Chapter 995 Flame, Beam, Explosion!

“It’s a matter of fact.”

Limxi’s armor rose with a trace of green smoke, and said calmly: “Almost ashamed of the owner.”

“Really? But you can’t tell from your tone…”

Raising the energy rapier in her hand again, a trace of regret flashed through Uris’s pupils, but she regained her energy.

Since the plan was unsuccessful, then we can only look at hard power.

“Witch Huayan, as the elder sister of the Queen of Ice, she still has something to do with others.” Limsey raised the cannon in his hand: “No wonder the master specially reminded us to pay attention.”

“Luen Sharef, launch.”

The crimson light beam spewed out of the barrel again, and the powerful force squeezed the air away along the way, and the high temperature caused a twist of the light beam around it.

“Bloom! Swallow the dragon bite the flame flower!!”

Uriss did not back down, a huge magic circle appeared at the top of the rapier, and the bright red flame dragon drilled out of it, and roared to the sky and slammed its head against the incoming light beam. However, the stalemate between the two did not last long.


The flame dragon was penetrated and exploded, and the blast wind spread everywhere, and the beam of light penetrated the blast wind like an invincible spear, and shot straight at Uliss.

“Isn’t the power enough….. Bloom! Big Red Heart Flame Shield!”

The tip of the sword pointed at the beam, and a shield made of flames blocked Uriss’s front. The next moment, the red light spear pierced the flame shield.


Ulith’s figure was buried in a black fog that formed from the explosion, and I don’t know what the situation was like.

Just like Aldi has a diamond-shaped energy shield that can be called absolute defense, Limxi also has a fairly high-level brilliant weapon. The long-barreled cannon Luen Sharef in her hand is the strongest spear in her hand.

However, Limsey’s desire to defeat Ulyss with a single beam of energy is the same as Ulyss’s desire to defeat Limsey with a set of sexual skills, which is not realistic.

You know, before Xie Ming came to the six-pointed star in the city of learning warfare, he had been training as Acedes, but it was Uriss.

“Let’s bloom! Six-petal Explosive Flower·Two rounds!”

Two huge fireballs shot out from the black fog and slammed into Limsey in the air.

“It’s too slow.”

After Limshi made a faint comment, the propeller behind him ejected white fire, and his figure instantly turned into a streamer, leaving a trail of light in the air. The huge fireball couldn’t keep up with her speed.

“I didn’t even think about catching up with you.”

The smoke dissipated, and Julis, who looked a little embarrassed, suddenly clenched her palms: “Blast!”


Under the deliberate control of Uriss, the huge fireball moved to a specific location and exploded loudly like a thundering. The resulting blast wind could not dodge even Limsey in fast flight.

“I see…..”

The mechanical center made a quick calculation, and Limsey reacted: “Use a fireball to induce me, and then use the wind pressure generated by the explosion to interfere with my movements?”


“Since you think it’s wonderful, how about taking this trick from me?!”

An extremely huge hot flame wheel formed above Uliss, and as the rapier swung down, it revolved and hit Limsey.

“Bloom! The burning sun is blooming!!!”

“Runsha Leif…”

“It’s not over yet!”

Behind the flames, wings of light quickly rushed to the bottom of Limshi, and a huge magic circle was generated at Uliss’ feet: “Bloom! Big wheels burst Yaohua!!!”

“Maximum power.”


The flames and the crimson light beams once again had a fierce collision without any concession. The resulting huge explosion even made the protective barrier that wrapped the stage vibrate.

The spectators sitting in the auditorium couldn’t help but sweat a little on their foreheads.

The long-range combat on one side is full of heat, and the short-range combat on the other side can only be described as life and death.


The unceasing sound of slashing, the sparks of the collision between the blade and the metal, appeared continuously between Aldi and Toto Kirin. It can be said that Aldi was completely suppressed by the girl’s onslaught, and he could only defend his chest with the long-handled sledgehammer in his hand.

But only hidden in countless slashes, the slash that hit the school badge on the chest would be blocked quickly and violently.

The most important thing is that with the passage of time, Kirin Todou’s hit rate is declining. More and more slashes will be blocked by Aldi.

“Hahahahaha, Kirin Totodo, you really are the best teacher in my generation!”

Even though he was repeatedly hit by beheads, Aldi still laughed and said: “You are right, our database needs to be updated continuously, and we will continue to evolve! All this is thanks to your blessing!”


The sledgehammer suddenly swung down, and after the unloading of the Qianyu cutter blade, it hit the ground. And Kirin Daoto took the opportunity to quickly get close, and the cold light drawn towards the school badge.

“I won!”

“Still early!!”

The mechanical body squatted and twisted, and the blade left a very long and deep knife mark on Aldi, from the chest directly to the shoulder. At this time, the sledgehammer had been swung down again.



Even if he returned to the defense in time and used Chiba Kiri to unload his strength, Korin Toto was also hit by Aldi’s defeat. The petite body was hammered into the air, and after a few laps in the air, he took control of his posture and landed lightly.

“Ah… It’s crazy.”

Wiping off the blood from the corners of her mouth, Kirin Todou frowned and said.

“Hahahaha, our body is a machine, and the serious injury to you humans is just the damage of the outer armor to us.”

Aldi touched his head and laughed: “Moreover, the situation on Limsey’s side also needs our help.”


At this time, the collision of the red light beam and the two skills of Uriss caused a huge explosion to pass over the two bodies. The fire mist slowly dissipated, and the figures of the two were revealed.


Ulis knelt on one knee, a trace of fatigue in her expression. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was not injured. On the other hand, Limsey clearly had no power to fight anymore.

The huge artillery Luen Sharef was destroyed, and the right leg below the knee was no longer visible, and he did not have any brilliant weapons in his hands. If it weren’t for the light blue diamond-shaped defensive barrier appeared all over her body, I believe Uliss would have solved her.

“I’m sorry, Senior Jules!”

“No… it’s okay.”

Glancing at Aldi, who had a huge knife mark on her body, Jules shook her head: “I can only say that this is the opponent’s advantage. We are still a little ill-conceived.”

“But now we have the advantage. As long as we continue, we can win this victory.”

“It’s hard to say, Huayan Witch.”

Slowly falling from the air, Limsey said calmly: “I admit that if we didn’t use that, we would lose in this battle. Although we were reluctant, it was all for the master’s reputation.”

“Big fool, be prepared.”

“Hahahahahaha, we have been waiting for a long time!”

Throwing the sledgehammer in his hand casually, Aldi laughed and said, “Come on, Limsey! Let our respectable opponent see it!”

“Finally, the hole card!”

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