Chapter 843

In the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel, Xie Ming slowly sipped the tea in his hand, his expression calm and indifferent.

However, my heart was panicked.

Because on the sofa in the living room, several beautiful girls are staring at him with different eyes.

With a gleeful smile on Hei Zhen’s face, Bai Zhen looked a little helpless and blamed. Little Sakura looked at Xie Ming with a worried look, and then at Luvia. Rin…. It’s the same gloating.

This little red devil had written Xie Ming in the little book in her heart just now. Now that she is unlucky when she sees this man, she is of course very happy.

But you still have to pretend to be on the surface.

Therefore, Rin Tosaka at the moment, with Erlang’s legs upright, his hands on his chest, his face is righteous. However, this matter seems to have nothing to do with her?

Glancing disgustingly, Luvia turned his gaze to Xie Ming with an elegant smile: “Then Mr. Xie Ming, you have nothing to say to me?”

Xie Ming drank the tea, then slowly put down the cup.

“What I want to say? There is nothing I want to say.” Xie Ming looked at Luvia lightly: “Since I was caught by the master, then I was planted. But looking at you, it seems that I intend to go private with me.”

“Then put forward your terms.”

“…I like talking to smart people.”

Luvia chuckled, “I have to say that Mr. Xie Ming is completely different from a certain Oriental monkey. Civilized people should communicate in a civilized way.”


Hearing this, Rin looked at Luvia with a bad face: “Golden Drill, do you want to fight me here?”

“Ah, look, this is the way of thinking of Toyo Monkey.”

“You guys stop for a while.”

Xie Ming rubbed his eyebrows: “If you want to make a noise, when the matter is resolved, you will go back to your room and make a noise. Miss Luvia, please state your terms.”

“Just call me Luvia, Mr. Xie Ming.”

Luvia retracted his gaze and looked at Xie Ming again: “My condition is not too difficult for Mr. Xie Ming. I just want to ask Mr. Xie Ming to take us to understand this Holy Grail War.”

“Learn about the Holy Grail War?” Xie Ming frowned, “What do you mean?”

“The two ladies here, if I guess right, they should be followers. In other words, Mr. Xie Ming should be the master of this Holy Grail War. My condition is to entrust Mr. Xie Ming to protect us. It allows us to experience this Holy Grail war firsthand.”

“…You are really interested in dangerous things.”

Xie Ming looked at Luvia seriously: “First of all, I want to correct one thing. We, not the participants in this Holy Grail War, but the arbiter of this Holy Grail War, are responsible for maintaining the rules of this Holy Grail War. ”

“Before the black Assassin, it is precisely because of violating the rules of the Holy Grail War and attacking unrelated personnel that we will take action.”

“And now your request is for the three of us who maintain the rules to actively break this rule. Do you think I will agree to this condition?”

“Adjudicator, Ruler?”

Luvia was stunned for a moment and looked at Bai Zhen.

“Yes, Miss Luvia.”

Bai Zhen’s expression is also very serious: “I am sorry for Xie Ming’s misuse of your family’s funds. However, we cannot involve irrelevant personnel in this Holy Grail battle.”

“This Holy Grail War in Romania has been abnormal. The level of danger is countless times more dangerous than the subspecies Holy Grail War you know. Therefore, we cannot bring you into this dangerous war.”

“We can use other items to compensate Miss Luvia.”

After speaking, Bai Zhen took out a roll of linen cloth from her body. The sacred aura mingled on it made everyone present suddenly startled.

“This is…..”

“As a Ruler, I can choose an ability when I am in this world. And the ability I choose is the production of sacred cloth. This volume of sacred cloth should be enough to make up for Miss Luvia’s loss. ”

“Janna, there is no need for you to make up for this loss.”

Xie Ming said softly: “This is my mistake and I should make up for it.”

As he said, he stretched his hand into the portable space and took out three bottles of intermediate life recovery potions prepared during his leisure time.

“This is a healing potion. Each bottle can restore a severely injured person. These three bottles are enough to compensate you.”


Luvia fell silent. Afterwards, he shook his head firmly.

“No, although the value of the items that the two took out far exceeds the loss. However, I still want to ask you to take us through this Holy Grail war.”

“Sister Luvia?”

Little Sakura looked at Luvia in confusion, not understanding why her usually shrewd sister was so stubborn at this time.

“…Little Sakura, if it were me, maybe I would make this choice too.”

Rin glanced at Luvia with a complicated expression, and said faintly: “For a magician, what he pursues for life is mystery. And the follower is undoubtedly a high-ranking existence in the mystery. Not to mention this very special 7 pairs. The Holy Grail battle of 7 is extremely rare.”

“Even just as a bystander, you will surely get a lot of life-long benefits from this Holy Grail war.”

“Keep pursuing the mystery until death or reaching the root. This is the essence of a magician…”


Only in this matter, Luvia did not say anything to ridicule. Because what Rin said was exactly what she thought.

Scholars pursue knowledge, contestants pursue championships, and ordinary people pursue money and power. And what a magician pursues all his life is mystery, which is the root.

Even after entering the root cause, oneself will assimilate with the root cause, and one’s own existence will disappear. But the magicians are still persevering, pursuing one after another.

Is this pursuit wrong? no.

Xie Ming hated magicians, but what he hated was not the magician’s pursuit spirit, but the magician’s unscrupulous means and the annihilation of his humanity. But the three girls in front of them were obviously not the kind of magicians.

Although they also pursue mystery, they do not pursue self-destruction. They have their own goals, but they will not use any means to accomplish their goals. When people die, they will be sad and angry. If they have extra energy, they will also save the innocent lives in front of them.

Bai Zhen didn’t understand these three girls, but Xie Ming, how could he not understand?


Xie Ming touched his nose, looked at Bai Zhen who was a little tangled, and smiled bitterly: “It feels like even if we refuse, they will follow by themselves.”

“Isn’t it all because of Xie Ming?”

Very rare, Bai Zhen showed an angry expression: “I will solve the problem of funding, but it turned out to be like this.”


Xie Ming smiled awkwardly: “Who knows that someone really caught up for this small amount of money? I bound several rich accounts at the same time, but they were the only ones who chased me.”

“You still say?”

“Uh… well, I was wrong.” Xie Ming scratched his face: “However, strictly speaking, the three of them are already involved in this Holy Grail battle. Instead of letting them run around, It’s safer for us to watch them.”

“Just let them join us and become the neutral party together is a choice. Right?”


Bai Zhen sighed deeply, and then looked at the three seriously: “We can agree to take you to experience this holy grail battle for yourself. However, there is one condition. You must follow the instructions of the three of us. We will also guarantee your safety. If you agree…”

“I have no problem.”

“Me too.”

“I, follow the two sisters.”

“…So, so be it.”

Standing up, Bai Zhen stretched out his hand to the three of them: “Then these few days, please take care of the three of them.”

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