Chapter 863

“Unexpectedly, Mr. Xie Ming and Miss Jeanne have experienced so many things together.”

Holding a tea cup in her hand, after listening to the story told by Xie Ming, Leticia looked complicated and entangled: “This, how can we fight…”


Xie Ming’s actions for drinking tea froze in an instant, arguing? What are you fighting for? Who is fighting with whom? What is in this little girl’s head?

Forget it, just treat it as if you didn’t hear it.

Ignoring Leticia’s self-talk, Xie Ming looked at the girl in front of him: “Well, don’t forget, now you are also experiencing a very magnificent story.”

“Although it is a dependent state, you have also personally fought with Jeanna, and you have witnessed the battle of 14 heroes. I believe this will definitely help you a lot in your future life.”

“At least compared with the difficulties faced by Jeanna, learning or something is not worth talking about, is it?”


Sure enough, when she heard the word’learning’, Letitia immediately showed a bitter face: “Mr. Xie Ming, is it really appropriate to study now?”

“Why is it inappropriate?”

Xie Ming showed a strange look: “No matter when and where, only learning can make you stronger. Just before you came, I also learned ancient Greek swordsmanship from Chiron. It’s just…”

“Not much use?”

Leticia tilted her head, and then clapped her hands: “By the way, I have always wanted to ask. Mr. Xie Ming’s sword skills are so powerful, which genre does he use?”

“There is no genre, it is the sword art I have explored in actual combat.” Xie Ming smiled: “Even myself, I don’t know how to call the sword art created by myself. So I always call it nameless. Swordsmanship.”

“Anonymous swordsmanship…..Anonymous…” Letitia said with some confusion: “Why Mr. Xie Ming, can’t give her swordsmanship a name?”

“Why? Because…”

Xie Ming just wanted to answer, but was stunned.

Yes, why can’t I give a name to my swordsmanship? Was it the reason why I was so named?

The name of swordsmanship is the thing that best reflects the style and philosophy of swordsmanship. It is also the facade of a kind of swordsmanship, and it is something that those who use swords are proud of.

So far, Xie Ming has encountered all powerful swordsmen in the tower of swordsmanship, and he is proud of the swordsmanship he uses. Even if they are defeated, they will only think that they are not hot enough, and few people will blame their mistakes on the swordsmanship they used.

It seems that in the eyes of all the swordsmen, the sword technique he uses is perfect.

What about Xie Ming? Does Xie Ming think his sword skills are perfect?

not at all. Even if the current Xie Ming has accumulated enough swordsmanship from various schools, and his three styles of swordsmanship are also approaching perfection, he still doesn’t think his swordsmanship is perfect.

This is also the trouble of the creator. As the creator of the nameless swordsmanship, Xie Ming always feels that it is not enough, and always feels that the swordsmanship can be further improved. Unable to deal with it, the sword art he created hasn’t reached the fire yet.

But, is there any sword technique in this world that is perfect?

In Xie Ming’s mind, the natural flow of rationality used by Mr. Okita is stronger than his own. However, this doesn’t mean that the natural flow of reason and mind is stronger than the sword art of his own creation. It is the level of using the sword technique he created, which is no better than the Okita Soji who uses the natural flow of mind.

After being defeated by the Chief Executive Cupola, what are you thinking about and what are you studying?

Researching how to create a knife skill that can withstand the ignorant three-stage suddenness of Souji Okita, without focusing on the improvement of his own technology.

If one’s own skills have reached the same level as Okita Souji, or even surpassed Okita Souji. Then can you defeat her by using this ‘nameless sword technique’?

The answer is self-evident.


With a deep sigh, Xie Ming laughed at himself: “I always say that others are walking crookedly. I didn’t expect that my own path would also be crooked. Fortunately, I found it in time.”


“Thank you, Leticia.”

Gently touching Leticia’s head, Xie Ming smiled happily: “This time, thanks to you.”


Leticia was puzzled, what happened?

“Well, Leticia, come back.”

In the world of consciousness, Bai Zhen chuckles at Leticia who is a little confused: “It seems that one of your problems, solve the things Xie Ming has been struggling with. Now, let Xie Ming stay alone.”

“But, the business is not yet…”

“No, the business has been settled.”

Bai Zhen gently looked at Xie Ming, whose eyes were as bright as stars, and said softly: “I probably understand my mood.”

“Uh…” Leticia was dumb, and then sighed helplessly.

“Well, just let Na you understand.”

Subsequently, the personality is switched. Leticia became Bai Zhen.


Seeing the change of the girl’s temperament in front of him, Xie Ming laughed: “Come out, Jeanna.”

“Well, I’m out.” Bai Zhen said with a chuckle.

“Although I am a little embarrassed, I still have to trouble you.” Xie Ming scratched his head: “I need a little time to sort out my thoughts and concentrate to capture the inspiration just now. So the matter of Amakusa Shiro, maybe… .”

“Do not worry.”

Bai Zhen grabbed Xie Ming’s hand with both hands, and said softly, “Leave the matter of Amakusa Shiro to us. Xie Ming, just concentrate on handling your own affairs.”

“Of course, if we fail, you have to finish it for us~”

Having said this, Bai Zhen blinked her eyes mischievously. This kind of action is completely opposite to her usual serious style.

However, it was precisely because of this contrast that Xie Ming couldn’t help but be moved.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone die.”

Xie Ming said seriously: “So, you just let go and do it. Anyway, I am here for everything.”


Bai Zhen nodded, and then walked out of the room. She needs to inform everyone of Xie Ming’s current situation and decide how to deal with Amakusa Shiro and others after losing Xie Ming’s strongest combat power.

While watching Bai Zhen leave, Xie Ming took out the demon knife from the portable space. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he placed the Demon Sword across his knees.

“Justissa, they will ask you.”

“Yes, Master Xie Ming.”

Tianhuo Jingyan automatically unsheathed, Yustysa bowed slightly, and disappeared.

“So… let’s get started.”

Slowly closing his eyes, Xie Ming thought silently.

The room fell completely into silence. Xie Ming’s breath also disappeared.

At this moment, he has put all his mental power and attention on the construction of the battlefield in his brain. The body has automatically entered a state of suspended animation.

At this moment, Spartacus, who had been spiritualizing, suddenly appeared. There was still that creepy smile on his face.

Seeing his appearance, it seems to be here to help Xie Ming?

I really don’t know what this big muscle stick is thinking about.

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