Chapter 822 Orpheus’s long-cherished wish

To be honest, this night, Xie Ming slept in Jimon Li’s home and was not at ease. Because in the middle of the night he always felt that someone had climbed onto his bed. Just because he was really tired, he just barely opened a gap to see who it was.

“Oh, it’s a kitten…it’s all right.”

“Oh, it’s Asia… It’s okay, keep going to sleep.”

“Oh, it’s Zhu Nai…”


………..As the number of people slowly increased, this room was large enough to sleep more than 10 people, and it gradually became crowded. Not knowing what it was thinking, a petite girl with long black hair also touched the room.

This person, Xie Ming really didn’t notice it. In such a situation where everyone looks envious, but in fact it really affects the quality of sleep, one night has passed and the next day has arrived.


“…Why are my left and right arms hugged? Why is my body so heavy? Why is the bed so big, so crowded…”

In a daze, Xie Ming pulled his arm, but didn’t pull it out. Then the stagnant brain began to work again, and countless questions popped out one after another. The strong mental power reminded him of what happened last night when he was hazy.

Then, Xie Ming was completely awake.

Juna and Rias held his arms from side to side, while Zenovia and Irina held his thighs against the pillows. And on him, Asia, the kitten, and Orpheus were curled up.

“…Never mind the others, why, why is Orpheus here?”

The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched a few times, and he tried to wake up the two senior sisters next to him and let them loose their arms.

“Lias, Lias…” Shaking his arm a little, Xie Ming whispered: “Lias, wake up…”


Lias said dimly, “Let me sleep for a while, Xie Ming…” Then she hugged Xie Ming’s arm tightly and buried it in the softness.

“I…” Xie Ming’s expression suddenly froze, and then looked at Zhu Nai on the other side: “Zhu Nai, Zhu Nai…Don’t sleep, get up.”


Zhu Nai let out a slight breathing, but the hands holding Xie Ming’s arm were obviously also tighter. And Xie Ming clearly saw that the corners of Zhu Nai’s mouth were slightly bent, revealing a mischievous smile.


No, is this kind of prank interesting?

The corners of his eyes twitched, and Xie Ming sighed. In this case, I can only rely on Asia. So, he turned his gaze to his chest. Then he found a pair of black and shiny eyes, looking at himself silently at this time.


“Wake up, Chiryu.” Orpheus tilted his head, “But it feels like your mental state hasn’t fully recovered?”

“It’s weird to be able to recover!”

Xie Ming spit out in his heart, and his eyes turned to Orpheus: “Speaking of which, why would you lie down on my body and sleep?”

“Because, curious?”

Orpheus said calmly: “Last night, these little girls all entered your room one by one and slept with you. I thought this was a way to help you recover. So, I also came to help. NS.”

“That’s really thank you!” Xie Ming replied dubiously.

Yes, this method can indeed help people regain their spirits. But what was restored was the spirit of other areas! In this state of being unable to eat, it’s hard to be reasonable in that way!

“So, what did you mean yesterday when you said you wanted me to help?”

Although this situation is somewhat indescribable, neither Orpheus nor Xie Ming is the kind of person who cares about the environment. Therefore, Xie Ming talked about business while Orpheus was still lying on his chest.

“What do you mean?” Orpheus was a little confused: “I just want Ni to help me.”

“So, what needs my help?”

Xie Ming asked faintly: “With your strength, there should be nothing that needs my help.”

“I am undefeated. But, not invincible.”

After Orpheus was silent for a moment, he explained faintly: “At least, there is one, and I can’t beat it.”

“You can’t beat the existence…”

Xie Ming was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Suzex and the others told him when he was chatting with Suzex and the others.

If the strength of the entire world is ranked, then Orpheus is undoubtedly ranked first. But Orpheus also has an invincible opponent.

That existence is the other of the two dragon gods, the true Red Dragon God Emperor: Great Red (Great Red).

The great red of the red dragon god emperor is called the dragon among the dragons, the true dragon. It was born in dreams, always hovering and flying in the narrow dimensional gap.

And Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, was born in the void of the dimensional gap, and is the ouroboros that symbolizes infinity. In a struggle, she was driven out of the dimension gap by the great red and came to this world.

For Orpheus, what Great Red has done is like a person being forcibly driven out of his hometown. There should be only one thing Orpheus wants to do.

“I want to return to my hometown and regain my original, eternal peace.”

Orpheus said softly, “So, I want to defeat the great red and need help.”

“I want to go home…” Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “The group of people in the misfortune group also said that they can help you defeat the great red, and they are asking you for strength, right? ”

“Yeah.” Orpheus nodded, and didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with it.

The stronger the dragon, the more pure it is. This truth, Draig and Xie Ming once said. And Orpheus is undoubtedly such a powerful dragon. She doesn’t think about how to use or not, she just wants to go back to the dimension gap and stay alone quietly.

So for this purpose, she doesn’t care about anything. And the people of the group of disasters, it is precisely this point that they slowly gathered around Orpheus, promoted her as the leader of the group of disasters, and used her power to complete their own ambitions.

Orpheus is indeed the leader of the group of disasters, but her leader is actually just a tool man. Taking Orpheus as the leader of the world’s first strength will make other forces a little jealous of the group of disasters. Then use the power that Orpheus can divide infinitely to enhance his strength and throw the world into chaos.

“Really, if you think about it, things will die…”

Xie Ming squeezed Orpheus’ face and sighed helplessly. However, Orpheus does seem to be thinking about something now. She knew that she could not defeat the great red, and she saw the power of Xie Ming. Didn’t she take the initiative to come to Xie Ming for help?

But to be honest, this long-cherished wish of Orpheus is actually very difficult to accomplish.

Because everyone believes that the great red flying in the dimensional gap is an important factor in maintaining the stability of the world dimensionality. If the Great Red is defeated and Orpheus returns to the dimensional gap, then it is very likely that there will be totally unknown turbulence and changes in the world.

Of course, there may not be any changes, but will the major forces allow this possibility to occur? Once changes occur, not only the major forces will be affected, but even those who want to achieve their ambitions in the group of disasters will also be affected.

So if Orpheus really wants to realize her long-cherished wish, then what she will face is the hostility of the entire world.

“…Okay, don’t pretend to be asleep. You have heard what Orpheus said, so let’s talk about any thoughts.”

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