Chapter 846

“You guy!!”

A green lightning flashed across the church in an instant, and the tip of the cross gun was already pointed at Yanfeng Shiro’s neck.

“What’s the matter with you, our lord!?”

Achilles’ eyes released a trace of killing intent, and asked coldly.

“Don’t worry, they have nothing to do.”

Even with the tip of the gun against his neck, Yanfeng Shiro still had a gentle smile on his face.

This is not a confident smile, but a smile that doesn’t care even if he is taken away from him.

But he doesn’t care, doesn’t mean other people don’t care.

“Rider, are you going to rebel?”

In various places in the hall, countless iron chains have appeared at some point, and the cone spikes at the top of the chains have been aimed at Achilles’ various blind spots.

Achilles would not have the slightest suspicion. If he made any further actions, these spikes would pierce his body instantly. Because Assassin on their side is also a demigod.

Semiramis is her real name. She once -kun came to the Assyrian Empire, is the oldest poisonous killer in the world, and is also the legendary empress. Moreover, her job agency is also very special, it is an extremely rare double call.

The so-called double calling means that the follower has two special circumstances of employment at the same time. As for Semiramis, he has the special existence of both Caster and Assassin.

But even if he knew he was surrounded by the attack, Achilles still didn’t have any expression on his face. Because he is confident that he can survive this attack by Semiramis at his own speed.

And Semiramis would die.

Because not far away, Atalanta had already drawn his longbow and aimed at Semiramis’s head. If she acted rashly, her head would be shot through with a bow and arrow.

But at this time, the expressions of Achilles and Atalante changed again.

Because Garna was already holding the gun of gold and aimed at Atalante.

“Lancer, you fellow!?”

Achilles looked at Garna angrily: “Are you going to betray your lord?”

“No, this is for my master.”

Garna glanced at Achilles calmly, and said faintly: “For the sake of the master’s safety, that’s why I did this.”


Hearing what Garner said, both of them instantly remembered.

Since Yanfeng Shiro has taken away the magic spell of the master, it also means that his master is still in his hands. As far as Fengshiro’s servant is concerned, she is the female emperor of Assyria, the oldest assassin in the world.

If they do it now, their lord will undoubtedly die.

Thinking of this, the two slowly put down their weapons.


With a cold snort, Semiramis also retracted the chain.

“Great, everyone finally calmed down.”

It seems that he didn’t realize what kind of dangerous situation was just now, and maybe the red team will be eliminated. But the boy named Yanfeng Shiro still had a gentle smile on his face.

“Since everyone has calmed down, I don’t know. Can you patiently listen to me?”

Yanfeng Shiro smiled: “Since everyone has responded to the call of the Holy Grail, naturally, they all have their own wishes to accomplish.”

“In this case, who the master is and whose orders he obeys is relatively less important. Who can lead everyone to victory is the most important thing. There shouldn’t be any mistakes in my words.”

“Ah, there is nothing wrong.”

Achilles sneered: “But there are things that are more important than our wishes. That is the two words ‘loyalty’ and ‘righteousness’.”

“Of course I understand this.” Yanfeng Shiro nodded in agreement: “But in fact, your lord is actually fine. I can also assure you that they will be fine in the future.”

“Even if my wish is fulfilled, the whole world will become extremely beautiful and peaceful.”

“Your wish?”

Atalante frowned and said directly: “What is your wish?”

“Save, all mankind.”


In addition to the conflict between the red side in the middle of the night, the black side’s distress, the neutral group of six people, Xie Ming, actually had conversations.

It’s just that the conversation happened between the three newly joined members.

The content of the conversation is the question of the two sisters to the younger sister.

“Now, little Sakura.”

Lying on the bed holding a pillow, a pair of white long legs were constantly dangling, and Rin asked the little Sakura who was combing her hair: “You are, do you like that man?”


Little Sakura’s movements stopped for an instant, and then she looked at her own sister.

“It’s alright, don’t hide it~”

Rin sat up with a smirk: “I asked for the name again, and helped when the magician of the Thousand Realms Tree made his move. You can see your mind from the wood. Even if you don’t like this level, it must be. Have a good impression, right?”

“Yeah, little Sakura.” Luvia also nodded, with a smile on his face: “Although Xie Ming, this man is a bit unable to get on the table in the matter of stealing our family funds. But I have to say, He is indeed a door-in-law worthy of being the son-in-law of our Edfeldt family.”

“Sister Luvia, sister, what are you talking about!?”

Little Sakura was a little bit shy by the two sisters, and a little bit dumbfounded: “It’s not like that!”

“Isn’t that?”

Who are you fooling?

Both of them cast meaningful glances at little Sakura, and then covered them with the quilt: “Well, it’s not like that. Good night.”

“really not!!”

Little Sakura put down the comb a little annoyed, but she also had some doubts in her heart.

Why would I make such a bold move to a strange man who has never been in contact with? Why do I feel so warm in my heart every time I see him?

If you really don’t know yourself, why was his eyes so complicated at the time? But if you know yourself, why do you pretend not to know?

There are too many whys, too many questions filled little Sakura’s head.

I have to say that little Sakura’s heart has been messed up.

But there is only one idea that she can be sure of.

I have to stand behind him and help him in what I can do.

As for why?

Little Sakura herself didn’t understand.


With a slight sigh, little Sakura stood up, turned off the light on the dressing table, and lay on her bed.

“Mr. Xie Ming…”

Muttered softly, the girl fell into a deep sleep. The two people sleeping next to each other opened their eyes and sat up halfway.


“It should be right…”

The turquoise and golden pupils glanced at each other and nodded at the same time. But then, the two of them were worried about being sisters.

How should these two match up…

If Xie Ming knew that these three girls were not going to sleep in the middle of the night, thinking about these messy things, they would definitely feel dumbfounded.

The so-called girl, is it possible to talk about the existence of Eight Trigrams at any time?

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