Chapter 839: The Unexpected Three

“Achilles actually…”

Atalanta’s eyes widened, and his original sharp eyes looked a little dull at this time.

“Master, he has become stronger again…”

Seeing Xie Ming who had hit Fei Achilles with a single blow, Hei Zhen scratched her head irritably: “Really, isn’t it that I can’t help at all?”

“Who said that?”

Xie Ming looked at Hei Zhen and said with a smile: “You are by my side, you have already helped me a lot.”

“…If you’re so ashamed, it’s really a shame that you can just say it like that, master.”

After a moment of silence, Heizhen turned Byakugan over, taunting. Only Bai Zhen, who was beside her, saw that Hei Zhen’s ears were turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“This is…..”

Bai Zhen tilted her head in confusion, not understanding what was going on. Why did Xie Ming’s words cause Hei Zhen to have such a reaction.

“Cough…cough cough…”

Pushing away the trees pressing on him, Achilles coughed a few times and walked out of the forest slowly. But the blood at the corner of his mouth surprised Atalante again.

“Achilles, actually got hurt!?”

Turning his gaze to Xie Ming, Atalante’s eyes were full of shock: “You, actually possess divine nature!?”

“Divinity? I don’t have that kind of Debuff.”

Xie Ming waved his hand with a look of disgust: “It’s just that for people with divine nature, I am their natural nemesis.”

“God…. Nemesis…”

Unsuspectingly received Xie Ming’s blow, Achilles was undoubtedly seriously injured. But even so, he still had an excited smile on his face: “It turns out that there is such an existence in this world! It’s really, it makes people eager to try.”

“I am not from this world.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “Introduce yourself, I am a time-space traveler from Otherworld who has been commissioned by Jeanna, named Xie Ming. Therefore, you are defeated by me, and there is no need to feel frustrated. .”

“After all, your vision has been limited to this world. And my goal is the apex of those thousands of planes.”

“Travelers of Otherworld, thousands of planes…”

Both Achilles and Atalante were a little speechless. Their vision is too small?

“Okay, the gossip ends here.” Xie Ming said lightly: “If you still want to continue to stop us, then I will give you a complete defeat.”

“Wait, Xie Ming.”

At this moment, Bai Zhen was in a daze, and then said aloud: “I just received the revelation, we are going back to the capital of Romania, Bucharest.”

“go back?”

Hearing what Bai Zhen said, Xie Ming couldn’t help sighing, it was really tossing back and forth. I just drove over from there and now I am going back again. But since it is a revelation, there is no way.

Enlightenment is an inherent skill of Joan of Arc. The reason why Joan of Arc left his hometown to go to the battlefield was inspired. In a sense, revelation is very similar to the intuition used in combat, but the effect is different.

The role of enlightenment is more to guide the way. Which way to choose is the right one, what should be done to achieve one’s purpose, enlightenment can be done.

“Okay, let’s go back then. But before that…”

Xie Ming’s body suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Atalante. Reached out and touched the hairy ears on Atalante’s head.


Atalante’s body instantly stiffened, and then subconsciously swung out the longbow in his hand and rushed behind him. At this time, Xie Ming had returned to his original position.

“The last time I was in France, there was no chance, this time I finally got a chance to touch it.”

Xie Ming chuckled, then waved his hand before Atalanta went wild: “See you next time, bye.”

After speaking, the three of them took their cars and disappeared into the wilderness.



Atalante covered her ears, her pretty face flushed. Know whether to be angry or to be angry. Achilles wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and gave a wry smile.

“Sister, shall we go back?”


After calming down, Atalanta said blankly: “I have to think about the countermeasures against that Damn it’s Otherworld person.”


Although she was stronger than Atalante, Achilles couldn’t help but feel a chill in her spine when she looked at her at this time.

It is better to offend the villain than the woman.

At this moment, Achilles suddenly understood this sentence.


Since they have already arrived in Bucharest, the three of them don’t need to drive for a long time. Through Xie Ming’s spatial movement, the three of them went directly to the outskirts of the city.

But this day has entered the night.


“Um, sorry…”

Bai Zhen’s face was a little ruddy, and she smiled awkwardly: “Because it is a body of Pingyi, I need to eat and sleep.”

“It’s really useless…” Hei Zhen looked at Bai Zhen disgustedly: “If we didn’t come, what are you going to do?”

“Uh… by revelation?”


Heizhen was speechless at once, but she also laughed at fifty steps. If Bai Zhen’s situation were changed to Hei Zhen, she would definitely not get any better.

Hmm…. According to Heizhen’s method of action, he should directly enter the enemy’s base camp and fight with others.

Won, it’s OK. If you lose, then you will die and return to the Heroic Seat. Simple and rude, very dark.

Sighing, Xie Ming said to the two of them: “Then, let’s go to eat first, and then find a hotel to stay in. After all, I am still a little interested in Romanian local cuisine.”

This is true. People who like to cook are basically foodies. Only by eating goods can you understand the idea of ​​eating goods.

So the three got in the car and headed to the most popular restaurant in the city.

Anyway, it’s other people’s money, so you can eat whatever you want. What’s more, he chose the kind of big dog family, and this little money shouldn’t be in the eyes of the other party at all.

But Xie Ming hadn’t counted all the calculations. This little money really entered the eyes of the other party.


“That shameless thief!”

Looking at the text messages received again on the phone, a young girl in a blue dress couldn’t help biting her silver teeth, carrying a suitcase and walking outside the airport. A brilliant vertical curly hair was pinned to the right by him, and it swayed as the girl walked.

“That, Sister Luvia, are you okay…”

A black-haired girl who followed Luvia, wearing a lavender dress, asked with some worry: “Could that person spend our account again?”

“Ah, that’s right!” Luvia, the girl in the blue dress, said angrily: “Although our Edfelt family doesn’t lack this little money, we absolutely don’t allow others to use our assets without authorization!”

“After investigation, that person is definitely in Romania now. We have to catch him and let him see the lady’s hobby! Right, Sakura!”

“Um… I see, Sister Luvia.”

“Understand what! Sakura!”

Another girl with a double ponytail in a red shirt and black skirt couldn’t stand it anymore. She grabbed Sakura’s hand and looked at Luvia unkindly: “You muscular orangutan, can you figure out the situation? !?”

“Now Romania is holding the Holy Grail War! What should I do if I get involved in it!?”

“Ah, isn’t this Ms. Tosaka?”

Luvia pretended to only find out: “I thought it was an Oriental monkey sneaking after me.”

“You guy, do you want to fight?!”

“The Toyo Monkey just doesn’t understand etiquette, but our Edfeldt family has never refused to challenge.”

“That, sister, sister Luvia…”

Sakura smiled slightly: “Can you stop the noise? Everyone is watching us.”


Looking at Sakura with a smile, the other two instantly became honest.

Because among the three, the one with the strongest force seems to be not the two of them.

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