Chapter 859 Demon Atalante

Everyone looked a little strange after hearing Atalante’s words. Especially Fiore and Cowles, who are magicians of the Thousand Realms Tree, are even more hesitant to speak.

Did nothing? Who did the murder case during this time?

Because it’s a child? Don’t you know a word? He is still a child, don’t let him go.

Not to mention that this is still an evil spirit, leaving her alive will only cause more damage. Even if others treat her with kindness, she will only treat others with evil. This is the essence of evil spirits and cannot be changed at all.

For evil spirits, only purification is their salvation and salvation.

“Archer of the red side, I am not a saint.”

Bai Zhen pointed the tip of the banner to the two, and said calmly: “I just follow the Lord’s command to fight, an ordinary believer. If I have not been burnt, I believe that I will continue to fight for the Lord in the rest of my life. Bar.”

“I never thought of myself as a saint. Not in the past, not now, nor in the future. So, please get out of the way, Archer of the red side.”

“For Black’s Assassin, only purification is salvation.”

“Really…I understand…”

Atalante lowered the bow, expressionless on his face: “Then, I will destroy you.”

As he said, a black wild boar skin appeared on her hand.

“That is!?”

“I will kill all those who want to destroy their children!!”

Without any hesitation, Atalante draped the wild boar skin on his body. In an instant, her body began to change.

The original emerald green hair turned pale. The long skirt on his body was also turned into a black animal skin savage suit. On the right shoulder, a huge ferocious pig’s head seemed to be looking ferociously at his prey.

In the same way, there was no reason to speak of in Atalante’s eyes.

“Kill you, kill you!!!”

The roar like a beast caused everyone except Bai Zhen and Xie Ming to tremble.

“This is…Archer?”

“That fur, is it a treasure…”

Everyone can hardly believe that this is the sane and calm huntress.

“Yes, this is Atalante’s treasure.”

Xie Ming looked at Atalanta calmly, and said lightly: “The treasure formed from the legend of the shot-killed Caludon Demon Pig, the wild boar of God’s punishment (Agrius Metamorphose).”

The wild boar (Agrius Metamorphose) can be said to be Atalanta’s hole card at the bottom of the box, and it is also a treasure that Atalanta uses when he really hates a person.

After using this treasure, Atalante will be filled with the demon nature of the demon pig and become a demon from the servant. In essence, there will be changes.

The bow of the sky in the hand will be sealed, all abilities on the whiteboard data will increase except for luck, and will get A-level “madness” and “change”. While inflicting damage to the enemy, it can restore its own vitality equal to the damage.

The original bow of the sky will combine with the magical nature of the devil pig to become the bow of the dark sky. Since then, every arrow will have the power of the treasure level.

However, Atalanta’s sanity will also be controlled by the magic pig and become a killing machine that can only destroy. Until his enemies were completely killed, Atalante would never stop.

“Archer of the red side, you actually…”

Bai Zhen looked at Atalante deeply, and then squeezed the banner in his hand: “If this is the case, then I can only ask you to leave here.”

“She will leave it to me to deal with it.”

Xie Ming stood in front of Bai Zhen and said calmly: “Now she has done too much damage to the environment. Fighting here will cause countless deaths and injuries. Let Na be responsible for purifying Jack and be careful of her master. .”

“I understand…” Bai Zhen did not hesitate, and said softly: “Then please be careful, Xie Ming.”

“Ah, of course.”

With a smile, Xie Ming shouted at Atalante: “Hey, Ta Miao. Don’t always look at Jeanna, but also come and see me. I still remember the touch of your ears.”

“Kill you!!!!”

“Yes, come with me.”

Seeing Atalanta who was instantly rushing towards him, Xie Ming chuckled and greeted him. After avoiding her first attack, one hand grabbed Atalante’s wrist, and the two disappeared into the city.

“Ah, big sister was taken away.”

Jack smiled: “But the big brother is not there, we can use the treasure as much as we want.”

The fog gradually thickened. Jack’s figure slowly disappeared into the mist.

“Come and play~ Big brother and big sisters~~”


“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

Above the wilderness, every time an arrow breaks through the air, a huge pit will form. The pitch-black figure was running fast around Xie Ming, constantly plucking the lavender magic pattern longbow in his hand, attacking.

“Sure enough, Blacken is twice as strong…”

The original Atalanta, at best only had the strength of the second-order peak. But now the demonized Atalante is close to the third-tier high-end.

At this time, she could even face up to top followers like Ziegfei and Mordred.

But Atalante, there is no reason.

“Roar!!! Kill you!!! Kill you!!!”


The pure flames of the sky in his hand were constantly waving, and he lifted the arrow of Blacken Atalante away. Xie Ming sighed helplessly: “I am very happy to have such a strong feeling for me. But if it is too strong, I It’s also a bit stressful here.”


Seeing that his attack had no effect, Atalante roared like a beast again. And her feet and hands gradually turned into claws of wild beasts. The speed is faster.

Seeing this scene, Xie Ming also put away his play mentality: “Forget it, let her get free. After all, she is an old acquaintance…”


With a blast, Xie Ming’s figure instantly appeared in front of Atalante. The long knife in his hand was severely cut down.


As if relying on the intuition of the beast, Atalanta at this time actually managed to capture Xie Ming’s movements. Looking at the long knife that flickered with cold light, she didn’t hesitate to use the pig’s head on her right shoulder to greet her.


The pig’s head was cut in half directly, and a deep blood line appeared on his body. However, she succeeded in taking the knife from Xie Ming.


After retreating violently for a certain distance, Atalanta fell on all fours and looked at Xie Ming fiercely. The wound on his body started to heal quickly at this time.

“…It’s actually next.”

A little surprised glanced at Atalante, Xie Ming’s eyes appeared serious: “Then, I won’t be polite anymore.”

“Roar…Burn it, shadow. The arrow of the moon…”

As if feeling a great crisis, Atalante’s body also exploded with a devilish energy beyond imagination. The limbs that had turned into beast’s claws slammed into the ground, and she also began to chant.

“Accept my hatred, Tauropolos Skia Thermoplasia (Tauropolos Skia Thermoplasia)!!!”

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The magical arrow, which was as huge as a missile, collided head-on with the extremely sharp jet black light in the next instant.

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