Chapter 838

“The flame of hatred?”

Looking at Black Zhen from the top and bottom, Achilles showed a smile when he saw Lie Xinxi: “So, I didn’t expect you Black Jean to have such strength. It seems that I can enjoy it.”

“It’s just that, can you really leave scars on my body?”

“This kind of thing….. How do you know if you don’t try it!?”

As soon as the voice fell, Hei Zhen’s body turned into a black light and rushed directly to Achilles, the banner in her hand pierced like a spear.

“Come just right!”

Achilles laughed, the cross spear in his hand also pierced like lightning, and it collided with the banner of Heizhen.


The collision between metal and metal immediately separated immediately after the collision, and then pierced again. A duel of speed and strength broke out in an instant.

Countless gun shadows filled Hei Zhen’s sight, and Hei Zhen’s countermeasures were also to attack.

Again, if you talk about panel data alone, in this Holy Grail battle, no one can beat Heizhen. Achilles’ agility is A+, and Heizhen’s speed is also A+. In terms of muscle strength, Heizhen’s A+ completely surpassed Achilles’ B+ by one level.

So at the moment of the fight, Achilles felt the thorny thing on the other side. But this made him even more excited.

“Hahahaha, that’s right! I didn’t expect to have such a strong enemy on the neutral side! This is exactly the battle I am after!”

Achilles laughed, and the speed of the spear in his hand was accelerated by a point. And Hei Zhen did not show weakness, mobilizing more magic power to strengthen herself.

The offensive from one side is as dense as a lightning storm. The offensive of the other side is more like a fierce flame. For a time, the two actually fought hard to separate.

“It can’t be suppressed…”

Seeing the battle between the two, Xie Ming shrugged, a little helpless.

Heizhen was able to suppress Garner with her own combat power because the panel gap between the two sides was a bit big. So even if Garna possessed martial arts far beyond Heizhen, he was forcibly suppressed by Heizhen’s strength.

But Achilles’ situation is completely different from Garna. Under the same agility, the God’s Domain Spear Skill Achilles learned can completely make up for the difference in muscle strength.

If this continues, then the loser will be Black Zhen. After all, in terms of durability, Achilles’ A is one level higher than Heizhen’s B.

Moreover, Achilles at this moment did not use his own treasure that was promoted from the legend.

“The fastest of all heroes of all ages”, this legend.

Once this treasure is activated, then among those present, only Xie Ming can really get up to Achilles’ speed.

However, Heizhen has other advantages.


The deep purple fire of hatred instantly put a coat of flame on Hei Zhen, and at the same time, countless purple fire iron piles appeared out of thin air from every corner, and they all shot towards Achilles’ whole body.

But Achilles, who was entangled by the black zhen, couldn’t make any moves at all.

At this moment, a few more wooden arrows shot out from the forest, concealed and quickly, hitting Heizhen’s iron stake. Although it did not completely cancel it out, it also changed the direction of the iron stake and did not let it hit Achilles.

However, Achilles seemed very dissatisfied with this result, even a little angry.

“Big sister head!!!”

Turning into green lightning, he quickly opened the distance between Heizhen and Achilles frowned and shouted in one direction of the forest: “Don’t interfere in my battle!!!”


Like a cheetah, the emerald-green figure came to the front of Xie Ming after a few jumps in the forest. The three of them are also very familiar with this figure.

The heroic spirit who was once turned into a subordinate by the black chastity in France, the Greek huntress, the beast ears and tail are very pricked by Xie Mingmeng’s followers.

Archer, Atalante.

“Big sister…”

Seeing Atalante appearing, Achilles said in a bad tone: “Even if the eldest sister intervenes in my battle, I will be angry.”

“Sorry, Achilles.”

Atalanta said lightly, and then looked at the three of Xie Ming: “It’s just that, that’s why you ignored the order. The lord asked us to kill them as much as possible.”

“Master… Who knows if it’s the real master?”

Achilles mocked, and then his expression became serious: “So, I’m sorry, although I still want to enjoy it again. But now, I have to ask you to die.”

“Tsk, master, give me permission to liberate the treasure!”

Hei Zhen drew the thorns cross sword from her waist, and the magic power that began on her body began to explode.

“No, it’s not necessary.”


Xie Ming moved forward slowly, twisting his joints: “Tamiao will leave it to Jeanna and you, Achilles, let me deal with it.”

“Master, do you want to shoot?”

Hei Zhen tilted her head, then sighed, and withdrew the cross sword back to her waist: “Well, then this green hair will take care of you. The other Archer, let me deal with it.”

“Didn’t we say let us deal with it together?”

Bai Zhen moved forward slowly, and the banner in his hand was aimed at Atalante: “Red Archer, Red Rider, if we quit now, we can still stop. Fighting with us will not do you any good!”

“Unfortunately, that is impossible.”

Atalanta raised the gold-stripe black bow in his hand: “This is an order from the master. But…what is Tamei? And, you are really sure to let your master deal with Achilles. ?”

“I don’t know what Tamei is.” Hei Zhen said helplessly: “It’s just that my lord is a beast ear control. I guess he likes your ears and tail, right?”


Blinking his eyes, Atalanta looked at Xie Ming kindly.

“Thank you, I also like my ears and tail. It’s just a pity…”

“It doesn’t matter, you can’t beat us anyway.”

Xie Ming smiled and waved his hand, looking at Achilles faintly: “Then, next, the players will switch.”

“Are you sure, you will be my opponent?”

A murderous smile appeared on Achilles’ face: “Then, if you die in my hands, you have no complaints, right?”

“Of course. But only if you can do it.”



With both feet on the ground, Achilles’ body turned into green lightning again, and the cross gun in his hand pierced Xie Ming’s heart. If this speed was used in the battle with Hei Zhen just now, Hei Zhen would not be able to hold on for long.

This is one of Achilles’ treasures, the A+ comet running method.

When Achilles was not driving a chariot, this treasure would always stay on his body. Even if there are obstacles, it will not slow down. It is known as the peak force of all mankind in history.

Achilles at this moment is a comet.

However, Xie Ming’s speed was already close to bare.

The cross spear pierced Xie Ming’s chest fiercely, but Achilles didn’t have any hitting touch. At the next moment, Xie Ming, who was standing in the same place, slowly disappeared, and what remained there was just an afterimage.

“Say, you can’t beat me.”

A hand was already attached to Achilles’ chest. What was printed in Achilles’ eyes was a pair of emerald green eyes mixed with rainbow colors.

“Spartan fighting technique, collapse blow.”


Like a cannon fired, a loud noise appeared on Achilles. His body flew upside down in an instant, broke countless trees, and entered the forest.

“The second question, I shouldn’t need to answer you.”

Hei Zhen casually carried the banner, showing a proud smile: “My master, but invincible.”

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