Chapter 820 dead lion angry bear

This family of monsters stars, the origin of the square.

Here stands seven great stone, stone six intermediate sitting stone toward the lower throne knees. This seven statues representing the seven pillars of monsters family, lions, tigers, bears, eagles, Kau, Fox six god-tier will, the king of gods and monsters.

Statue represents the king of God and God’s life, but also represents the family of monsters and move did not hurt at all. Today, however, a statue, cracked.

All residents living on this star, you stare at the broken statue, eyes full of loss and disbelief. And some residents directly knees, weep uncontrollably, and even faint Que. And these people, without exception, are the lion family.

While standing on the top of the shrine Fox, dressed in gorgeous fox God, has been in the hands flapping lupine, she stopped falling down. This understanding of Fox’s eyes, is very incredible.

Because they all know how important it is for lupine fox. But now, this has allowed the fox lupine fall to the ground, are unaware.

“Lion, is dead?”

Fox muttered:??? “Who killed who killed the lion lion lion who kill in the case of the lion and the bear together edge No, not the edge …. Who is that ….?? . who is who ….. is …. ”

“Who killed the lion is !!!!!!!”

Fox has been refined, the moment actually there is no image of the body hair are erected up, scarlet vertical pupil exudes incomparable intention to kill, the spread of uncontrollable dark atmosphere, at the foot of the shrine is fox Fox uncontrollable shaking breath, there have been numerous cracks.

Subsequently, a black sickle flew out from the Shrine Fox, Fox is holding in the hand. Fox forward movement, instantly forming a time tunnel. Fox move and went, leaving a planet resounded in words.

“God will inform all the soldiers, monsters family from today into the highest state of alert!”


On this star daze soldiers communications officer who heard the voice of the fox after wake up, loudly he replied.


Palace, still so lonely. Monsters God King, still sitting on that throne, quietly sleeping. But at the moment, his eyelids trembled a few times, sigh, echoed in the main hall.

“Lion, died ah ……. ……. I was about to embark on that step.”

“Lets see……”

Do not know illusion, spirits of God king of the monsters face, it seems a little on the better than the original.


Looking to stay in place, silent bear, Xie Ming did not go up against, but patiently waiting for the recovery of his left hand. Left hand bones, now has recovered more than half, only half of the arm has been hand bones are still among reorganization.

His remaining battle time less than 15 seconds, while the left arm recovery needs at least five seconds. Even if the bear did not take this time to attack him, he can only hurt to change the form of injury may be forced to kill a bear in a state of rage within 10 seconds.

A furious fourth-order high segment, will make what kind of things, Xie Ming no way of knowing. And from then kill himself the lion, the bear was desperate expression of view, the feelings between the six God may be than expected but also profound.

The worst possibility is that the bear took advantage of his left hand injury has not completely healed, come and themselves at war, monsters party has emerged to support the family.

“It’s really troublesome…”

What might happen next, he can really no way to guess. If the monsters reinforcements family party really over, then left to Xie Ming, only two roads.

First, the evacuation. Exhaustion of the last forces break open the different space, and then withdraw DXD world, convening power throughout the world to make every effort to race against the monsters before the time tunnel.

The race against bears and monsters reinforcements, only later to be notified of their own near the tunnel Saze Alex and A Jieka. The two hidden strength of the Lord together, and perhaps may stall twenty minutes.

Second, is the exhaustion of the remaining 10 seconds, this will kill the bear. Then waiting for a miracle to occur. Perhaps, monsters family has not sent reinforcements there yet?

Oh, how is it possible. Since the ancient war, the six god-tier generals have not been killed in battle. The god will be killed. If the Sprite Clan does not send reinforcements, then Xie Ming will really doubt whether there is a problem with the head of the fox god.

“You can only choose one…”

I moved my left hand, which had just recovered from the activity. Although I still felt a little uncomfortable, I was able to continue fighting. Xie Ming began to mobilize the strength in his body, preparing to break through the different space.

“You want to escape?”

Suddenly, a faint voice came. Xie Ming stared at the bear quietly, still mobilizing his strength silently.

“How could it let you escape?”

The bear slowly raised his head, and the scarlet vertical pupils had completely turned blood red at this time. There is no doubt that the bear at this time has already reddened anxiously because of the anger in his heart.

“Lion he said….. leave it to me next!!!”

With a long roar to the sky, only Xiong himself knew the anger and sorrow in his voice. The huge body turned into pale thunder and lightning again, and rushed to Xie Ming quickly.


Xie Ming’s body also turned into a scarlet meteor, facing the bear.

“Fiercely to death!!!”

Under the anger, the bear’s gun speed seemed to increase a bit. The shadows of the guns, which were originally dense, have now turned into the sky of cold light. If Xie Ming abandons defense at this moment, it is estimated that he may be poked into flesh in the next instant.

“This is the so-called mourning soldier must win…”

Ignoring all the gun shadows, Xie Ming waved the demon knife in his hand and firmly defended the gun shadows that were attacking his vital points. As a result, countless scratches appeared on the body.

Seeing Xie Ming’s blood and embarrassed appearance, it seemed to arouse the bear’s ferocity even more: “Just you! Just you humble human!! How dare to kill a lion!! How dare to kill Laozi’s brother!” !!!”

“MD, it’s crazy.”

Xie Ming cursed in a low voice, and there was a trace of fierceness in his pupils. Who are you? You want to kill me, but TM doesn’t allow me to fight back! Look at you to get used to!

However, it is not yet time!

This kind of powerful and violent attack, even if it is a bear, will not last long. The moment he waited until he was exhausted, it was the moment for himself to fight back. So at this moment, it must be defensive.

“Not only need to use a knife to defend, but also to use footwork to dodge…”

His eyes became calm again, Xie Ming stepped on the void, and his breath began to fluctuate. Under the storm of angry bears, Xie Ming’s secret killing style began to gradually improve.

Feeling that his own attack is still helping the other party to make progress, the bear’s anger is about to burst out of his chest at this time, and he can’t wait to thwart the enemy in front of him. However, no matter how fierce his anger is, his physical strength will not increase with his emotions.

This fact, Xiong does not want to admit, he does not want to admit it! He didn’t want to believe that the fourth-tier high-level himself was actually unable to kill the enemy who had only three levels in front of him. I didn’t want to believe that my brother actually died in the hands of a third-order surrogate.

He is even more reluctant to admit that he is so incompetent! ! ! He couldn’t even avenge his brother! !

“Die to me, die to me, die to me!!!”

“Strength, it’s not that the louder you roar, the more powerful you can be.”

Finally, Xie Ming seized a flaw and unloaded the spear stabbed by the bear with the back of the knife. After the body approached like a ghost, the demon knife severely chopped it down.

A thick arm, with blood, flew out.

The bright white blade traversed a natural and wonderful trajectory in the air, and slashed towards the bear’s neck again. The bear has no room to fight back.

“Lion, you bastard, Laozi has come to you…”

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