Chapter 860

On one side, it is a magical light cannon that is magnificent and wild like a missile. On the other side, it was just a thin black line that seemed to break easily.

It is hard to imagine that the attacks on both sides have been deadlocked for so long.

Maintaining the use of treasures, the consumption of magic power should be beyond imagination. But Atalante, he has persisted for dozens of seconds.

At the beginning of the collision, Xie Ming’s slashed light directly cut the magic light cannon, and continued to approach Atalante. But gradually, the speed of the knife light slowed down, and the light cannon began to close again.

By now, the light of Xie Ming’s sword was very dim. As a result, the huge magic light cannon is constantly approaching Xie Ming.

All of this was caused by the magic power beyond imagination that Atalante possessed.

“Is Amakusa Shiro transformed from the magic power provided by the slave to the Great Holy Grail by magic means…”

Xie Ming looked at the approaching light cannon and inserted the Skyfire Pure Flame in his hand into the scabbard: “Really, it has exceeded my expectations time and time again.”

Never thought that the demonized Atalante would be so difficult. Even Xie Ming’s magical skill for the second person, drawing a knife in the air, can’t decide the victory or defeat at once.


Scarlet cage hands appeared on Xie Ming’s hands.

“Boost, Boost, Boost!”

The green gem on the back of his hand sounded three times in succession. Later, Xie Ming once again assumed the posture of drawing the sword, the energy condensed in his hand flowed to the knife inside the scabbard.


“It’s over.”

The deep black light flashed again, and Xie Ming’s voice sounded coldly.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

This time, it was no longer a stalemate, but a stalemate.

Atalanta’s A-grade treasure, in front of the three-time doubling and strengthening of the sword cut, persisted for less than a second, and was completely cut in half. The knife light cut open the earth, cut the light cannon, and cut off the bow of the dark sky.

Also cut off, Demon Atalante’s left arm.

However, this is far from over.


The explosion sounded, Xie Ming came to Atalanta’s front in an instant, stretched out his left hand, grabbed the pig’s head on Atalanta’s right arm, and severely tore it off.

“Um! Ah ah ah ah!!!”

A piece of wild boar skin followed the movement and was caught by Xie Ming. The treasure was torn down by Xie Ming so violently, Atalante also suffered great pain. But the curse on his body has been inhaled by the treasure.

“Thanks… Ming…”

“Ah, you can leave here, Atalante.”

The blade sank into the girl’s chest and pierced the servant’s spiritual core. Atalanta’s body stiffened, and then blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

“Now, Xie Ming…”

Atalante looked at the man who pierced his chest, with a wry smile on his face: “Do you think all the children in the world can be saved?”

“…..can not.”

Thinking of something in the dark bullet world, Xie Ming closed his eyes.

But then, he opened his eyes again, his expression calm.

“But I want to believe that sooner or later, humans will do this.”

“Willing to believe…”

Atalanta’s body gradually turned into a light spot and dissipated. But after hearing Xie Ming’s answer, she showed the most beautiful smile so far.

“Then I…try it…I believe what you say…human…”

Red Archer, Atalante. At this point, exit.

“Huh~ Really a woman like a wild cat.”

Returning the long sword to its sheath, Xie Ming gave a wry smile, and then disappeared.

He hasn’t forgotten that there is still a battle waiting in Tulifas.


“Hey, big brothers and sisters, come out and play with us~”

Jack held a pair of daggers and sat on a street lamp with his mouth pouting, dangling his calves. Looking at the scene under my nose, I was very dissatisfied.

Bai Zhen, on the other hand, held up all the iris flags that had been unfolded, and produced a pale golden protective shield, which shielded everyone in it.

This is the enchantment treasure of Bai Zhen’s level A, and my lord is here (Luminosite Eternelle).

Convert your own Ex level of magic power into physical defense power to block the opponent’s attack. Corresponding to Heizhen’s treasure, a fortress-level guardian.

But again, during the time when the banner was held high, Bai Zhen could not make any attacks. Moreover, the treasure itself will accumulate damage. If the damage exceeds the tolerance limit, the treasure can no longer be used.

As for why this treasure was used, it was naturally because of the five oil bottles behind him.

The re-unfolding dense fog is a corrosive toxin for the five people. Even if they were magicians, they couldn’t stay in this mist for a long time.

What’s more, the terrible murderer is hiding in this mist. Even if you want to leave quickly, you can’t do it.

In this dense fog, Bai Zhen could not chase Jack in time. But even if she was guarding the five people, Lin and others were almost attacked successfully.

Therefore, in this situation of absolute disadvantage, Bai Zhen can only deploy the treasure, guarding everyone inside, and waiting for the result of another battlefield.

And the situation that oneself and others became dragging oil bottles also made the arrogant young ladies very dissatisfied.

“It’s a shame!”

Luvia folded her arms, her delicate face was full of anger: “I didn’t expect this lady to fall to this end!”

“Really…” Rin fiddled with the tips of her double ponytails, with a bit of anger on her face: “If it wasn’t for this fog, if it wasn’t for this fog!!”


Little Sakura, who has been responsible for comforting the two, has a little guilt on his face at this time. I was thinking of helping me, but now I am holding back people.

“Um, a few…”

Fiore tried to comfort the three of them: “I have notified Archer by saying that reinforcements will arrive soon.”

“This is not the point!”

Rin looked at Fiore, fingered her arm and said, “I am mad at myself! Obviously I have encountered this situation last time, but did not make any preparations and prevention afterwards!”

“It’s rare to have the same opinion as you, Rin Tosaka.” Luvia repressed her anger while turning her curly hair. It can be solved! But I don’t know why, but I forgot all her information after I went back!”

“This is a normal thing, Luvia, Rin.”

Bai Zhen held the banner with a serious expression: “Even if I went back, I forgot the information and face of Black Assassin. I didn’t think about it until now when I saw her again.”

“This is her inherent skill, the effect of information erasure. She can erase our memory of her ability, real name, appearance, and other information at the end of the battle. Therefore, we will remember her existence, but forget it. All her information.”


Cowles pushed his glasses: “Like Mr. Xie Ming, I still remember Assassin’s intelligence.”

“This…” Bai Zhen couldn’t help laughing wryly: “Xie Ming, he is a very special existence, so he can’t be compared with him.”

Thinking of the high-altitude matchup that day, everyone nodded in unison.

Can’t be compared with that kind of monster.

“As soon as I came back, I heard you guys say bad things about me.”

A figure appeared in front of everyone. Seeing him, everyone’s eyes lit up instantly.

“Xie Ming (sir)!”

“Thank you, Jeanne.”

Gently patted Bai Zhen’s head, Xie Ming chuckled lightly and turned his gaze to Jack on the street lamp, his expression gradually calming down.

“Next, leave it to me.”

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