon Emperor’s cage hand emerged, Draig laughed: “I am the red dragon of strength, Chilong Emperor! Challenging the strong and defeating the strong is an uncontrollable desire in my heart!”

“Yes, I’m also very excited.”

The corner of Xie Ming’s mouth bends upwards, his left hand taps the scabbard lightly: “Last time my strength was still too weak, so I was calculated by the asshole fox. But now that I have become stronger, I don’t know if I can. Let your sprites bleed heavily.”

“What do you say? Lion, bear.”

In the short ten seconds of speaking, the lion-headed and bear-headed men exuding fierce auras had already come to Xie Ming’s face with their own weapons. Looking at Xie Ming’s face, the two of them were taken aback, and then a strong killing intent appeared in their eyes.

“You didn’t die!? Damn the substitute who broke our millennium plan!!”

“Yeah, I’m not dead, I have become stronger.”

Xie Ming chuckled and looked at the two holding the miniature temple lightly: “And this time, I will still destroy your Sprite Clan’s plan.”

“This way, one side will pass.”

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