Chapter 818 Emperor Dao

“One way?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, after looking at the breath radiating from Xie Ming’s body, the lion and the bear looked at each other, and then each took out their own weapons from the space.

“Boy, I guess what you think is that we can’t do our best in the time tunnel, so I dare to come out and stop us.”

The lion looked at Xie Ming fiercely: “But, do you think we really didn’t prepare anything after the last time?”

“If we really can’t fight in the time tunnel, what do you think the sprites have the qualifications to conquer these thousands of planes?” Xiong grinned: “The props that can fight in the time tunnel have been developed long ago. That’s it!”

A ball appeared in the bear’s hand, and then it was crushed severely.

In an instant, the three figures were enveloped by a black spherical space. In the spherical space, Xie Ming glanced at the environment in surprise.

In his perception, he seemed to have entered a different space very similar to the plane. But this is a bit different from the ranking game of the devil. This alien space is very strong and very fragile.

Firmly refers to that the strength of this different space is enough to allow the strong of the fourth-order and high-end to fight freely in it, and there is no need to worry about the space being shattered by the afterwave of power. And fragility refers to the outer strength of this alien space.

In short, this alien space released by bears is astonishing from the inside, but the outside is fragile. Even if you randomly come to a second-order, you can easily break through this different space and enter it.

But this is surprising enough, after all, the sprite clan’s props that generate different spaces can be used in time and space tunnels. The space in the space-time tunnel is extremely unstable, and it is unheard of to be able to build a stable and solid alien space in this unstable space.

It’s like a foundation that shatters at the touch of a touch, but someone built a 100-story building on this foundation. Unless it encounters natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, the building will never collapse in a hundred years.

This incredible situation can only make people sigh ‘this is magic’.

“According to the situation where you have only one person over, the main task you got should be to stop us for a while.”

Waving the two sledgehammers in his hands, the breath of the high-level fourth-stage lion began to spread, causing Xie Ming’s hair to stand up: “Since you are at the second-level, you can block the low-level attacks of the fourth stage, so We will not underestimate you in any way.”

“So the two of us will take action together, and we will kill you really and quickly.” The bear held a long spear in a combat posture, and said coldly.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, then I really want to feel honored.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head, but the power in his body has already begun to mobilize: “Even among Tier 4 substitutes, there are not many people who can make you take this seriously, right?”

The lion and the bear did not talk to each other, and they have fought with the substitutes countless times. What kind of substitutes have not been seen? Talking rubbish deliberately irritates people, using the body as bait, timid and fearful of death, hiding in the dark…

But among them, included in their must kill list, there is only one kind of person, a substitute who has practiced sword skills above the master level. There is no way. Once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years. The original Sprite King was severely injured by a substitute who practiced the sword.

And now, there is another one who can fight against their six god-tier generals with his own strength, the strongest incumbent in the main god space, Blade. If there is another blade, then the Sprite Clan, Sprite God King is really dangerous.

So he must be killed here!

“Really….. Isn’t it okay to chat? You have to fight.” Xie Ming sighed, his expression calmed down. He can see that even if the two god-tiers do not invade the DXD world today, they will definitely kill themselves here.

And myself, there is no way to retreat.

Then, there is only one answer.

“Draig, ready to go desperately!”

“Already ready, buddy!”


Exhaling a breath, Xie Ming began to sing in a low voice.

“My, awakening for…”

“The strongest shield to stop the enemy from thousands of planes.”

“Partner?” Draig was stunned for a moment: “This is…”

“Listen well, Draig. Feel it well, the Chilong emperors of the past!”

Consciousness came to the platform where Resentment was in the cage, Xie Ming looked at the red dragon emperors of the past with a smile on his face.

“Tyrant? Domineering? That doesn’t suit me, it’s not my Xie Ming’s style. I am not a dragon, but a human! The path I want to take is never a domineering way, but a guardian way!”


One of the Chilong Emperors of the past violently stood up, exuding deep resentment: “Only the way of hegemony is the strongest! Only the law of hegemony can keep you alive!”

“That’s right! The way of protection?! That kind of fragile thing is not what Seiryuu should choose!”

“Only hegemony is eternal!”

“It’s you who should shut up!”


Xie Ming looked at the red dragon emperors who stood up, and said calmly: “No one knows better than me what the end of the domineering way is. It will only be hatred, only anger, only loneliness, and only ….. perish.”

“You have chosen the domineering way, that is your business. But since I have fought, there is always only one thing I have done. I will always, only to protect the friends, lovers, and children behind me, so that they can smile And fight!”

“This is the path I chose, the way of guarding my Xie Ming, the way of my Xie Ming, the emperor!”

“My emperor is the emperor that silently bears the hatred and curse of the world! As long as there is someone behind me who I want to protect, then I will never fall! Your resentment, hatred, anger, I I will carry it together!”

“There is only one thing you need to do now! Follow behind me and witness with me! What will the future of my emperor’s way be like!”

“The King’s Road… the future!?”

“You said, let us witness your future!?”

In the different space, Xie Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and the unknown aura of Tyrannosaurus on his body had completely dissipated. Instead, there is a majestic, strong, firm, sharp and powerful emperor’s breath.

“My, awakening for…”

“The strongest shield to stop the enemy from thousands of planes.”

“The rebellious blade that slashes the enemy in the dark!”

“Hold up the light and hope, and bring brilliant dreams to the world!”

“I will become the invincible emperor who bears everything!”

“Lead you to wait and witness the future!”

“True Red Dragon Emperor State!”

In the dark world, light appeared. The crimson flame turned into a cloak. The armor of pitch black and crimson interlaced on Xie Ming’s body. The fury of Sparta, the wave of killing intent, and the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor in his body have been perfectly combined at this moment.

“Congratulations, world! At this moment, the Chilong Emperor is born!”

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