Chapter 864


In the meeting room of the villa, hearing Bai Zhen’s explanation, everyone present showed a look of astonishment. Among them, the one who responded the most was Heizhen and Mordred.

“Master is closed at this time?”

Hei Zhen opened her eyes wide, and then sensed Xie Ming’s state through the contract, and let go of her heart, but her lips were still unforgiving: “Really, it’s really worrying to lose the chain at a critical time.”

“What a joke!”

After solving the Jack the Ripper incident, Mordred, who was struggling to find Xie Ming, patted the table hard and stood up: “I will take him out of the room now!”


In an instant, a black and white banner stood by Mordred’s side. After Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen looked at each other, Bai Zhen spoke.

“Saber of the red side, please stop your behavior.” Bai Zhen looked at Mordred seriously: “Xie Ming is now at a critical time, so no one can go over and disturb him.”

“Hey, bad girl.”

Hei Zhen’s expression is calmer than ever before, but it is precisely because of this that everyone feels that she is serious.

“Although I don’t understand why you are always entangled with my Master, he has already told you what he should say. No matter how you entangle him, he won’t say anything to you.”

“But if you are going to disturb the Master now, even if it is a pity, I will burn you to ashes before the decisive battle arrives.”

“Oh~ good guts.”

Hearing Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen’s words, Mordred suddenly laughed: “Then, let’s try it!”


Wearing a silver armor with a red outline on his body, entangling magical power like a red electric current, Mordred raised the magic sword that exuded an unknown aura in his hand: “Would you like to fight here?”

“Saber, stop.”

Seeing the anger on both sides came up, as the lord of Mordred, the lion robbery was a little unable to sit still: “I have already lost the greatest combat power, should I continue to lose combat power because of a small matter? ?”

“Calm down on both sides.”

Chiron said calmly: “What has happened is helpless. We all act for the Holy Grail. Saber, you also responded to this call for the Holy Grail, didn’t you?”

“If you fight here, it will not only hinder Xie Ming’s perception, Saber, you will also lose the opportunity to make a wish for the Holy Grail. And Xie Ming who is interrupted will not be able to answer your question. Please calmly think about the action. Saber.”


Mordred glanced at the crowd, then at the helpless Lion Tribulation Jie Li, smacked his mouth, and his spiritual outfit dissipated.

“It’s boring, I’m leaving. Discuss the strategy or something by yourself!”

After speaking, he held his head, kicked the door open, and walked out swaggeringly.


Lion Jiejieli stood up and said with a wry smile: “I’ll go see that guy. If he doesn’t come back, please tell us the result of the discussion at that time.”

“I see.”

Fiore nodded and looked at Lion Jiejieli sympathetically: “You too, it’s not easy.”

“Hahaha, don’t look at Saber like that, she is actually a very good follower.”

After speaking, Lion Jiejieli also left the meeting room and caught up with Mordred’s footsteps.


With a deep sigh, Fiore patted her face and said again: “Then, our meeting will start again. Although Mr. Xie Ming is missing, in general, our side’s combat effectiveness is still not lost to the other side. of.”

“Although it is said, it should not be taken lightly.”

Kaules calmly analyzed: “The enemy Assassin, the Assyrian empress, Semiramis, according to Mr. Xie Ming’s words, seems to have the ability to summon poisonous monsters. At this point, our Archer It’s very unfavorable.”

“About this, you shouldn’t worry about it.”

Chiron chuckled lightly: “With the character of the red Rider, he will inevitably come to me at the first moment of the opening. Of our side, only I can cause harm to the red Rider.”

“So, Red Rider, Achilles, leave it to me.”

“Then Red Lancer, Garna will be dealt with by me and this idiot saint.”

Hei Zhen sat back on the chair, leaning on her chin, with an unhappy expression: “Although it is a bit uncomfortable to fight with this guy, but I alone cannot defeat that man.”

“Jan of Arc…” Bai Zhen showed a happy smile: “Then let our sisters fight together!”

“Disgusting, go, who’s a sister with you.”

Hearing Bai Zhen’s words, Hei Zhen showed a look of disgust, but did not object to the words ‘fight together.’

“Then the remaining enemy is…”

“The red party Caster, the red party Assassin Semiramis, and the red party Tokisada, Shiro Amakusa.”

Zieg, who listened silently, said seriously: “On our side, there are Berserker, Rider and red Saber left.”

“Now, Rider.”

Cowles asked suddenly: “Are there any treasures you have that can resist fierce poison?”

“A treasure that resists fierce poison?”

Astorford tilted his head, after a thoughtful thought, he said happily, “I don’t remember!”


Everyone’s bodies suddenly crooked and opened their mouths, but they couldn’t say anything.

After all, everyone knows the situation of the other party, and he is a follower who has lost his mind. The fact of expecting him is a somewhat reluctant thing in itself.

“…I understand.” Cowles pushed his glasses diagonally: “Then Rider and Zieg’s task is to find the Holy Grail and defeat Amakusa Shiro. Is that okay?”

“Yeah! Wrap it on me!”

“I have no problem.”

Zieg and Astorfo nodded, it was more appropriate to entrust this task to them. After all, there are Astorford’s eagles, and any obstacle is equivalent to nothing to them.

Finding the Great Holy Grail and preventing Shiro Amakusa’s actions is the key to this battle.

“The rest are Caster and Assassin from the red side…”

“Assassin of the red side, let me deal with Saber of the red side together.”

Kaules said calmly: “My Berserker is a cyborg Flanstein, and it should be considered as a comparative advantage under the highly toxic situation. In terms of combat effectiveness, Saber Mordred will make up for it. It’s just that. During this time, we must consider how to deal with Assassin’s poison.”

“As for Caster, if it appears, it will be up to me and Berserker to deal with it. However, according to my speculation, the opponent’s Caster is likely to be a type with no combat effectiveness. Otherwise, in the previous decisive battle, he could not fail. Show up.”

“So now, there is only one last question left.”

Bai Zhen nodded and asked the most critical question: “How should we get on the sky courtyard of the red side Assassin?”


Everyone fell silent.

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