Chapter 844

Now that Rin, Luvia, and Little Sakura have joined in, there are some things they must know.

So Bai Zhen took the three of them to a room to explain. Xie Ming and Hei Zhen were left in the living room.

“Master, you also have today.”

Hei Zhen sat across from Xie Ming and said somewhat gloating.


Xie Ming flipped over Byakugan: “I’m not allowed to flip the car once? People are unlucky, drinking cold water makes their teeth cramped.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s decay, Hei Zhen couldn’t help laughing.

But to be honest, Xie Ming’s carelessness was really caused by Xie Ming’s indiscretion this time.

When people hack other people’s accounts, they transfer a large sum of money to their own accounts without leaving a trace, making them nowhere to be found. He did well and opened a black account directly under someone else’s account.

This is tantamount to telling others blatantly that I am using your money, what can you do.

As a result, something went wrong with the show operation.

Moreover, according to Xie Ming’s previous level of an otaku, he should be able to respond to the Edfelt family. As a result, I actually ignored…

At this moment, Bai Zhen suddenly opened the door and looked at Xie Ming with a serious expression.

“Xie Ming, we need to go to Tulifar right now.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Black Saber is dying!”


After the six of Xie Ming moved instantaneously, when they rushed to the forest, it was already too late.

The black Saber, Ziegfei, has completely turned into a spiritual child and dissipated in the air. Under the tree, Astorfo, who was slightly injured, and a brown-haired teenager who closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

On the side, there was Ziegfei’s lord, who had fallen into a coma, Gold Mujik Yugdomirenia.

“Ruler, Xie Ming, Jeanne Black…”

Seeing the arrival of Xie Ming and others, Astorfo smiled happily: “You are here too.”

“What happened, Rider of the Black.”

Bai Zhen frowned: “Why did Saber on your side suddenly died and the Master fell into a coma. Also, what happened to that child?”

“…… Ah, this one.”

Astorfo scratched his head: “To sum it up in simple words, this child wants to live, and then Ziegfei’s lord disagrees. Then Ziegfei knocked him out and beat his heart. To this child.”

This is really simple and clear.

Hearing Astorfo’s words, apart from Xie Ming, Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen fell into silence, and the three Rin’s faces showed incredible expressions.

Because, the follower actually knocked out his master and sacrificed his life in order to save a man-made.

In the eyes of most magicians, the follower merely exists as a magician. Even if the opponent is a high-ranking mystery, it also belongs to the envoy.

And now, the enchantress actually bites the master?


Xie Ming looked at Astorfo faintly: “What was it like when Zieg flew away?”

“I think he is very satisfied.”

Astorfo smiled: “Because he fulfilled his wish.”

“Really, that’s good.”

Xie Ming also showed a slight smile: “Then you will take care of this child to the end.”


“Xie Ming?”

Both Astorfo and Bai Zhen were taken aback, and they didn’t understand what he was talking about.

“You rescued this child by your own will, right?” Xie Ming said calmly, “It’s not that simple to save a life.”

“He is a man-made man who doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t understand anything. If there is no one to look after him, he can’t survive in this world at all. You must teach him how to survive in this world.”

“Saving but not teaching is no different from harming him. He wants to live, and you, as a hero, have taken on his wish. Then, until he can survive on his own, you will be considered to have fulfilled this wish.”

“Can you bear the weight of his life?”

Astorfo was silent for a while, then raised his head with a big smile: “Of course.”

“I am one of the Twelve Warriors of Charlemagne, Astorfo!”

“Then you take him away.”

Xie Ming smiled, then looked at Bai Zhen: “Jangna, don’t you agree?”

“…You and Rider said so, can I stop it?”

Bai Zhen sighed and asked softly: “But, what should we explain to Black?”

“Explain? Why do you want to explain? Does this matter have anything to do with us?”

Looking at Bai Zhen strangely, Xie Ming said again: “You guys go quickly, otherwise, you won’t be able to leave.”

“Ah, thank you, Xie Ming, you are such a good person!”

Astorfo smiled happily, carried the brown-haired boy on his back, and ran away.

“This is the first time I received a good person card, and I actually feel pretty good…”

Xie Ming murmured and looked in another direction. There, the sound of footsteps and horseshoes are gradually approaching.


“Ruler, Xie Ming, Black Jean, and unknown magician…”

Riding a horse, Vlad III looked at the six people present and the unconscious Gold with a stern expression, and asked faintly: “Can you tell Yu, what happened here?”

“It’s very simple, Vlad III.”

Xie Ming glanced at the people in the black side and chuckled: “Zig Fei stunned his lord, and used his heart to save the endangered man-made. Then Astorfo took the man with him. The android ran away.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Vlad III couldn’t help holding the spear in his hand tightly, and the rest of the people also had different reactions. And the one who reacted the most was Danic, who was standing next to Vlad III, and the lord of Astorfo.

Sereni Guy clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and showed extremely cold and angry eyes: “Why do we believe you?”

Xie Ming ignored Guy Sereni and looked at Vlad III peacefully.

“Shut up, Sereni Guy.”

Danike said coldly: “They don’t need to lie about this kind of thing, calm their minds and talk again.”


Taking a deep breath, Vlad III suppressed the anger in his heart and said calmly: “You guys, just watched them leave?”

“I said that we are the people who uphold the rules and will not take sides.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “You made the cyborgs, and Ziegfei and Astorfo are your followers. We only came to check the situation because we made Na feel that Ziegfei’s life is endangered. ”

“In the final analysis, this incident happened because your master did not communicate well with the followers. Because it is yours, the consequences are naturally yours.”

Hearing the faint ridicule in Xie Ming’s tone, the expression on the Thousand Realm Tree side also changed slightly. Danick glanced coldly at Gold who fell on the ground, and Sereni Guy bit his lips.

The two remaining masters were a young girl sitting in a wheelchair and a handsome teenager. They have only some regrets and fears on their faces.

“A follower is not a hardworking envoy.”

Xie Ming said mockingly again: “I really don’t understand what you have to be proud of as magicians, so that you can feel that you can let the heroic spirits listed on the heroic seat really obey you.”

“Weigh yourself well.”

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