Chapter 823 Killed, Feed the Dog

Xie Ming’s words fell, and the girls beside them all sat up. Really, I don’t want to think about the talents of Xie Ming, pretending to sleep or not pretending to sleep, can he not detect it?

“Ahhhhhh, how did you sleep last night, Xiao Mingming?”

Hugging Xie Ming’s arm, Zhu Nai said seductively: “Is there anyway, regain your spirit~?”


Xie Ming said blankly: “Also, don’t use questions to answer questions.”

“Zhu Nai, don’t let go!” Lias looked at Zhu Nai angrily: “Xie Ming is my lovely member, my junior!”


Zhu Nai gave a smirk and tightened Xie Ming’s arm tightly: “Xiao Mingming is also a member of my department and school brother, Minister~”

“Zhu Nai!”

“Um~~ Mr. Xie Ming, I want too!”

“Irina, let’s not fall behind!”

“Ah, good!”

“Senior Xie Ming, it’s mine…”


Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand, Xie Ming directly used the space to move to the chair by the window and looked at everyone helplessly: “I am asking your thoughts, not for you to fight.”

“Xie Ming, your question actually asked the wrong person.”

Lias sighed: “No matter what we think of Lord Orpheus’ words, it will not affect Lord Orpheus’ thoughts at all. Among us, the only thing that may have influence on Lord Orpheus is you alone.”

“Also, we also have a lot of things we want to ask you. For example, yesterday’s Miss Jestissa, for example, why did you come back with Master Orpheus, with injuries on her body, so tired.”

“Do you think these things need to be explained to us?”


Xie Ming scratched his face, thought about it, and then made a decision.

“Well, let’s call Michael, Asacher, and the Four Demon Kings together. This matter really needs to be explained to you.”

“………I understand, I will contact you now.”

Rias’s pupils contracted, then stood up and nodded.

“Also, remember to put on your clothes.”

Xie Ming turned his head and looked out the window, and said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

“Isn’t that of course?” Rias couldn’t help turning to Xie Ming’s lovely Byakugan: “I just can’t sleep well in my clothes while sleeping.”

“In that case, why are you running over…”

Xie Ming did not say this sentence. Because he has a feeling that if he asks, he will definitely be condemned.


In the meeting room, all the people Xie Ming asked Lias to call have arrived in the room.

Everyone looked at Xie Ming solemnly, rather than at Orpheus, who was sitting next to Xie Ming and staring at Xie Ming.

“Okay, don’t have to stare at Orpheus. This time I call you over, not because of Orpheus, but to answer your doubts.” Xie Ming smiled and said softly, “I believe you are also waiting. Let me explain.”

“As for yesterday, who on earth am I fighting. What is that tunnel that has only been opened for thirty minutes.”

The expressions of Suzex and others also became serious, especially Michael, who had just been in contact with Xie Ming, his face tense. Because he had a hunch, what he had always wanted to know, he finally knew today.

“First of all, let me tell you about the information I got from Michael in the heavens.” Xie Ming glanced at Michael and said, “Can you?”

“It doesn’t matter, Your Excellency Xie Ming.”

Michael shook his head slightly: “Because afterwards, you will tell us everything, right?”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming was noncommittal, and then began to understand.

God’s last words, the arrest of Rias and others, the plan of the descendants of the demon king, the opened space-time tunnel, and…the sprites.

Regarding the situation of the Sprites, Xie Ming didn’t conceal anything, and told everyone all the things he knew. When Suzex and others heard that the King of Sprites was stronger than Orpheus and the Great Red, there was an incredible look in their eyes.

Otherworld, thousands of planes, space-time tunnels, sprite tribe, sprite god king…every word of these words is like a joke. But Xie Ming, specially called so many people over to make a joke with everyone?

This is the real joke.

Especially when Suzex saw Michael’s dark clouded look, they couldn’t speak. It was really the first time they saw that Michael, who had always been gentle, would show such an expression.

“Your Excellency Xie Ming, in other words, the last oracle God left us is to let us be careful of this sprite tribe, right?”

“Ah, it is true.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “Fox has already appeared in this world during your Millennium War. Orpheus has also seen it, right?”


Seeing Xie Ming asking himself, Orpheus nodded his head blankly: “A long time ago, I did see the little fox that won’t be hurt.”

“This is the racial talent of the Sprite tribe.” Xie Ming re-looked at Sazkes and others: “If you want to kill the Sprite tribe, you must use attacks with world origins to break their defenses.”

“So for you, the two most critical things now are, one is to take a good rest, and to accumulate combat power. The other is to find out what this world has the origin of the world, what is it.”

“I have already said what I have to say. Regarding some of your other questions, it is not that I don’t want to answer, but that I can’t answer.” Xie Ming smiled: “Suddenly telling you something about the Sprites will inevitably make you a little confused. . Regarding this matter, you should go back and ponder it slowly.”

“Now, change your mind and take care of another thing.”

Xie Ming looked at Ajieka and chuckled: “Ajieka, what’s the matter with your family?”

“…… Well, what should come will come.”

After a moment of silence, Ajka smiled bitterly: “I don’t know anything about Diodora. But if I don’t have any responsibility, it’s impossible.”

“Suzex, I’m sorry. Rias, I’m very sorry for putting you and your dependents in such a crisis.”

“It’s okay, Ajka.” Szekes shook his head: “There is no problem, it is a blessing in misfortune. Originally, Asachel and I had a little suspicion about Diodora, but we didn’t expect it. , He actually did it before we did it.”

“Hey, hey, it seems that our movements are still a little slower.” Asacher shrugged, and said helplessly: “Sorry, little girls, and boy Xie Ming.”

“No, you are polite, Master Ajka.”

Lias chuckled lightly: “No one thought that such a situation would happen, but Mr. Asachel, you actually kept such an important thing from us! Shouldn’t you be more sincere!?”

“Hahahaha, sorry sorry.”

Asacher smiled awkwardly, and then looked at Xie Ming: “So, what are you going to do with Diodora, kid. Your kid’s woman, the one named Yustysa, doesn’t count as us at all. Get close to him. I said I was waiting for you to come back and send it out.”

“What is my woman?”

Feeling the line of sight after coming to him, Xie Ming glared at Assacher with an annoyed look: “Justice is my sword spirit, the soul of my sword! As for how to deal with it, do you still have to ask?”

“Slayed, feed the dog.”

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