Chapter 819 Emperor vs. God General

The scorching fire has become the most gorgeous color in this dark and different space. The original breath was lower than that of Xie Ming, the lion and the bear. At this moment, the breath was completely equal to them, and even faintly surpassed the two god-tier generals.

The cloak made of blazing flames turned into a little spark and dissipated. In my mind, it means that the protection of fighting time is constantly passing by. Xie Ming roughly estimated that this state can only be maintained for less than 30 seconds.

“Will the fight be resolved in half a minute? Time is really tight…”

With a chuckle, Xie Ming looked at the lion and the bear with rainbow pupils, and said faintly: “Come on, save each other’s time, it’s good for everyone, isn’t it?”

“Fourth-order high-end…”

The lion squeezed the heavy hammer in his hand, determination appeared in the scarlet vertical pupils, as if his whole body was bleeding, dyed his golden hair with blood: “Bear, even if he is desperate today, he will be killed. this.”

“Ah, I understand…” The bear began to entangle with pale thunder and lightning all over his body: “We must not let him continue to grow.”

As the two of the gods, naturally they also have their own unique skills at the bottom of the box. The lion clan is best at strength, and the lion, as the six god-tier generals, can be said to represent the pinnacle of power of the sprite clan.

The bears are good at thunder and lightning. Coupled with the power possessed by the race itself, coupled with the speed gained by stimulating the body with thunder and lightning, the strength of the bear god general can be said to be the third-ranked existence among the six god-tier generals.

If the hard power of the six god-tier generals is ranked, then it is definitely ranked down like this: Jiao, tiger, bear, lion, eagle, and fox. But in terms of status, the fox is definitely only under the Sprite God Emperor.

The conquest of the sprite tribe and the distribution of personnel are all taken care of by the fox. The two god-tiers, ranked third and fourth in combat effectiveness, will work together to invade the DXD world, which is enough to show that the fox values ​​and fears this world.

It is a pity that they were stopped by Xie Ming before they entered the plane world and had to use desperate hole cards.

“Status: Blood Lion!”

“Status: Thunder Bear!”

With killing intent in his eyes, the lion, whose breath soared again, slammed the heavy hammer of both hands at the same time: “Shake!!”


With the twin hammers as the center, bursts of pitch-black fluctuations began to spread quickly to Xie Ming. This is the dimensional crack broken by the strength of the essence, and even the existence of the fourth-order low-end will die if it encounters it.

At the same time, a pale thunder light flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes, and the tip of the gun in Xiong’s hand had already arrived in front of his eyes.

“Yan·Xiankong draws a knife and cuts.”

The flame swayed out along the light of the knife, turning into flame dragons, biting into the dark dimensional cracks one after another. The main body of the demon sword is the point of the blade facing the bear’s spear, stalemate together.


The collision of lightning and flames cancels each other out. Xie Ming’s knife opened the bear’s spear, and then slashed.


The bear’s body turned into a thunder and lightning to retreat again, but a small cut was made in his face, proving that he slightly lost in the collision just now. Before he had time to wipe the blood off his face, Xie Ming’s body turned into a scarlet meteor, keeping up with his speed.

“Boy! Do you think this is my full power!?”

Xiong yelled violently, speeding up again, and easily throwing away Xie Ming. At the same time, countless gun shadows entwining thunder and lightning instantly enveloped all the blind spots of Xie Ming.

“Ding ding ding ding ding…”

The demon sword turned into countless afterimages, and the crimson light of the sword collided with the pale spear light. The aftermath was enough to shake the ordinary Tier 3 fierce fight, which broke out between the two. Every move is aimed at the key. Every blow is merciless.

If there is any slack in one of the two sides, then the outcome of the battle will be decided at that moment. But if Xiong continues to fight Xie Ming, he will definitely be cut off in less than ten seconds.

Because the gap in technology is huge.

Even if Xiong’s spear skills have reached the level of a master, it is no better than Xie Ming’s approach to the master’s sword skills. If he were to change to a lion, he could use his powerful power to break through ten thousand magic, so that Xie Ming’s sword skills could not be fully used. But Xiong had to use his spear skills to fight Xie Ming, and defeat was doomed.

But bear, don’t you really know this?


After fighting for a few seconds, Xiong’s eyes suddenly flashed with a sharp glow, and suddenly he roared into the sky. This is of course not useless, but a mandatory control skill of the fourth-order high-level.

Xie Ming’s body movements stopped for a moment, as if he was controlled by this sudden control skill.

At this moment, the lion, who had been waiting for the opportunity for a long time, had already arrived on top of Xie Ming’s head. He raised the heavy hammer in his hand high and smashed it down.

“The angry lion shakes the ground!!”

The tricks Xie Ming had seen before appeared again. Only this time, Xie Ming no longer had the fake Avalon to defend, and if he was hit by this trick, even if he was in the state of the Red Dragon Emperor, he would definitely be smashed into a piece of paper.

And the bear who had been fighting with Xie Ming until now also mobilized the thunder and lightning all over his body, gathered at the spear head, and stabbed Xie Ming’s heart fiercely.

“Thunder sting!”

This is already a mortal situation. Of course, the premise is that if Xie Ming is really under control…

The next moment, a diamond-shaped one-handed shield appeared on Xie Ming’s left arm. Even in the face of a full blow from the fourth-order high-end, Xie Ming still greeted him without fear.

“Shield Anti!!”


The armor of Xie Ming’s left body instantly shattered into slag, and his left arm was irregularly twisted, and the bones inside had been broken into countless powder. But this kind of serious injury is very valuable.

Because the shield has reversed its effect.

The lion’s double hammers were bounced high, and the whole body was completely defenseless. How much power there is, how much backlash will be caused, this is the bug of Shield Anti.

However, Xie Ming chose to use the lion as his breakthrough point, so the bear’s stabbing was naturally evacuated by the well-prepared Xie Ming. Although the spear broke through the armor and left a hideous wound on Xie Ming’s upper body. But compared with the left arm, this kind of wound is nothing at all.

“Lion, be careful!!!”

The bear roared loudly, reminding the lion. Lion also wanted to dodge, but the tingling sensation all over his body made him unable to make any movements at all.

“Ah… a left arm is a life for you, this trade is quite worth it.”

Xie Ming, who coughed up blood, was already close to the lion’s body.

“Farewell, Lion God General.”

Xie Ming’s body retreated violently, and at the same time he took out two or three fairy beans and threw them directly into his mouth. The bones of his left arm began to reorganize, and the unimaginable pain kept hitting his brain. No matter how strong Xie Ming’s ability to endure pain is, his face is pale and his head is covered with cold sweat.


At this time, the bear couldn’t care about Xie Ming at all, and rushed to hug the lion.

“…Really, I didn’t expect to die here…”

The lion mumbled a few words, and flames started to burst out of his body. He glanced at Xie Ming, then at Xiong, and couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s not wrong to die. I’ll leave it to you next, Xiong.”


The flame burned the lion’s body completely, and the golden double hammers that the lion held tightly also gradually shattered.

The magic weapon is alive, and with the death of the master, the magic weapon will follow the master and leave.

The lion god will fall.

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