Chapter 868

The cruel words were released, but Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen had no idea how to defeat Garna. Because the armor on his body was really cheating.

Reduce the damage suffered by oneself to one tenth, while still having the ability to heal itself.

At that moment, Garna was undoubtedly receiving Heizhen’s treasure from the front. Even if it only takes one tenth of the damage, it is enough to cause it to suffer considerable damage. However, he walked out of the flames, but he was unscathed.

In other words, in just a few short steps, all the damage that Garna suffered was restored by the treasure.

This, how to fight.

The basic attack can’t break the defense, the big move can’t be lost in seconds, and the residual blood state can heal in a few seconds. Garna is worthy of being the strongest among all the heroic spirits.

“Really…Is there no way…”

Hei Zhen gritted her teeth and began to think.

If one of the most important things she got from Xie Ming, then one is that her existence is recognized and trusted. Then there is another one, that is, being calm in battle.

She was also the one who had been trained in the night raid and the one who had been a killer. The killer is to think, observe, calculate, and then do everything to seize the tiny chance of victory no matter what kind of disadvantage you are in.

At this moment of the battle, there is actually only one way for Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen.

This method was also used by Hei Zhen and Xie Ming when dealing with the thousand-meter-high Supreme Emperor Gu.

But the situation at this time is completely different from that at the time.

At that time, he could receive the light cannon attack of the Supreme Emperor Gu. Xie Ming tried his best to hold the enemy. The countless grievances of the Black Zhen general entrenched in the imperial capital have been transformed into magic power to be able to catch it head-on.

Otherwise, even if her treasure has the effect of catching the enemy’s attack and doubling the rebound effect, if the enemy’s attack exceeds the acceptable limit, there is no difference between Heizhen’s actions and self-destruction.

But in the same way, if the enemy’s attack is not strong enough, the power of the treasure is not enough to slap Garna to death. Then, this hole card will no longer be of any use. The two of them will be defeated in the next moment.

At present, there are only two kinds of attack treasures of Master Black Jade’s Garna.

Brahma, cover the earth (Brahmastra), and Brahma, curse my body (Brahmastra Kundala).

In the former, the attack power is slightly insufficient, and it has not reached the upper limit that his own treasure can withstand. But in the latter, the excess is not even the slightest.

Therefore, if Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen want to win, they must match their treasures together.

First of all, it is to let Garna use the treasure tool: Brahma, curse my body (Brahmastra Kundala). Then, Bai Zhen used the treasure to resist the power of Garna’s treasure to the upper limit that the Black Zhen treasure could bear.

In the end, he used the flames that doubled to rebound back with the full magic power to make a desperate move, and see if he could completely wipe out Garna with this blow.

This plan was also the final method that Hei Zhen discussed with Bai Zhen before coming to the courtyard in the sky.

“Hey, saint.”

After reuniting with Bai Zhen, Hei Zhen calmly said: “If you want to defeat this guy, you can only use that one.”


Bai Zhen was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently.


It seemed that something was wrong, and Garner also appeared serious in his pupils.

“……With Ruler’s authority, use Lingshu.”

The wings of the spell that were already missing were printed upside down in mid-air again, and the spell slowly dissipated in one stroke. Bai Zhen looked at Garna solemnly: “The Lancer of the red side, Garna. Use the treasure on us, Brahma, curse my body (Brahmastra Kundala)!”


Hearing Bai Zhen’s order, not only Garna paused, but Semiramis who was in the throne was stunned.

What does it mean? Self-defeating? Still want to consume Garna’s magic power?

But neither the former nor the latter is of any use to Black. Under the influence of Lingshu, Garna raised the golden Shinsō in his hand.


Spraying burning flames to melt the surrounding ground, Garner looked at the two deeply and threw a spear.

“Brahma, curse my body (BrahmastraKundala)!”

The huge hot beam of light broke through all the obstacles in front of him, and with a madness that seemed to burn the entire space to death, it exploded at the two of them.

“My banner, please protect my fellow citizens! My Lord is here (LuminositeEternelle)!!!”

The flag of iris bloomed with a sacred and noble light, and the faint golden brilliance formed a protective cover, and the front of it blocked the beam of light.

And the Black Dragon Banner in Hei Zhen’s hand was also all opened. The pale yellow pupils stared at the golden gun close at hand, waiting for that limit to come.


Bai Zhen’s arms were trembling, and her feet had sunk into the ground. However, her eyes remained as firm as ever. Because she believed that Heizhen would not let her down.

“It’s almost…. It’s almost…. It’s just a little bit…It’s now!!”

The iris banner was instantly put away, and it was replaced by the flying black dragon banner.


The hot beam of light directly enveloped the two figures. Seeing this scene, Garner closed his eyes.

“Still, self-defeating…No!”

Suddenly opening his eyes, Garna’s pupils contracted slightly. Because under his gaze, the original orange-red flame beam was slowly transforming into a coquettish and deep purple.

“Take my trick, hero of charity.”

Hei Zhen held up the Black Dragon banner in one hand, and held the cross dagger at her waist in the other hand. And all around her, a blooming flame purple lotus was slowly spinning.

“Roar! My anger (LaGrondement DuHaine)!!!”

With the cross of thorns drawn, the flames of hatred that can match the sun’s flames, together with the sky and the earth. Enveloping Garna’s entire body completely.

This power is extremely close to the liberation of Ex-level treasures.

“Ha ah ah ah ah!!!”

Desperately mobilizing all the magic power, Hei Zhen roared, and the purple lotus surrounding her body was also withering one by one. The extraction of a large amount of magic power made the three of Rin, Luvia, and Sakura hiding in the distance all pale.

“That black Joan!”

Seeing the pillar of fire rising into the sky on the screen, Semiramis, who had been sitting firmly on the throne, couldn’t help standing up, his face was moved.

Is it possible that Garner will really be defeated like this?

Finally, all the purple lotus flowers withered, and Hei Zhen’s body shook. If Bai Zhen didn’t support her, she might fall directly to the ground.

Both of them stared at the slowly disappearing pillar of fire. With the high-strength magic power in the air, even Bai Zhen could not accurately feel Garna’s condition.

“Da da da……”

Hearing the sound of footsteps, both Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen’s expressions darkened.

“Cough…cough cough…”

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Garna still straightened his back. There are burns and scorching smells on many parts of the body. However, he is not dead, his spiritual foundation is still there.

In other words, the final plan of Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen failed.

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