Chapter 866

The next day was a tired day for magicians such as Rin and Fiore.

Because after receiving the imprint, several magicians began to perform magical constructions in the open space in front of the villa. This was busy, it was one night.

Fortunately, for a magician, staying up all night is fundamentally commonplace. It’s just that because of the unusual complexity of the procedure, every part of the construction needs to be reviewed carefully.

Careful, serious, and attentive, these three points are essential for a magician.

Precisely because of this, the consumption of energy is also extremely huge. This also caused everyone to be abnormally tired after the operation was completed in the afternoon of the next day.

Each of them braced themselves and entered the room. After setting the alarm clock, everyone fell directly into a deep sleep.

Compared with the magicians, the followers are very boring. After all, they can’t help much in this matter.

Ever since, Zieg and Astorfo, who couldn’t help, borrowed two cars to go to Tulifas to go shopping. To be precise, it was the playful Astorfo who took him out to play in the name of “helping Zieg understand mankind.”

Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen stayed in Xie Ming’s next room to prevent some people from coming over to make trouble.

Mordred who saw this scene smacked his lips in dissatisfaction. From the looks of it, it seems that he really has such a plan.

In the end, there was no alternative, the bear boy found Franstein, who was silently weaving a wreath among the flowers near the villa. Then, I don’t know where to go to play.

In the end, in the entire villa, except for the artificial people who were patrolling silently, only Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen were awake.

One person was lying on the bed in an indecent posture, his face completely impatient. The other is sitting in front of the window, quietly tidying up her hair with a comb.

Hei Zhen squinted her eyes and looked at Bai Zhen, who was slowly combing her hair, and finally couldn’t help but speak.

“I said Lord Saint, what kind of hair do you care for as a servant!?”


Bai Zhen’s movements paused, then turned her head and asked in confusion, “Is there anything weird?”

“What’s weird…” Hei Zhen sat up, staring at the dead fisheye and spit out: “The servants are all etheric bodies, no matter what, the hair will not be messy, okay!?”

“But the mood will be different.”

Bai Zhen said with a smile, “Slowly combing my hair like this, I feel that my mood will calm down.”

“Moreover, I am relying on Leticia. Although it won’t have any effect on her, I still have to treat this body well.”

“Ah, isn’t it.”

Lying on the meeting bed again, Hei Zhen said angrily: “Then do it as you like.”


Bai Zhen looked at Hei Zhen for a while, then suddenly clapped her hands: “By the way, Joan. Sister, let me help you comb your hair.”


“Okay, okay, come and sit down.”

“Why are you idiot saints going crazy!? Wait, what are you doing here!? I don’t need to! Don’t pull me! Let go!”

Obviously better than Bai Zhen on the panel, but Hei Zhen was still pulled by Bai Zhen to sit in front of the dressing table, looking at Bai Zhen in the mirror with disgust.

“Really, you have changed a lot…”

While helping Hei Zhen comb her hair, Bai Zhen whispered softly: “The you who I saw in Oroliang at that time, and the you after retrieving the memories, really have too many changes.”


After being silent for a moment, Hei Zhen said faintly: “What has changed? I am me, I am Jeanne, and you are Jeanne. I am not a copy of you. After understanding this, the rest is actually never mind.”

“Yes…” Bai Zhen said with a light smile: “But it is Xie Ming who makes you understand this, right.”


He snorted softly, but Hei Zhen did not refute.

“But even so, I won’t admit defeat, elder sister~”


Hei Zhen was stunned for a moment, and turned her head to look at Bai Zhen in a daze, “What did you just say?”


Bai Zhen smiled mischievously, and slowly moved Hei Zhen’s head back to its original position: “Forget it if you didn’t hear it. Let’s cheer together tonight.”

“What do you mean, forget it!? Idiot saint, you speak to me!”

“Don’t move, your hair is not tied up yet.”

“What kind of hair to tie, please tell me clearly!”



For some reason, today’s night is so quiet in everyone’s feelings. It seems that I can hear myself and the beating heart in the chest of the person next to me.

Fiore, Cowles, Zieg, Rin, Luvia, Little Sakura, and Lion Jiejieli, all stood within the technique. They are all people who are going to the courtyard in the sky.

In order not to disturb Xie Ming, Rin, Luvia and Little Sakura established a channel of magic power with Heizhen through the technology of the Thousand Worlds Tree. With the magic power provided by three excellent magicians, Heizhen can fight as much as he wants.

The distance between the slave and the master will determine the efficiency of magic power. Therefore, in order for the slave to fight in the best state, the distance between the master and the slave must not be too far.

This restriction caused a great threat to the lives of the masters.

In this crazy battlefield where slaves and slaves fight as hard as they can, the survival rate of magicians as masters can be said to be completely dependent on the mood of the opponent’s slaves.

Don’t forget that magicians are a group of guys who are not afraid of death.

Luvia took the initiative to ask Xie Ming to participate in this war.

Before Xie Ming existed, the lives of the three of them can be said to be foolproof. But at this moment Xie Ming is not there, and there is no difference between the three actively participating and seeking death.

But, as Luvia said before.

If this kind of grand and mysterious battle can’t be witnessed from beginning to end with your own eyes, you will simply lose more than a few billion.

Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen stood in the forefront of the crowd. The two of them wear the same hairstyle at this time. Big golden wavy long hair and pale big wavy long hair draped behind her back.

The black dragon flag and the iris flower flag are blowing in the wind.

“Everyone, are you ready?”



“Is not this nonsensical?”


There are various answers, but the meaning is the same.

“Then, get ready to go.”

Behind Bai Zhen, a wing-like Lingshu appeared in the air, and the Six Paths Lingshu slowly dissipated. Bai Zhen closed her eyes and said solemnly.

“Use the spell in the name of Ruler to transfer all of us to the courtyard in the sky!”


The technique under his feet began to burn, and everyone’s bodies were engulfed in flames. When I opened my eyes again, everyone had come to a garden.

This also means that everyone is under the surveillance of Assassin, Semiramis.



Astorford took the lead, and the eagle appeared in front of everyone under the call. Zieg and Astorfo rode on the back of the eagle together.

“Let’s go first! Everyone, want to survive!”

“Good luck everyone.”

Looking at the two people who rose into the air and the poison gas that began to spread, everyone’s faces showed war-like smiles.

The final decisive battle officially kicked off at this time.

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