Chapter 845

“You guy…”

The last sentence completely angered Sereni Guy. At this time, she had directly ignored Danike’s warning and directly drew a few magic texts in the air. Suddenly, an evil aura dispersed.

Before Serene Guy was incorporated by the Thousand Realms Tree, he made a living by cursing and killing others. And what she used at this moment was the curse magic she was best at.

It’s a pity that for a guy like Sereni Guy, Xie Ming’s hands on her are all at a discount. Magicians still have to be dealt with by magicians.

A jet of dark light shot directly through the spell that Sereni Guy had just drawn, and wiped her face, hitting the tree next to it.

“Madam, please think twice before you act.”

Little Sakura retracted her finger and smiled slightly: “If you attack us, it means that you are going to fight the two servants now.”

“Damn it’s stinky girl!”

“Serene Guy, can’t you stop?”

At this time, Danick had stood in front of Guy Serene, and his pupils were filled with mercilessness and coldness: “You, do you want to violate my orders again?”


Sereni Guy recovered his calm in an instant, with a few drops of cold sweat on his face, he couldn’t help but stepped back: “No, I was wrong, Danic.”

“I’m rude, Wang.”

Danick bowed slightly and said to Vlad III.

“No, you did a great job, Dannick.”

Vlad III closed his eyes, seeming to be allowing himself to accept the fact that his side’s combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

Finally, he had precious and brave generals, but before the battle started, he had already lost two. And one of them is the best job agency, Saber.

“By the way, I am giving you a message in friendship.”

Xie Ming turned his eyes and said with a chuckle: “Assassin is the only one who has not joined the team on your side? This time we met in Bucharest.”

“Have you met Assassin?!”

The girl in the wheelchair asked in surprise.

“Ah, yes, I met.” Xie Ming smiled: “You should all be aware of the recent murder case in the newspaper. Everyone who was killed was a magician. And the heart was taken out. .”

“You don’t need to investigate now, I can tell you clearly. Assassin has completely lost control, so she has become our sanction target. Of course, if you don’t believe it, you can send someone to investigate.”

“Well, everyone is very busy tonight, so we’ll leave now. Good luck to you, Masters and Followers of Black.”

When the words fell, the six Xie Ming disappeared in the forest and returned to the hotel.

“…Wang, what should I do next?”

Dannick looked at Vlad III and asked softly.

“What has happened, there is no alternative.”

Vlad III said calmly: “We have lost Saber, Rider and Assassin, but this is not the reason for our loss of fighting spirit.”

“Archer, Caster, Berserker, will you lose the will to fight because of the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves?”

“Of course not, Wang.”

“will not.”


“Very good.” Vlad III smiled with satisfaction: “I am Vlad III, the ruler of this land! Those enemies who want to invade my territory will eventually be pierced by my iron stakes. !”

“Now, let’s go back. Caster, remember to let the golem take that waste back.”


Everyone nodded, followed behind Vlad III, and slowly left.


“What’s the matter, Sereni Guy?”

“Please let me find Rider.”

Sereni Guy lowered his head and said calmly: “I will definitely bring him back.”

“…… Whatever you do.” Danick glanced at Serene Guy and said indifferently.

For Dannick, whether it’s Serene Guy or Gold, it’s actually useless. But let Sereni Guy go find it, maybe there is still a chance to find it.

As for whether Sereni Guy is dead or alive, it doesn’t matter at all.

And this also followed the wishes of Sereni Guy. She, a woman, was originally in the family and selfish desires, prior to selfish desires. And for Astorfo, there is an inexplicable obsession.

At this time Astorfo betrayed herself for an artificial person, which has completely aroused her jealousy and sadism.

She offered to go to Astorford, not because she had any idea to stop her side’s combat power from diminishing, but just for one thing.

In front of Astorfo, completely tortured and killed the man-made. Then looking at Astorfo’s desperate expression, he killed him.

As the leader of the clan, Guy Selena must not be able to escape Danis’s mind. Therefore, he didn’t have any hope for Sereni Guy.


“On this land, Lancer is invincible.”


In the church in Sighişoara where Xie Ming and others did not enter, a dark-skinned and white-haired young man dressed in a priest’s costume was kneeling before the cross and praying silently.

The boy’s name, at least the current name, is Yanfeng Shiro.

Behind him were all the followers Xie Ming and the others had encountered.

Garner stood silently against the wall, folded his hands on his chest, and closed his eyes and rested.

Achilles whistling sitting on the bench jealously, looking at Erlang’s legs.

Atalante stood calmly on the side.

And the last one, standing next to the teenager, wearing a black dress, exuding a decadent atmosphere of peerless beauty. The slender ears represent the elven blood on her body.

“Everyone, we are all here.”

The boy stood up slowly, with a gentle smile on his face: “Thanks for your hard work, everyone. Especially Archer and Rider, thank you for buying some time for me. Allow me to find an opportunity to pull Ruler away.”

“You’re welcome.” Atalanta answered calmly.


Compared to Atalante, Achilles seemed a little disdainful: “Polite remarks are avoided. Now, I can almost tell us something, Mr. Priest.”

“Well, of course.”

Yanfeng Shiro smiled slightly: “If you have any questions, please don’t worry.”

“Then I’ll just say it straight.”

Achilles stood up abruptly, and said with an unkind expression: “When will we be able to see our lord?”

“Rider, I should have told you about this before.” The beauty standing next to her frowned, “Your Master is staying in a safe place, and is delivering orders through Shiro.”

“Hey, Assassin, you mean that the masters who summon us are all cowardly softhearted, right?”

Achilles sneered, “Do you still want to fool us with this kind of nonsense?”

“Thank you, Assassin. However, this should also be told to them. For our future cooperation.”

Yanfeng Shiro stopped the beautiful woman from continuing to speak, and looked at Achilles again.

No, to be precise, I looked at all the followers present.

“Your master, after today’s conversation, has reached a conclusion.”

Slowly taking off his shirt, revealing his upper body, Yanfeng Shiro said softly.

“They have given up this Holy Grail battle and transferred Lingshu to me. So from today, I will be your master.”

All the servants focused their eyes on his upper body. To be precise, it was under his collarbone on both sides.

There, there are two red lines composed of bright red lines.

All are Ling Zhou.

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