Chapter 837: Absolutely Can’t Beat Me

The Thousand Worlds Tree declared war on the Magic Association, which is a huge thing for the entire magic world. Although there has been a lot of cooperation with the Templar Church, it does not mean that the hatred that has accumulated over the years will be forgotten.

If the Thousand Realms Tree had an impact on the Magic Association, then the Church Church would definitely not mind stepping on it and falling into trouble.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, the Magic Association also coordinated with the Templar Church, and finally reached an agreement.

The seven followers of the Magic Association have the right to summon, and one position will be reserved for the staff of the Templar Church.

You know, this holy grail war is held in the real holy grail, and the winner will truly have the power to make a wish on the universal wishing machine. This summoning right can be said to be quite precious.

But the moisture is also quite a lot.

In this Holy Grail battle, if the master wants to make a wish to the Great Holy Grail, first of all, he must work with other masters on his side to exclude everyone from the opponent. After being ruled out, you will have to win the victory among the survivors on your side.

Only in this way, the master can truly get the opportunity to make a wish for the Great Holy Grail.

But now the Great Holy Grail is staying in the nest of the Thousand Realms Tree, underground in the city of Mirenia. In other words, even if you win, you have to enter the ground of the enemy’s hometown before you can truly make a wish.

For the group of magicians with eyes above the sky in the Magic Association, this kind of battle, which is completely disproportionate to their income and effort, is completely unworthy of coming personally. Therefore, the masters of the red side are basically external magicians hired by the Magic Association.

Of course, if there are interested people in the association, they can also participate by spending money to buy the master position.

From these places, you can see how corrupt and unreasonable the Magic Association is.

What? dangerous? Then spend money to hire someone to solve it, I’m still busy.

what? Has the people hired by the money been settled? This is not my problem, it’s because you didn’t take it seriously. What do you care about me?

Is there really a crisis? Then I will retreat into my magic workshop, you love to play outside, just do whatever you like.

The above three paragraphs perfectly explain the current style of the Magic Association, and also perfectly explain what kind of existence a magician is.

Extremely selfish, extremely irresponsible, and corrupt aristocrats who monopolized a lot of funds. This is the magician.

From a certain angle, the reason why Xie Ming chose to shoot in the city of Mirenia also represented his aversion to magicians and his aversion to magicians’ practices. That kind of wantonly creation of artificial people and using them as tools is really disgusting.

But there is a kind of person whose disgust by Xie Ming is still higher than that of magicians. That kind of person is not a bad person, you can even call him a good person, a good person. But this kind of good person, kind person, will force their own values ​​to be imposed on others, and make choices for others, without considering whether others are willing to do so.

This kind of person who disregarded the other’s wishes and acted arbitrarily was the existence Xie Ming hated the most. And in the red side, there is such a person.

Xie Ming took Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen to Sighişoara this time, and another purpose was to see with his own eyes how this person really exists.

However, his idea is destined to be impossible to realize.

After all, how could the black hand behind the scenes be caught by others in the first place?

So the three people’s car was attacked here.


“call out!”

A wooden sharp arrow mingled with magical power, spanning a distance of tens of thousands of meters, shot straight at the driving position where Xie Ming was. But as Xie Ming controlled the vehicle for a perfect drift, this arrow did not cause any effect.

“It’s really a warm welcome.”

The three got out of the car together and looked at the young man who stopped in front of their car.

Wearing a gray-silver light armor, with a frivolous smile on his face, a cross-spear was put on his shoulders, just looking at the three of them lightly.

“Ruler and her two helpers? I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go any further.”

The young man pointed the cross-spear in his hand at the three of them, and said with a frivolous smile: “If you want to move on, there is only one way for you, and that is to defeat me. It’s just…”

“The premise is that you must have the ability to hurt and defeat me.”

“Red Rider, the hero of Greece, Achilles…”

Through Ruler’s privilege, the real name was found out, and Bai Zhen directly said the young man’s name: “Is it your lord’s order that you sent you to stop us?”

“Who knows?”

Achilles shrugged, no surprise that his real name was called out.

Anyone who knows a little about Greek mythology will basically know the two most famous heroes. Hercules, and Achilles.

He is the half-human and half-god son born to the human hero Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis. In order to make her son a true god, his mother Thetis lifted her feet upside down and placed it in the sacred. Roasted in the fire (there is also said to be washed in the Styx).

Since then, Achilles has acquired an impenetrable body and possesses the immortality of God. Unless the slave possesses divinity, or the slave possesses a god-killing weapon, Achilles’ body will not be harmed by any attack.

At the same time, he possesses the fastest speed among human followers, as well as a very rich variety of treasures, which can be said to be one of the top followers.

But because of his fame, his weaknesses are also very obvious.

When he was young, Achilles was roasted upside down, so his whole body was not roasted except for the heel. This also led to his heel becoming his biggest weakness.

Almost everyone knows the Achilles’ heel.

As long as he is hit in the heel, Achilles’ immortality will be removed, and his proud speed will no longer exist.

However, it is not so simple and easy for most followers to attack his heel.

So Achilles’ arrogant declaration has absolute confidence.

Moreover, Achilles did not fight alone. The servant who is hidden in the forest in the distance, like a hunter waiting for his prey, is also watching this side vigilantly.

“Red Rider, and Red Archer…”

Glancing at the figure hidden in the forest in the distance, Xie Ming looked at Achilles, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but slightly said: “It seems that your lord is quite unwilling to let us get close.”

“Janna is Ruler, which excludes the existence of anomalous numbers. From the fact that you sent Garner to attack us before, the anomaly of this Holy Grail battle is definitely in your red side, right?”

“Sa~, who knows?”

Achilles put the cross gun on his shoulders like a pole, hung his hands on it, and said in a dauntless manner: “I accepted the order, so I came to execute it. That’s it. But out of good intentions, I still advise you to turn back and leave. Bar.”

“After all, you absolutely can’t beat me.”

“Huh~ Really?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Hei Zhen, who had already changed into a battle suit, and smiled lightly: “How about it, are you interested in a fight with him? Jeanne.”

“Of course, master.”

Heilong’s banner touched the ground, and Hei Zhen showed a frantic smile: “I heard that your body was burned with sacred fire?”

“Then I don’t know if you can withstand the flames of my hatred, Rider.”

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