Chapter 824

Regarding Diodora’s disposal, it is naturally impossible to slaughter and feed the dog as Xie Ming said. No matter what Diodora is a scumbag, their status is still very high.

The great noble among the demons, the blood relatives of the demon king, the next generation of Patriarch of Astati…No matter what status he is, Diodora is not allowed to die like Xie Ming said. Killing can be killed, but it cannot be killed in this form of insult.

So in the end Xie Ming chose a fire to burn him directly. The fire naturally came from the hand of the Red Dragon Emperor’s cage. After Xie Ming carried the resentment in the cage of the Red Dragon Emperor and combined the state of the Tyrannosaurus with the wrath of Spartan and the wave of killing intent to obtain the state of the Red Dragon Emperor, the power of the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor was also sealed. Lift the ban.

There are two powers for the newly lifted ban, one is Penetrate, which can penetrate various defenses of the enemy. That is to say, the damage Xie Ming uses to the enemy with the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor is basically real damage.

The second type is the flame named Yi Cheng. This is the flame that Draig used during his lifetime, the ultimate flame that can burn all things, and will never be extinguished after being ignited. In the entire DXD world, this flame only has no effect on three people.

The White Dragon Emperor, Orpheus, and the Great Red.

If Xie Ming used the Red Dragon Emperor’s cage hand to use Yi Cheng’s flames, it would indeed be like this. But in the state of the Chilong Emperor, Yicheng’s flames will evolve into rebellious proud flames, and there will be no restrictions.

The corpse of the lion was burned to death by Ao Yan. Being able to burn the corpses of the fourth-stage high-end is enough to prove the power of Aoyan. For Xie Ming, who was still in the third order, it was enough.

Then there was the issue of the main task. The lion was killed in Xie Ming, and the fox and the bear were driven away by Orpheus’ deterrence. The main task was undoubtedly completed beyond the limit. Because the main god space and the sprites have fought so far, the six gods of the sprites will never have any casualties.

Therefore, Xie Ming’s actions undoubtedly created new opportunities for the battle between the Lord Space and the Sprites. At the same time, it has also intensified the war between the two. But Xie Ming didn’t know what was going on in the specific situation, and he didn’t bother to ask.

Regarding strategy and war anyway, the master space must be clearer than him. With a big boss on his head, naturally it is not his turn to worry about these messy things, just need to concentrate on getting stronger.

And regarding the next action, Xie Ming also had a plan in his mind. His sword skills have also improved considerably in the short fierce battle with the lion and the bear. It was only a short step away from the Great Master. So the most important thing for Xie Ming is to get past this step and truly become a master of swordsmanship.

But this step has to be crossed over, and it takes decades, or even a lifetime of accumulation for ordinary people. But for Xie Ming, who is in the main god space, the tower of swordsmanship is undoubtedly the best way.

In the week of the main god space, whether this step can be crossed or not is an unknown number. Even if he didn’t take this step, he still had to step in. This is Xie Ming’s goal in the near future.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to deal with the DXD world. Xie Ming can return with peace of mind without any worries.


“Orpheus, you said you want me to help you defeat the great red, right?”

“Well, Chilong.”

Orpheus nodded: “You haven’t answered my question yet.”

“Yes… Helping you defeat the great red is equivalent to being an enemy of the entire world. Do you understand this?” Xie Ming asked indifferently when he looked at Orpheus who was sitting opposite him.

“I don’t understand.” Orpheus asked suspiciously: “I just want to return to my hometown and get the initial peace. Why, the world will be my enemy?”

“…Well, it’s really not suitable to tell you something that is too complicated.”

Xie Ming sighed, and then changed his mind: “Well, I can help you defeat the great red, but not now.”

“You know my current strength. Although I can fight against you or the great red, I don’t have much time to persist. I can’t help you too much. So I need to improve my strength and become better. powerful.”

“I understand.”

Orpheus nodded: “I can wait.”

“So while waiting for my return, where are you going to stay?”

“Anywhere. Time doesn’t make much sense to me.”

“Since it’s okay to stay with Rias and the others, it’s okay.” Xie Ming chuckled lightly: “I will go out to become stronger, and then come back to help you defeat the great red. Then before I come back, Orpheus, can you stay with Rias and help me protect them?”

“Protect Suzex’s sister?”

Orpheus tilted his head and said calmly, “Just protect them?”

“Hmm…that is, when there are strong people far more powerful than Rias and the others, you can protect them as long as you can.”

“Strength, far exceeding… Chilong, what is meant by far exceeding strength?”


This really stopped Xie Ming. After all, Xie Ming is more sensitive to the opponent’s strength, because he has come to today step by step. But Orpheus has been the strongest in the world since its birth.

In her eyes, the strength of others is estimated to be only three grades. One kind, as strong as oneself (great red). One kind, the strength is quite strong (the strong above the middle stage of Tier 4). One kind, weak chicken.

“Well, that’s it.” Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Before I come back, you will stay with Lias and the others, and live with Lias and the others. Is this okay?”

“Well, I understand. As long as you live with Rias, you will help me defeat the great red when you come back, right.”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming stretched out his little finger and looked at Orpheus: “This is an agreement between you and me. If you stick out your little finger with me, it means that we have signed this contract. And we will maintain this together. The contract, until this contract is completed.”

“…Strange ritual.”

Orpheus blinked, and also stretched out his little finger, hooking up with Xie Ming.

“So at this point, the contract is established.”

Xie Ming looked at Lias: “You have heard everything, so from today, Orpheus will take care of you.”

“…… Now I say rejection, I believe you won’t listen.”

Lias rubbed her eyebrows and looked like a headache: “The world’s No. 1 Infinite Dragon God actually wants to live with us. Xie Ming, you are really…but you said you want to leave to improve your strength. Could it be that I am going…”

“Yes, I will go to other planes to improve my strength.” Xie Ming smiled: “So the school will ask you to take care of it.”

“Living with Orpheus, you don’t need to have too much headache or feel the pressure. Although Orpheus is very strong, she is too incomprehensible. It is better to let her stay in the misfortune group and be used. Stay with you.”

“At least let Orpheus be with you, I am very relieved in every sense.”

“……I see.”

Lias looked at Xie Ming and said seriously: “So are you, don’t go too hard. Remember that everyone is waiting for you in Juwang College, the Supernatural Research Department.”

“Of course I won’t forget.”

Xie Ming said softly, “After I leave, everything is left to you, Minister.”

“Leave it to me, my lovely staff.”

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