Chapter 867

Seeing the poisonous mist gradually spreading across the air, everyone didn’t panic at all. Hei Zhen stepped forward and drew the cross of thorns sword from her waist.

“This is the roar from my soul tempered by hatred! Roar! My anger (LaGrondement DuHaine)!!!”

Purple pillars of fire rose to the sky, burning all the toxins.

This is how everyone discussed the poison of Semiramis before they arrived, and burned it with fire.

Heizhen’s fire is a curse-filled flame of abomination. In itself, it is a kind of fire poison. Fighting poison with poison and fighting poison with fire is the best way to deal with Semiramis.

Even the oldest poison killer could not produce toxins capable of restraining the flames of the black jewels.

In an instant, only the scorching heat was left in the air.

The poison of Semiramis can still be resisted by the follower. But for the master of the human body, it is fatal. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to use treasures to resist poison.

After all, Hei Zhen now doesn’t need to worry about her magic power at all. Because three extremely qualified magicians are providing assistance to her.

“So, everyone, we follow the plan…”

Before Bai Zhen had finished speaking, a green meteor flashed across the sky. Accompanied by laughter of excitement.

“Hahahahahaha, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Black’s Archer!!!”

Achilles stood on the chariot, and it was three horses with long manes flying and galloping in the air.


Standing on the ground, Chiron looked at the disciples in the sky, calming down.

“Black Archer, come on!! It’s time for us to make a showdown!!”


“I understand, Archer.”

Fiore nodded, and stretched out her hand: “Order with the second black command, Archer, bring me victory!”

“With the second command spell, defeat the enemy!”

“Obtain the Holy Grail for us with the command of the third order curse.”

“Finally, order with the fourth spell…”

With a sweet smile, Fiore said softly: “Win, Chiron!”

“I have indeed received your order.”

Chiron erupted with unprecedented magical power, his body began to collapse on the ground, and at the same time the bow and arrow in his hand continued to shoot out like a machine gun. Each shot has even reached the point of demonizing Atalante.

Semiramis was also very fascinated, and directly teleported Fiore, Chiron, and Achilles to one of the courtyards, allowing them to fight to their heart’s content.

In this short period of one minute, Kaules and the lion robbery had already followed Franstein and Mordred to sprint towards the central palace. But on their way, they encountered a volley.

“I can’t let you move on anymore.”

The golden Shinsō fell from the sky and slammed everyone’s heads fiercely. But none of the four had any reaction to this attack.

Because they knew that someone would stop him.

“Where to look again!!”


The black dragon banner burning with purple inflammation collided with the golden spear entwining the fire of the sun, and the corner of Hei Zhen’s mouth curled up and looked at the white-haired youth in front of him: “Your opponent is us!!”



At this time, Bai Zhen had already jumped up from another direction, and the iris flower banner in her hand slammed directly on Garna’s back. But Garna, who wanted to stop his gun, was entangled in the front by the black zhen.


Bai Zhen’s blow hit Garna head-on, causing the hero’s body to fall like a meteorite.

“So that’s it, two to one?”

Wielding his weapon to disperse the smoke and dust, Garna tilted his head and looked at the two people in front of him calmly: “It’s okay. However, before starting the fight, I want to ask, your lord, hasn’t he come?”

“Sorry, Master has more important things.”

Hei Zhen raised the banner and sneered: “But his man may be late, but he will never be absent. Therefore, you are doomed to fail!”

“Really….. Before he arrives, use all your strength to eliminate you.”


A blazing fire comparable to the temperature of the sun entangled Garna’s body and spear. Garna raised his spear and said indifferently: “You can’t defeat me.”

“That will have to be hit to the end to know!!”

As if to respond to Garner’s generality, Hei Zhen’s body was also wrapped in purple flames of hatred: “Saint, I beg you to defend!”

“give it to me.”


The three of them stepped on the ground at the same time and rushed towards each other.


Garner’s spear had just been swung down, and it was firmly blocked by the white flag. The black flag pierced his head like a shadow.

The spear flipped over and quickly got rid of Bai Zhen’s entanglement. Garna threw out his weapon and smashed Black Zhen’s weapon away.


Flames burst out all over the body, and the temperature caused Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen to distance themselves from him.

“True hero, kill with your eyes! Brahma, cover the earth (Brahmastra)!!”

“My Lord is here (LuminositeEternelle)!”

“Roar! My anger (LaGrondement DuHaine)!!!”

The sacred iris banner blocked the scorching rays. The burning flame of hatred slammed down from the air, fusing Garna into it.


The purple pillar of fire rose to the sky.

“Solve it!?”

“No, not yet!!”

A crimson beam of light formed by a golden spear shot out from the purple pillar of fire.

“Brahma, curse my body (BrahmastraKundala)!!!”


The beam of light directly melted the earth, forming a scorched black all the way, while Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen dodged to both sides in time, but they were also hit by the flames.



There was no time to take a look at his injuries, and the two launched an assault from both the left and the right at the same time. The flag and the flag stab at different positions of Garna who walked out of the pillar of fire in an extremely coordinated manner.

“It’s useless!”

Garna let out a whisper and made a move. The golden spear that had just been thrown quickly returned to his hand, and dozens of long spears composed of flames appeared beside him. They shot at Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen respectively.


The flame spear did not stop the two of them for half a second. Under the continuous waving of the flag, all the attacks were provoked. One black and one white, the spikes on the top of the flag pierced like lightning.


However, the two-ringed golden shield on Garna’s shoulders blocked the attacks of Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen.

“Sun wheel, turned into armor (Kavacha and Kundala)…”

Garna said calmly: “With the two of you, it is impossible to penetrate my golden armor.”


The stray bullets of flame shot out from behind Garna frantically, hitting Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen’s body. The two were knocked into the air at the same time and hit the walls of surrounding houses.


Pulling out the weapon stuck on the ground, Garner declared like this.

“Almost, it’s over…”

“Ah… over? What are you talking about?”

Hei Zhen supported the ruins, got up, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth: “The battle has just begun.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

Compared with Hei Zhen, Bai Zhen’s state is much stronger. After all, what just suffered was a magical attack, and Bai Zhen, as Ruler, possessed Ex-level magical power.

“Don’t underestimate Ruler, Garner.”

Bai Zhen’s face showed resoluteness: “Even if you beat me down a hundred times, I will stand up and continue fighting. In order to stop the evil deeds, it doesn’t matter if I give up this body.”

“This is what I am as Ruler, Awakening!”

“Ha, this idiot saint is quite good at talking.” Hei Zhen sneered: “I don’t have such a high level of consciousness as hers, but if I defeat you, it will save my Master a lot of trouble.”

“Then, I will burn this body and burn you and bone marrow to all!”

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